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Political Parties & Democracy
In democracies, citizens organize their political activity through political parties and the election process. Parties develop out of our differences about how to achieve common goals. They are a natural product of a democratic and free society. The founding fathers specifically did not approve of having political parties.
Purpose of Parties “to put forward proposed leaders whom they support for official positions in government.” Parties want to have an impact on public policy, organize the opposition and offer alternatives. Parties create important links between the voter, groups & government. To succeed, they must build consensus.
Party Functions Mobilize ordinary citizens, either to vote or to achieve some other political goal. Recruit and socialize leaders, even in one-party states. Provide a long-lasting sense of party identification. Provide a means for party leaders to control rank and file members.
Party Functions Provide links between:
Branches of government in a separation of powers system. Levels of government in a federal system. Citizens and government in all systems.
Party Functions Parties in Non-democracies-Functions may differ. They may mobilize support for the regime. Recruit and train potential leaders. Oversee the bureaucracy. Spy on population (in totalitarian systems). Not a link between the bottom and top, but a means of social control by the top over the bottom.
Types of Party Systems One-Party Authoritarian-Government & party closely linked. No opposition parties permitted. Example: Communist Party in North Korea Kim Il Sung
Types of Party Systems Dominant Party System; one-party dominates for long periods of time. No legal ban on other parties, but only one party has chance to win office, and there may be informal harassment of opposition parties. Examples: PRI in Mexico until the 1990s, Japan until the 1990s
Types of Party Systems Two Party System. Either party has genuine chance to win office; elections truly competitive. Additional parties not outlawed but have serious difficulty winning because of electoral system. Tend to be general parties; end to be stable. Disadvantage: Voters limited to two choices. Examples: United States, Canada, Britain, New Zealand
Types of Party Systems Multi-Party System. Competitive elections with multiple parties ensure that no one party can dominate for long. Parties tend to be more doctrinaire and distinctive, giving voters more choice. By far the most common. In Multi-party states, it’s difficult for any one party to win a majority. Coalition with similar parties become necessary. But coalition partners may resign over particular government policies, so this system is less stable. Example of government instability: Italy, from 1945 to 1995, had 44 different coalition governments.
Parties in the US Any American citizen may join a political party regardless of age, but most members are eighteen or older. The United States has a two-party system. The Republicans emerged as a major party in 1860 with the election of Abraham Lincoln. The Democratic Party formed under Andrew Jackson twenty years earlier.
Hamilton vs. Jefferson Political parties first emerged when followers of Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson disagreed over major issues on the Constitution and government. Jefferson’s group took the name Democratic-Republicans. Due to experience with Britain, they feared a powerful central government. They wanted the states to hold greater power. Hamilton championed a strong national government with a powerful chief executive. His followers called themselves Federalists, after those who supported the Constitution.
Jacksonian Democracy Reigns
In 1828, the farmers and small business owners who made up Jefferson’s party, calling themselves the Democratic Party, nominated Andrew Jackson. He stood for the common citizen, but looked out for southern and western interests. Those who did not support Jackson formed their own party called Whigs, after a Scottish political leader. Their real name was the National Republican Party. The Whigs and Democrats made up the two key parties in American politics for two decades.
The Two Major Parties Emerge
In 1854 Whigs, former Free Soil Party members, and ex-Democrats formed the Republican Party to oppose the spread of slavery in US territories. The Whigs faded from American politics leaving the Democrats and Republicans in a two-party system that has dominated American politics ever since. However, at that time, Republicans were for a strong national government, while Democrats supported states’ rights.
Progressive Party In 1912, the Progressive Party was born out of the Republicans. At this point the rest of the Republicans moved to a more conservative, small government position. Progressives supported womens’ rights, minimum wage, and a national health care program.
Progressive Party Progressive Republicans eventually split the Republican Party and in the 1930’s supported Franklin D. Roosevelt and his New Deal. This was the birth of the modern Democratic Party. Thus, the two parties flipped in their support of a strong national government.
