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2004 Globalization of Export Controls-A Speaker Perspective1 Regulators Look at Strategic Trade Controls in a New Era Introduction by Nineta Bãrbulescu.

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Presentation on theme: "2004 Globalization of Export Controls-A Speaker Perspective1 Regulators Look at Strategic Trade Controls in a New Era Introduction by Nineta Bãrbulescu."— Presentation transcript:

1 2004 Globalization of Export Controls-A Speaker Perspective1 Regulators Look at Strategic Trade Controls in a New Era Introduction by Nineta Bãrbulescu Head of Romania National Agency for Export Controls - Prepared for the 17th Annual Conference Globalization of Export Controls London, November 15-17, 2004

2 2004 Globalization of Export Controls-A Speaker Perspective2 Working Hypothesis 1.The level of technology used by the terrorists ( revisit details on September 11, 2001, NY and March 11, 2004 Madrid terrorist attacks) 2.TOP 10 Trends of globalization on export controls 3.What’s next ?

3 2004 Globalization of Export Controls-A Speaker Perspective3 The level of technology used by the terrorists

4 2004 Globalization of Export Controls-A Speaker Perspective4 TOP 10 Trends of Globalization of Export Controls 1.Export controls topics identified on the agenda of various international organizations UN PoA for combating illicit trafficking of SALW in all its aspects or UNSCR 1540/2004; EU (COARM and EC Regulation 1334/2000), OSCE (Document on SALW); SECI (Task Force on combating illicit trafficking with SALW); UN PoA for combating illicit trafficking of SALW in all its aspects or UNSCR 1540/2004; EU (COARM and EC Regulation 1334/2000), OSCE (Document on SALW); SECI (Task Force on combating illicit trafficking with SALW); Stability Pact Regional Implementation Plan on SALW Stability Pact Regional Implementation Plan on SALW 2.Export controls as a new entry on high level political agenda G 8 Summit- France initiative for an International Code of Transparency and Responsibilities for arms trade G 8 Summit- France initiative for an International Code of Transparency and Responsibilities for arms trade 3.A more visible contribution to reshaping global security architecture Expansion of export controls regimes (see REGIONAL table) Expansion of export controls regimes (see REGIONAL table) The Proliferation Security Initiative The Proliferation Security Initiative Global fight against terrorism Global fight against terrorism Regional mechanisms (such as Border Defense Initiative proposed by Romania) Regional mechanisms (such as Border Defense Initiative proposed by Romania) 4.Crystallization of new packages of issues SALW, brokering activities, MANPADS, transparency on arms transfers, stockpiles management, destruction programs SALW, brokering activities, MANPADS, transparency on arms transfers, stockpiles management, destruction programs 5.New concepts ITT, catch all procedure, no undercut policy, non -state actors, extreme vigilance

5 2004 Globalization of Export Controls-A Speaker Perspective5 TOP 10 Trends of Globalization on Export Controls 6.Expanding the export controls scope -brokers, producers, transporters -international transit and transshipment 7.Harmonization of export controls practices –Common list of items and technologies subject of end user control, catch all control, ITT –minimum standards for effectiveness of export controls, pre -undercut consultations –common EUC requirements, reporting and transparency mechanisms 8.New tools -Memorandum of understanding, best practices guidelines, elements for effective legislation, peer review mechanism within EU -Regional reporting mechanisms -Donors and end -users of assistance ( South-Eastern Europe and Asia) 9.Creating of a distinct soft international law - A visible foreign policy commitment doubled by stronger domestic inter-agency regulatory systems 10.Recognizing the contribution of export controls to the fight against terrorism via new counterterrorism competencies -G 8 Action Plan on Non proliferation -2002 Amendment to Initial Elements of WA -EU Action Plan or OPCW Universality Action Plan and Implementation -NATO Civil Emergency Action Plan and the Partnership Action Plan on Terrorism

6 2004 Globalization of Export Controls-A Speaker Perspective6 Export Controls Regimes Expansion EXPORT CONTROLS REGIMES 19992004Enlargement NSG3544 EU Commission= observer New entries: 2000 (Belarus Cyprus Slovenia Turkey) 2002 (Kazakhstan) and 2004 (China Estonia Lithuania Malta) Zangger Com. 3435 EU Commission= observer New entry 2000 Slovenia Australia Group 3038 EU Commission= observer New entries 2000 (Cyprus Turkey) 2001 (Bulgaria) 2004 (Estonia Latvia Lithuania Malta Slovenia) Wassenaar Arrangement 33 Still 33 EU1525 COARM & EC Regulation 1334 HCOC-115

7 2004 Globalization of Export Controls-A Speaker Perspective7 Export Controls in Central and Eastern Europe MTCR

8 2004 Globalization of Export Controls-A Speaker Perspective8 What’s Next ? 1.Convergence of foreign policies strategies – regional basis –See e.g. Basic Principles for an EU Strategy against proliferation of WMD 2.Modernizing the basic concepts of arms control, use of force and non proliferation –Lethal conventional arms approached as WMD –Transfers –Business and security, private and public 3.Tremendous developments of asymmetric threats - Consequences of North Korea withdrawn from NPT, Iran nuclear programme, Irak security, Afghanistan developments a s o. 4.Enlarging the scope of harmonization of national practices –principles of arms exports –criteria for transfers with predictable consequences –establishing and enforcing transparency –contribution to antiterrorism fight 5.Creating of voluntary monitoring and verification mechanisms for export controls 6.The enlargement of export controls community (the Euro - Atlantisation process)

9 2004 Globalization of Export Controls-A Speaker Perspective9 ?

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