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Smart Grids Research in Europe European Commission, DG Research Patrick Van Hove Kasseler Symposium Energie-Systemtechnik 6-7 Oktober 2011 Kassel.

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Presentation on theme: "Smart Grids Research in Europe European Commission, DG Research Patrick Van Hove Kasseler Symposium Energie-Systemtechnik 6-7 Oktober 2011 Kassel."— Presentation transcript:

1 Smart Grids Research in Europe European Commission, DG Research Patrick Van Hove Kasseler Symposium Energie-Systemtechnik 6-7 Oktober 2011 Kassel

2 Sustainability:2020 objectives ü20% of renewable energy in the EU's overall energy mix (Translates into 30-35% of electricity from Renewables) ü20% efficiency gains with respect to business as usual ü20% reduction in GHG emissions 2050 objectives Decarbonised power supply Security of supply üReduce dependence on energy imports, reliability Competitiveness: üMarket-based approach to drive overall efficiency EU Drivers: Energy and Climate Policy

3 Energy – Climate objectives require technology answers üSET Plan as the technology pillar supporting policies üAccelerate development and deployment of low-carbon technologies üJoint initiatives European Commission – Member States European Industrial Initiatives: public-private partnerships üElectricity grids, Wind, Solar, Carbon capture and storage, Bio-energy, nuclear, smart cities, Hydrogen & fuel cells European Energy Research Alliance (EERA) üElectricity grids, Wind, Solar- PV & CSP, Carbon capture and storage, biofuels, marine energy, geothermal, materials for nuclear SET Information System - SETIS, Strategic Energy Technologies Plan

4 European Research Initiatives SET Plan EEGI üFirst priority is the 2020 perspective – system integration üNetworks are in the lead – they need to implement the solutions Industrial research – Strategic Agenda 2035 (platform) üIncludes opportunity-driven research üExample of new opportunity: off-shore grids SET Plan EERA Research Alliance üPreparing the EEGI after 2020 Upstream research: European Research Council Education and training & link to research and innovation (KIC) üPreparing tomorrow’s generation of engineers

5 External Drivers in 2020 perspective: Demonstrate and validate the technologies to: Integrate 30-35% of variable renewable electricity Co-ordinate planning and operation of the pan-European network Guarantee a high-level of reliability Improve energy efficiency of the overall electricity supply system Internal drivers : Replace ageing infrastructure Integrate new sources requesting connections Support demand side technologies for efficiency and active participation Reduce overall costs of the power system (CAPEX + OPEX) Enable electrification of the transport sector Increase network flexibility towards 2050 objectives European Electricity Grids Initiative EEGI

6 EEGI in 2020 perspective: unlocking smart grids deployment üMany technology blocks are available, demonstrated in pilots üInnovation in system integration üNeed for large-scale demonstrations to validate the integration üReduce risks of new technology deployment üAnalyse results of demonstrations and business cases üPrepare replication and scaling up EEGI Focus on Smart Grids Demonstrations R&D Costs Risks Roll-out Demonstration

7 Research according to actors and roles: EEGI structure Level 2: Smart distribution network and processes Level 3: Smart Integration Level 4: Smart Energy Management SMART GRIDS Functional level Level 1: Smart Pan-European Transmission network Level 0: New generation technologies Level 5: Smart Customers Customers Distribution Network Transmission Network Electricity generation ESCOs Retailers Aggregators

8 European Research Initiatives SET Plan EEGI üFirst priority is the 2020 perspective – system integration üNetworks are in the lead – they need to implement the solutions Strategic Agenda 2035 (platform) üIncludes opportunity-driven research üExample new opportunity: off-shore grids EERA Research Alliance üPreparing the EEGI after 2020 Upstream research: European Research Council Education and training & link to research and innovation (KIC) üPreparing tomorrow’s generation of engineers

9 Strategic Research Agenda 2035 Smart Grids Platform Many changes since 2007 Smart grids vision now adopted by most stakeholders Focus turning to customer issues Data availability, data privacy Dramatic increase of distributed resources (generation and use) Storage technologies Many pilots/demonstrators are now starting, running Beyond the EEGI, “wide angle” view Energy scenarios: conservative, innovative, disruptive Technology, economics, environment, society, legal, regulation … Agenda 2035 being drafted New structure: stakeholder oriented, integration General Assembly to be organised early 2012.

10 Research Alliance (EERA) Joint Programme National research centres (13+9) established a JP Smart Grids Rationalise R&D and its planning Support to the EEGI Subprogrammes: SP1 Network operation SP2 Energy management SP3 Information and control system interoperability SP4 Electrical storage technologies SP5 Transmission Networks Joint programmes of work Joint deliverables, some already delivered International cooperation

11 Support for the EEGI EEGI estimation of overall costs : 2,000 M € Need to pool resources: EC, Member States, Industry Coordination of ongoing national projects Families of running projects Example: DACH Mapping and clustering exercises started – JRC, AIT Coordination/synchronisation of EC and MS calls for proposals Families of new projects Activities promoted in FP7 WP2012, planning for WP2013 Need for opportunity-driven research Research alliance, FET, etc.

12 FP7 Support to EEGI: 2007-2010 Transmission: üPEGASE, ICOEUR: Coordinated control of pan-Eu network üTWENTIES: Demonstration and validation of new technologies üREALISEGRID, SUSPLAN: Coordinated planning of grid extensions üOPTIMATE: Markets Distribution: üADDRESS: Activate demand üECOGRID-EU, GRID4EU: Large demonstrations üMERGE, G4V: Impact of electric vehicles ICT infrastructure: üINTEGRIS, DLCVIT4IP, MIRABEL, HIPERDNO, OPENNODE, W2E Security: üAFTER, SESAME, EURACOM, ESCORTS, NI2S3 +- 165 M€ for grids projects (2007-2010)

13 FP7 Support to EEGI: 2011-2013 2011 calls: total 50M€ üiTESLA, UMBRELLA: Transmission R&D – coordinated operation üGRID+: Network of demonstration projects üStorage demonstration projects - negotiations starting 2012 calls: total 60M€ üFamilies of projects: DER integration, distributed intelligence, smart customers üPlanning for future electricity highways üICT for Smart energy grids: Decision support, metering infrastructure, power electronics, home systems, standardisation 2013 calls: üPlanning to start next month +- 275 M€ EC for grids projects planned (2007-2012)

14 “Families of projects” national demonstrations/pilots supported by R&D at EC level: üIntegration of medium-size variable distributed resources in distribution networks üEnhancing electricity networks through the use of distributed intelligence üEmpowering smart customers to participate in active demand and energy efficiency Coordination among national activities: üSmart metering infrastructure and data processing R&D at European level: üPlanning of European electricity highways Topics for joint EU/MS actions WP2012

15 EC-supported research on electricity networks EC Framework Programme 6: 2002-2006 üSustainable development, global change and ecosystems üSustainable energy systems (810 M€ over 5 years) Electricity network projects: +- 60M€ EC Framework Programme 7: 2007-2013 üEnergy (2350 M€ over 7 years) üSmart Energy Networks (275 M€ over 6 years) Horizon 2020 (“EC FP8”): 2014-2020 üEnergy (???? €) üA single, smart European electricity grid ü… European smart cities and communities

16 Some key messages A single end-to-end electricity system ü…. With many actors – how to ensure their cooperation? A very complex system üPower technologies, markets, ICT, socio-economics, etc. üServing the customers: price, quality, ease of use, engagement European Commission’s EEGI

17 Thank you for your attention EEGI Implementation plan: Energy Research and innovation: Energy policy: SET Plan information system:

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