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Child Abuse linked to a belief in Witchcraft and Spirit Possession Keeping the Children in Mind Kellie Ann Fitzgerald Newham LSCB.

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Presentation on theme: "Child Abuse linked to a belief in Witchcraft and Spirit Possession Keeping the Children in Mind Kellie Ann Fitzgerald Newham LSCB."— Presentation transcript:

1 Child Abuse linked to a belief in Witchcraft and Spirit Possession Keeping the Children in Mind Kellie Ann Fitzgerald Newham LSCB

2 2000 Anna/Victoria Climbié You could beat her and she would not cry……she could take the beatings and the pain like anything. Victorias Carer

3 2001 Adam/Ikpo Mwosa The headless, limbless body of a boy aged between five and six was found floating in the river Thames

4 2003 Child B "She pulled out a little knife and she did little marks on me. I was bleeding. The three of them surrounded me and one kicked me, one slapped me and one pushed me. I asked myself, What have I done?"

5 2008 Khyra Ishaq Khyra dropped down as she walked after a spirit got into her body, it was evil and it was trying to control her body because Khyra had accepted it as a friend Sibling

6 Shared Experiences: Separated Isolated Starved Scapegoated Harmed Traumatised

7 Partnership Working to Safeguard Children from Abuse linked to a belief in Witchcraft and Spirit Possession Shared Thinking Shared Knowledge Shared Expertise Shared Processes A Shared Message

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