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Review Chapter 24. evpi,steusa( dio. evla,lhsa( kai. h`mei/j pisteu,omen( dio. kai. lalou/men I believed, therefore I spoke, we also believe, therefore.

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Presentation on theme: "Review Chapter 24. evpi,steusa( dio. evla,lhsa( kai. h`mei/j pisteu,omen( dio. kai. lalou/men I believed, therefore I spoke, we also believe, therefore."— Presentation transcript:

1 Review Chapter 24

2 evpi,steusa( dio. evla,lhsa( kai. h`mei/j pisteu,omen( dio. kai. lalou/men I believed, therefore I spoke, we also believe, therefore also we speak (2 Corinthians 4:13)

3 evgw. evba,ptisa u`ma/j u[dati( auvto.j de. bapti,sei u`ma/j evn pneu,mati a`gi,w|Å "I baptized you with water; but He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit.“ (Mark 1:8)

4 kaqw.j evme. avpe,steilaj eivj to.n ko,smon( kavgw. avpe,steila auvtou.j eivj to.n ko,smon Even as You sent Me into the world, so also I sent them into the world (John 17:18)

5 ;Hkousen VIhsou/j o[ti evxe,balon auvto.n e;xw kai. eu`rw.n auvto.n ei=pen\ su. pisteu,eij eivj to.n ui`o.n tou/ avnqrw,pouÈ Jesus heard that they threw him out and finding him he said, do you believe in the son of man? (John 9:35) Finding

6 eiv ouv poiw/ ta. e;rga tou/ patro,j mou( mh. pisteu,ete, moi If I do not do the works of My Father, do not believe Me (John 10:37).

7 avpo. tw/n karpw/n auvtw/n evpignw,sesqe auvtou,j From their fruit you will know them (Matthew 7:16).

8 avkolouqe,w I follow, accompany

9 avkolouqou/sin auvtw/| oi` maqhtai. auvtou/ His disciples follow him

10 avkolouqh,sw ton kurion I will follow the Lord

11 hvkolou,qei auvtw/| o;cloj polu.j And many multitudes were following Him

12 proseucomai I pray

13 evrwta,w I ask, request, entreat

14 o` VIhsou/j hvrw,ta tou.j maqhta.j auvtou/ le,gwn\ ti,na le,gousin oi` a;nqrwpoi ei=nai to.n ui`o.n tou/ avnqrw,pouÈ Jesus was asking His disciples, saying, “Who do men say the Son of Man is?” (Matthew 16:13). Saying

15 ~O de. ei=pen auvtw/|( Ti, me le,geij avgaqo,nÈ Ouvdei.j avgaqo,j( eiv mh. ei-j( o` qeo,jÅ Eiv de. qe,leij eivselqei/n eivj th.n zwh,n( th,rhson ta.j evntola,jÅ But he said to him, Why do you say to me good? No one is good except one, God. But if you want to enter into life, keep the commandments (Mt 19:17). To enter

16 kai. kale,seij to. o;noma auvtou/ VIhsou/n\ auvto.j ga.r sw,sei to.n lao.n auvtou/ avpo. tw/n a`martiw/n auvtw/nÅ …and you shall call His name Jesus, for it is He who will save His people from their sins (Matthew 1:21).

17 avlla. e;rcetai w[ra kai. nu/n evstin( o[te oi` avlhqinoi. proskunhtai. proskunh,sousin tw/| patri. evn pneu,mati kai. avlhqei,a|\ But an hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers shall worship the Father in spirit and truth (John 4:23)

18 tau,thn th.n evntolh.n e;labon para. tou/ patro,j mou I received this commandment from my Father (John10:18).

19 h`mei/j de. ouv to. pneu/ma tou/ ko,smou evla,bomen avlla. to. pneu/ma to. evk tou/ qeou/ But we did not receive the spirit of the world, but the spirit of God (1 Corinthians 2:12).

