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AP World History POD #25 – American Supremacy 1968.

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1 AP World History POD #25 – American Supremacy 1968

2 Class Discussion Questions McKay- “Conflict and Challenge in the Late Cold War, 1968-1985”, pp. 1013-1021

3 What is the timeline of events that made 1968 such a tumultuous year? January reformers gained a majority in Czechoslovakia under Alexander Dubcek Vietcong Tet Offensive- Washington could no longer claim victory- the public turned on the war- defeat was at hand

4 What is the timeline of events that made 1968 such a tumultuous year? February Lyndon Johnson withdraws from Presidential campaign

5 What is the timeline of events that made 1968 such a tumultuous year? April American Civil Rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was assassinated, this led to riots in over 60 American cities- hope was fading

6 What is the timeline of events that made 1968 such a tumultuous year? May French university students revolted in Paris Students demanded changes in university curriculum and a real voice in running the university Radicals began attacking capitalism and appealing to industrial labor for help General strike in France fearing communist revolution- new elections were called

7 What is the timeline of events that made 1968 such a tumultuous year? June Presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy is assassinated- a further damper is put on hope

8 What is the timeline of events that made 1968 such a tumultuous year? August riots at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia- the Soviets were determined to control Eastern Europe

9 What is the timeline of events that made 1968 such a tumultuous year? November Richard Nixon is elected President of the United States- a serious move to end the Vietnam War was begun

10 What was the Counter Culture? “The young fashioned a highly publicized subculture that blended radical politics, unbridled personal experimentation (with drug and communal living) and new artistic styles. This subculture quickly spread to major American and Western European cities. Rock music helped tie this international subculture together.” (McKay)

11 How did the Vietnam War polarize the world? many student radicals believed American involvement was imperialistic in nature when in reality war was based on the Cold War policy of containment the United States was defeated here despite her superior military power the United States never understood the war to be more about nationalist self-determination rather than communist vs. non-communist civil war

12 What is détente? relaxation of Cold War tensions

13 Who was Willy Brandt? West German Chancellor Signed a Treaty of Reconciliation with Poland in December 1970 Goal of a comprehensive peace settlement for Central Europe and East / West Germany Negotiated treaties with the Soviet Union, Poland, and Czechoslovakia accepting post-war boundaries Entered into negotiations and formal relations with East Germany

14 Miscellaneous 1975 Helsinki Conference- agreement that Europe’s existing political frontiers could not be changed by force- guarantee of human rights 1979- Soviet invasion of Afghanistan- United States feared the Soviets would next move on the Persian Gulf and its oil President Reagan tried to spend the Soviet Union into bankruptcy and collapse

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