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ETE 335 Elementary Social Studies Lesson Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences.

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1 ETE 335 Elementary Social Studies Lesson Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences

2 ETE 335 Elementary Social Studies Lesson Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences Miss Stiles Social Studies-Geography 4 th Grade U.S. Biomes

3 ETE 335 Elementary Social Studies Lesson Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences Goals: Through the course of this lesson, students will understand the uniqueness of each U.S. biome. They will analyze important characteristics as well as how humans effect those characteristics. Objectives: Content/Knowledge: Students will be able to describe the differences between various biomes. Students will be able to assess environmental situations and make a plan to fix them. Students will be able to categorize species and plants based on their biomes. Process/Skills: Students will be able to experiment with materials and create a model of a natural process. Students will be able to organize the elements of a story. Values/Dispositions: Students will be able to interpret a chart and turn it into an appropriate graph. Students will be able to value the importance of the U.S. biomes.

4 ETE 335 Elementary Social Studies Lesson Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences Rationale: It is important for students to engage in this lesson because they should understand the basic geography of the United States. The topic of biomes is important because it explores various aspects of regions, but just one or two specifics. Standards: State – Illinois Common Core or Learning Standards 17.A.2a Compare the physical character- istics of places including soils, land forms, vegetation, wildlife, climate, natural hazards. 17.A.2b Use maps and other geographic representations and instruments to gather information about people, places and environments. 17.B.2bExplain how physical and living components interact in a variety of ecosystems including desert, prairie, flood plain, forest, tundra. 17.C.2c Explain how human activity affects the environment. National – NCSS Themes Students will encounter a variety of themes as they participate in this lesson. This first theme is people, places, and environments. Students will look at various landforms and characteristics in a variety of regions. They will also explore how humans impact these regions. The next theme is science, technology, and society. Students will incorporate this theme into their persuasive proposals on how to save the environment.

5 Logical/Mathematical

6 Logical/Mathematical For this activity, students will be analyzing the average monthly temperatures of a grassland biome city, Chicago. I will provide the students with the average high and low temperatures, and the students will have to reflect the numbers in a line graph. The students will have to remember to label their graph correctly including a title, the axis, units, and a key. Graph of Temperatures Chart

7 Verbal/Linguistic

8 Verbal/Linguistic In this activity, students will be exploring how people are connected to the U.S. biomes. It will focus on the positive and negative effects humans have on the land. Students will be required to do a little bit of research, but the main purpose is persuasion. The students will have to propose a persuasive pitch to the other students about what people should do to better protect the U.S. biomes. Prior to the proposal, the students will be required to fill out a diagram to organize their thoughts. Diagram

9 Musical/Rhythmic

10 Musical/Rhythmic For this activity, students will be required to write the ABC’s of the U.S. biomes. They will have to come up with a word or phrase for each letter of the alphabet that applies to anything to do with a biome. They can choose to focus on one biome or write about them in general. The students will be required to create a booklet out of the ABC’s of Biomes. Also, the students will be required to draw an illustration for at least 10 of the letters. The students will share these ABC books in small groups.

11 Visual/Spatial

12 Visual/Spatial To begin this activity, I will read a picture book to the class. The book is titled Explore the Grasslands by Kay Jackson. It is all about the grasslands that provides tons of facts, research, and high-quality photos. Students will understand their relationship with the grasslands by engaging in this book. Once I have finished reading the book, we will work on a story map. The story map will fully engage all students in a graphic organizer that encourages comprehension. Once we are finished with the story map, each student will use it as a reference to create a storyboard. Book Page Story Map Template Storyboard Template

13 Body/Kinesthetic

14 Body/Kinesthetic For this activity, students will be creating a model demonstration of a process that occurs in the biomes. In small groups, students will be creating a hill and demonstrating erosion. Prior to creating the hill, students will make individual predictions as to what they will see and what will occur. Each group will receive a plastic tub, dirt, small rocks, large rocks, and sand. The students will have to build the resources up at an incline along one side of the plastic tub. They are able to assemble the resources in any way they wish. Once the students have their hills built, we will gently pour water down the side of the hill and watch it erode away. Afterwards, the students will go back to their original predictions and compare it with what actually occurred.

15 Interpersonal

16 Interpersonal For this activity, I will place students in groups of about 4 to research one of the seven U.S. biomes. Each group will be assigned a different biome to research and become experts on. The students will be required to create a powerpoint presentation, poem, and some sort of hand out (crossword puzzle, word search, vocabulary sheet, etc.). They will be required to include information such as the climate, animals, states it covers, animal adaptations, and physical characteristics. The students will then present all of their projects to the class. I will provide plenty of research and preparation time for the groups in class. U.S. Biome Chart Biome Resource for Students

17 Intrapersonal

18 Intrapersonal This activity will go hand-in-hand with the interpersonal activity. While the other groups are presenting, the other students are required to take notes on the presentations. They are to write about new things they learned as well as how it compares or contrasts with their topic. Once all presentations are over, each student will be required to add to this response by discussing their OWN presentation. They will reflect on their presentation in terms of how well they think they did as a group and how well they introduced the information. They will also evaluate themselves based on how much they contributed to the group preparation and presentation.

19 Naturalistic

20 Naturalistic For this activity, students will be making an important decision related to nature. Students will be given a specific task that requires them to do some research related to the plant life that lives in specific biomes. The students will have to analyze what trees and physical features (hypothetically) they would like to add to a specific area in order to better the area. This activity will encourage students to dig deep into what we have been learning throughout the lesson. The students will have to organize their decisions in a diagram rather than writing it in a paper. Diagram

21 ETE 335 Elementary Social Studies Lesson Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences Assessment: 1. In order to assess my students, I will be doing a lot of observation and taking down of data. I will observe how well my students work on the activities, how well they work with others, whether or not the activity is done on time, creativity, etc. Also, I will assess the students on how well they present information for specific activities such as the projects on the specific biomes or any other activities I require them to present. All along, the students will be turning their work in to me and I will assess it based on rubrics and or checklists. At the end of the entire lesson, there will be a large group discussion to check how much students have learned and retained. Online Resources: 1. Geography Delicious BookmarksGeography Delicious Bookmarks

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