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Plagiarism in Coursework and Reports Dr Jonathan Lawry.

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Presentation on theme: "Plagiarism in Coursework and Reports Dr Jonathan Lawry."— Presentation transcript:

1 Plagiarism in Coursework and Reports Dr Jonathan Lawry

2 What is Plagiarism? Plagiarism –its copying from a source without making it clear that the material is not your own Its Cheating! Its Bad for Everyone!

3 The Danger of Googling About Ears by Jonathan Ears are very important, especially for listening out of. Some are big and some are small. Unfortunately some are hairy. Motivated by recent experimental results by Nigel Cooper in the Pysiology Department here in Bristol, we seek an explanation of the asymmetry of the vibration mode of the basilar membrane, across wide a range of frequencies. We study a sequence of 1D models, motivated by the physiology, taking into account effects such as variable bending stiffness and mass, and the presence of hinges. Taking the correct boundary conditions is discovered to be the main cause of asymmetry, which has fundamental implications for more detailed numerical simulations of the entire cochlea.

4 Google can Catch you out! Typing in the red section into google finds one link… This belongs to Dr Martin Homer. His web page contains exactly this passage. Jonathan gets zero marks – and maybe worse

5 What is Acceptable? Ears are very important, especially for listening out of. Some are big and some are small. Unfortunately some are hairy. I have no idea about ears myself but some people study them. For example Dr Martin Homer [1] comments Motivated by recent experimental results by Nigel Cooper in the Pysiology Department here in Bristol, we seek an explanation of the asymmetry of the vibration mode of the basilar membrane, across wide a range of frequencies. We study a sequence of 1D models, motivated by the physiology, taking into account effects such as variable bending stiffness and mass, and the presence of hinges. Taking the correct boundary conditions is discovered to be the main cause of asymmetry, which has fundamental implications for more detailed numerical simulations of the entire cochlea. [1] Dr Martin Homer, Research Interests,, 2006

6 Or Better Currently there is a great deal of research interest into applying mathematical modelling to study the working of the ear. For example, Dr Martin Homer at the University of Bristol [1], in collaboration with colleagues in Biology, has studied the way in which the basilar membrane vibrates across a range of frequencies…. [1] Dr Martin Homer, Research Interests,, 2006

7 Computer Programs Some of the units that you take teach programming and the coursework is specifically to test your programming skill. Do not copy your code or even small sections of your code. Do not allow anyone to copy your code. The faculty and particularly the CS department has software that automatically checks for copying. You will get found out!!

8 Computer Programs- Clarification You can talk to each other about ideas e.g. what is the best type of search method to use in this case You can look at someone elses code, but beware that similarity in style, names of variables etc. will be considered cheating. Sometimes you can agree with the unit director in advance to work in a group. The mark is then shared.

9 Other Types of Plagiarism Using statistics, tables, figures, data, diagrams, images without acknowledgement or reference. Submitting, in whole or in part, work that has previously been submitted at the University or elsewhere. Buying or commissioning work – e.g. essays or programs.

10 Penalties Minor cases/ first offence:-zero marks, a formal interview and written reprimand. Serious cases / repeated offence:- formal interview, on record reprimand to be mentioned in references, possible lower degree classification or exclusion from the degree.

11 Your are Cheating Yourself The reason you are here is to learn and develop skills – cheating stops you doing that! Most cheating is not cold and calculated. It comes from feeling under too much pressure with deadlines. If desperate talk to the lecturer or unit organizer and try to arrange an extension.

12 If you are accused of plagiarism See your tutor. They will offer help and advice and will be able to sit in with you at interviews Its best to tell the truth!

13 Some Links University regulations:- student handbook nt/ughandbook/plagiarism.htm nt/ughandbook/plagiarism.htm Computer Science:- ources/COMS12100/organise/cheating.h tml ources/COMS12100/organise/cheating.h tml

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