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An Automated Approach for Acceptance Web Test Case Modeling and Executing XP,2010 102522064 蔡侑儒 Felipe M. Besson, Delano M. Beder, and Marcos L. Chaim.

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Presentation on theme: "An Automated Approach for Acceptance Web Test Case Modeling and Executing XP,2010 102522064 蔡侑儒 Felipe M. Besson, Delano M. Beder, and Marcos L. Chaim."— Presentation transcript:

1 An Automated Approach for Acceptance Web Test Case Modeling and Executing XP,2010 102522064 蔡侑儒 Felipe M. Besson, Delano M. Beder, and Marcos L. Chaim School of Arts, Sciences and Humanities University of S˜ao Paulo

2 Outline Introduction Related Work The Approach Conclusions 2

3 Reason for reading this research ? Web applications Become an essential part of many business strategies Highly competitive environment Frequent changes Frequent customer’s feedbacks Short deadlines Highly customized Incremental deliverables 3

4 Introduction Agile software development processes Test-Driven Development (TDD) 4 Drawback : tests are only written by the developer Acceptance Test-Driven Development (ATDD) Acceptance tests written by the customer Understanding exactly what customers want

5 Related Work A Web Testing Model - by Qianet al A web application is defined in a PFD (Page Flow Diagram) Then converted into a PTT (Page Test Tree) 5

6 Related Work Test case skeletons derived from tree paths 6

7 Related Work The ATTD current approaches and tools  Difficult to use  Need to learn new programming language  Bad interface 7

8 The goal of this approach 8 1.Graphical interface 2.Assist developers to automatically generate acceptance tests 3.Supply a communication interface between the customer and the development team 4.Automatically execute acceptance test cases

9 The Approach 9

10 Tools Suite Two tools are both open source AcceptLink : Correspond to a web application developed in PHP and Java steps 1 to 5 AWTAF (Automated Web Test Application Framework) : Automate web functional tests execution using Selenium RC, HttpUnit or HtmlUnit step 6 10

11 Ex. Book shop website 11 books are added into the shopping cart First purchase? Sign up Sign in Choose the type of payment credit card debit Confirm

12 Step 1 12

13 Step 2 Each user story is mapped into a graph Based on Qian’s work removes the existing cycles generates a test tree 13

14 Steps 3 and 4 All the testing scenarios generated are displayed the customer and developers discusses and validates If the customer considers a particular scenario correct inform the inputs and expected results If not steps 1, 2 and 3 have to be do again until the customer considers it correct. 14

15 Step 5 Finally Testing scenarios are converted into automated test scripts 15

16 Step 6 Then Use AWTAF tool to run the automated acceptance test case modeled 16

17 Conclusions This paper described an approach to assist the ATDD use in web applications. In comparison to current ATTD tools  supporting customer-developement team communication  test scenario selection using a summary graph New features allowing to test AJAX features are under study Further experiments are planned 17

18 18 Q&A

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