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 Welcome! Mrs. Holman Ramirez’s Kindergarten. About Me…  My 17th year teaching  Masters in Education  Experience- Kindergarten, preschool, first grade,

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Presentation on theme: " Welcome! Mrs. Holman Ramirez’s Kindergarten. About Me…  My 17th year teaching  Masters in Education  Experience- Kindergarten, preschool, first grade,"— Presentation transcript:

1  Welcome! Mrs. Holman Ramirez’s Kindergarten

2 About Me…  My 17th year teaching  Masters in Education  Experience- Kindergarten, preschool, first grade, fourth grade, and PE  Enjoy playing soccer, camping, skiing, baking with my daughters, and singing in Redmond Chorale  Married to Chris and have 3 daughters

3 Soccer…

4 Stress of Starting Kindergarten  Watch for signs of stress…  Stomachaches  Sleeplessness  Changes in behavior/attitude  Anxiety-biting nails, twirling hair  Acting “baby-ish”  Remedies: Establish a night time routine, get organized the night before, and get plenty of sleep.

5 Classroom Volunteers  I will be needing parent volunteers throughout the school year. This could include a weekly commitment, attending a field trip, assisting with prep- work or art projects.  We will talk more about this on Curriculum Night.

6 PTA Parent Liaison “Room Parent”  One parent to manage our classroom celebrations and volunteer schedule on  Duties include: emailing volunteers for donations, plan activities with my help, set up, & clean up or… Delegate!  Sign up on Curriculum Night

7 Specialist Schedule PE-9:10, Monday and Thursday- Must Wear Tennis Shoes Music-9:10, Tuesday and Friday Library-9:10, Wednesday

8 Library Michelle Ensey-Librarian  Books go home once a week  Keep them in a special place  Damaged or lost books must be paid for  Books need to be returned on time or your child waits a week to check out another book

9 Birthdays  District policy- No treats  Party invitations must be mailed or delivered outside of school time  Give a wrapped book to the class library-optional

10 School Supplies  Thank You!!!!  Check newsletter for occasional donations and “Wish lists”  Replenish around December and April  Colored copy paper?

11 Lunch  Lunch at school Four choices-  Menu item  Yogurt  Baked potato  Bring from home  Student Number  Practice at home  Will be on name tag first two days  Write on hand  Menu on Sunny Hills Website

12 Snack  Dry, quick, and not messy. Water from classroom only.  Please send in a snack each day  Something they can eat in 10 to 15 minutes or less  Healthy snacks only- no candy please  Please be aware of allergies- walnuts/tree nuts

13  Drop off  Drop off from car lane. Child will walk to courtyard to meet me. Many support staff will be guiding children  Must have light blue ID tag on backpack-color matches my light blue bus sign  Practice the car lane today  Pick Up  Park and walk to courtyard??, Wait in car lane and children will be brought down to car lane- Waiting with support staff  Any long term changes?? Student must have a NOTE FROM HOME (or email) and notify office Drop Off and Pick Up


15 Bus/Mustang Club  Many helpers during first week changes  Notify me of any changes during the year by note only.  Mustang Club-Kids will be escorted to the club the first week of school

16 Bus Continued  If they are riding the bus they must ride the first day.  Can follow in car  I walk students out everyday.  Students must give me one of the 3 H’s: hug, handshake, or high five before leaving me.

17 Weekly Newsletter  Please look for my newsletter emailed to you on Fridays-can be found on my Connect site.  Curriculum covered in class  Important dates and information  Please read my newsletter before emailing me with questions. I would really appreciate it.

18  Will begin in October- Monthly packets sent home or “use your own”  Optional-3 page maximum per week- ”Quality not quantity”  Promotes independence and following directions  Supports daily learning, fine motor practice, and concept reinforcement  Read every night, if possible Homework

19 Bathroom Routines  Child quietly shows me the “T” sign.  Child chooses a buddy and they put a rubber ducky on their desk and walk to the bathroom together.  Whole class trips to the bathroom the first week, or longer, if needed.

20 How we communicate… Classroom Newsletter – Please read every Friday holmanramirezs@issaquah.wednet.ed u (Best way to reach me)holmanramirezs@issaquah.wednet.ed u PTA eNews Sunny Hills’ eNews Sunny Hills’ Website Email Announcements Classroom Voicemail: 837-7427

21 Daily Folders  Stays in back pack  Check every night  Please send any notes to me in the folder  Please remove contents daily

22 Odds and Ends  Curriculum night- September 15 th, 5:30-6:30  Join PTA  Complete paperwork and leave here with me  All About Me- Chart prepared at home  School- read chart, answer questions from classmates, Star of the Week, special star rug  Questions???

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