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Making a Difference in Minnesota Tech In-Service Training Peter Fleck December 5, 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "Making a Difference in Minnesota Tech In-Service Training Peter Fleck December 5, 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 Making a Difference in Minnesota Tech In-Service Training Peter Fleck December 5, 2007

2 Making a Difference in Minnesota Agenda Blogging NetFiles UMWiki

3 Making a Difference in Minnesota Blogging Login with x.500 Start blogging!

4 Blog Setup

5 Name the blog Name of blog could go here but no spaces UTC-6 or Central

6 Rebuild



9 Your new blog: Settings

10 Your new blog: Description

11 Your new blog: Preferences

12 Your new blog: Copyright

13 Making a Difference in Minnesota SAVE

14 Prefs: New Entries

15 Prefs: Feedback

16 New Entry: Advanced Screen

17 New Entry Setup

18 New Entry: Custom Screen

19 Making a Difference in Minnesota More Entries Comments Notifications

20 Making a Difference in Minnesota NetFiles

21 Making a Difference in Minnesota Enable NetFiles in your Internet Acct Sign in Other Accounts: NetFiles Enable your NetFiles Account

22 Making a Difference in Minnesota Accessing NetFiles Sign in

23 NetFiles Look

24 NetFiles: Upload a File

25 NetFiles: Choose the File

26 NetFiles: File uploaded

27 NetFiles: Create directory Name the directory and click OK

28 NetFiles: New directory

29 Making a Difference in Minnesota NetFiles: UMN Orientation Start at slide 8: Share a file

30 Making a Difference in Minnesota NetFiles: Classes Free

31 Making a Difference in Minnesota UMWiki

32 Making a Difference in Minnesota What’s a wiki? “a website with pages that can be edited by any visitor” Created by Ward Cunningham in 1995

33 Making a Difference in Minnesota Create a wiki

34 Making a Difference in Minnesota Create a wiki 2

35 UMWiki Form

36 Making a Difference in Minnesota Go to your new Wiki! By default your wiki is viewable by anyone and editable by UMN staff, students, & faculty.

37 Making a Difference in Minnesota Wiki editing movie

38 Making a Difference in Minnesota Wiki Lists [] = space [][][]*[]starts a bullet list [][][]1[]starts a numbered list. Wiki keeps track of numbering.

39 Making a Difference in Minnesota Wiki tips %BR% breaks a line Create a new page with a WikiWord (also known as a bumpy word)

40 Making a Difference in Minnesota social bookmarking Social bookmarking?

41 Exploring the tag universe On the EXT_FD, click the community_engagement tag.

42 Create a account

43 Making a Difference in Minnesota Fill out the form Password: At least 6 characters Letters & number(s) Don’t include any part of your user name.

44 Making a Difference in Minnesota Install tools Follow online instructions

45 Delicioius shot

46 Del demo



49 Delicioius shot

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