20 Present lu,w lu,eij lu,ei Sg lu,ome n lu,ete lu,ousi n Pl Active lu,sw lu,seij lu,sei lu,some n lusete lu,sousi n Future Active e;luon e;luej e;lue (n) e;luom en e;luete e;luon Imperf Active Aorist Active e;lusa e;lusaj e;luse e;lusam en e;lusate e;lusan

21 To,te o` VIhsou/j evla,lhsen toi/j o;cloij kai. toi/j maqhtai/j auvtou/ Then Jesus spoke to the multitudes and to His disciples

22 Au[th evsti.n h` evntolh. h` evmh,( i[na avgapa/te avllh,louj kaqw.j hvga,phsa u`ma/j This is My commandment, that ya’ll love one another, just as I loved you. (John 15:12).

23 ou]j de. prow,risen( tou,touj kai. evka,lesen\ kai. ou]j evka,lesen( tou,touj kai. evdikai,wsen\ ou]j de. evdikai,wsen( tou,touj kai. evdo,xasenÅ But who he predestined, these also he called, and who he called, these also he justified, but who he justified, these also he glorified (Romans 8:30)

24 oi` de. ei=pan\ pi,steuson evpi. to.n ku,rion VIhsou/n kai. swqh,sh| su. kai. o` oi=ko,j sou But they said, “Believe on the Lord Jesus and you shall be saved and your house.”

25 kai. evla,lhsan auvtw/| to.n lo,gon tou/ kuri,ou su.n pa/sin toi/j evn th/| oivki,a| auvtou/Å And they spoke to him the word of the Lord with all those in his house (Acts 16:32).

26 avpe,rcomai I depart

27 vEk tou,tou polloi. tw/n maqhtw/n auvtou/ avph/lqon eivj ta. ovpi,sw kai. ouvke,ti metV auvtou/ periepa,tounÅ From this many of his disciple were leaving to (go) back and no longer walked with him (John 6:66)

28 a;rcw I rule But with middle voice: “I begin”

29 kai. evplh,sqhsan pa,ntej pneu,matoj a`gi,ou kai. h;rxanto lalei/n e`te,raij glw,ssaij kaqw.j to. pneu/ma evdi,dou avpofqe,ggesqai auvtoi/jÅ And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues, even as the Spirit gave declarations to them (Acts 2:4) They were filled other declarations

30 gra,fw I write

31 kai. gra,yw evpV auvto.n to. o;noma tou/ qeou/ mou kai. to. o;noma th/j po,lewj tou/ qeou/ mou( th/j kainh/j VIerousalh.m And I will write upon him the name of my God and the name of the city of my God, the new Jerusalem (Rev 3:12) New

32 doxa,zw I glorify

33 e;laben de. fo,boj pa,ntaj kai. evdo,xazon to.n qeo.n le,gontej o[ti profh,thj me,gaj hvge,rqh evn h`mi/n But fear took them all, and they glorified God, saying, “A great prophet has arisen among us!” (Luke 7:16) Saying Has arisen

34 dunamij Power

35 Ouv ga.r evpaiscu,nomai to. du,namij ga.r qeou/ evstin eivj swthri,an panti. tw/| pisteu,onti( VIoudai,w| te prw/ton kai. {EllhniÅ For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek (Rom 1:16) I am ashamed

36 khru,ssw I preach, proclaim

37 avlla. ti, le,geiÈ evggu,j sou to. r`h/ma, evstin evn tw/| sto,mati, sou kai. evn th/| kardi,a| sou( tou/tV e;stin to. r`h/ma th/j pi,stewj o] khru,ssomenÅ But what does he say? "The word is near you, in your mouth and in your heart "-- that is, the word of faith which we preach (Romans 10:8) Near

38 pa,ter di,kaie( kai. o` ko,smoj se ouvk e;gnw( evgw. de, se e;gnwn( kai. ou-toi e;gnwsan o[ti su, me avpe,steilaj\ Righteous Father, even the world did not know You, but I knew You; and these knew that You sent Me (John 17:25)


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