Ralph Nader, Green Party Candidate, 2000
Third Parties Any party other than the two major parties can be called a “Third party.” No third party has ever gained control of the White House. Sometimes, third parties win seats in Congress or gain office in lower levels of government. When these smaller groups challenge the two major parties, they can change the outcome of elections. Their most important role is to influence policy on one or more issues. Ralph Nader, Green Party Candidate, 2000
Third Parties at the Turn of the Century
In the late 1800s, the People’s Party, or “Populists” became popular. They had the support of farmers and workers who called for better working conditions. They never succeeded in getting a national candidate into office, many of their ideas on workers’ rights became laws in the 20th Century.
The Republicans Split Former Republican President Theodore Roosevelt left the Republican Party and was nominated by the Progressive Party. It was nicknamed the “Bull Moose Party” because TR said he was “fit as a Bull Moose”. TR split the 1912 Republican vote, allowing Democrat Woodrow Wilson to defeat President William H. Taft.
Ideological Third Parties
An ideology is a body of ideas put forth by a person or group. Minor third parties are often formed to support a specific issue. These rise and fall over time. Ideological parties want to change society in major ways. The Socialist and Communist Parties want to nationalize major industries. The Green Party calls for companies to respect the environment.
Cult of Personality Some third parties form from the efforts of famous people. If they cannot gain support from one of the major parties, they form their own. H. Ross Perot’s Reform Party was a force in the 1992 and 1996 elections. This party also placed pro wrestler Jesse Ventura in the governor’s mansion in Minnesota. These parties usually fade after their candidate is defeated.
The Odds Are Against Them
It is difficult for third parties candidates to raise enough money to compete with the major parties. Only one candidate can win in a given district. Usually the winner is either Democratic or Republican. Third-party candidates must show they have support by getting voter signatures to even be placed on the ballot for national office.
Splinter Parties Splinter parties are groups within one of the major parties which splits with the majority in the group usually because of ideological differences. Example: The Tea Party faction in the Republican Party Sometimes these groups divide the major party and form their own party.
The Rise and Decline of Parties
The Results of Reform The worst forms of political corruption were reduced. All political parties were weakened; parties became less able to hold officeholders accountable or to coordinate across the branches of government Decline in Party Identification,
The Rise and Decline of Parties
Party realignment Critical or realigning periods: periods when a sharp, lasting shift occurs in the popular coalition supporting one or both parties Two kinds of realignments A major party is defeated so badly that it disappears and a new party emerges Two existing parties continue but voters shift their loyalty from one to another Realignments 1860: slavery issue fixed new loyalties in the popular mind 1896: economic issues shifted loyalties to East/West, city/farm split 1932: economic depression triggered new coalition for Democrats and major party shifts
The Rise and Decline of Parties
1980: Could not have been a traditional realignment, because Congress was left in the hands of the democrats Party Decline-Evidence that parties are declining, not realigning: Proportion of people identifying with a party declined between 1960 and 1980; Proportion of those voting a split ticket increased
American Politics Today
Democrats usually feel that the federal government has a responsibility to help the poor through government intervention. Democrats are generally seen as liberal. Republicans hold the view that leaving the economy alone will allow for growth, giving people greater ability to help themselves. They believe in less regulation. Republicans are viewed as being conservative.
Parties Move Towards The Center
A platform is a statement that puts forth the party's positions on issues. Each individual issue is called a plank. Both parties want votes. As a result, parties become more moderate in their platforms, moving away from extreme positions. The American people generally agree about many issues. This unity forces the two parties toward the center of the political spectrum.
Major U.S. Political Parties
Republican National Party- Democratic National Party - Minor U.S. Political Parties: Green Party Democratic Socialist of America Libertarian Party Constitution Party Independent
Major U.S. Political Parties
Chance of winning statewide or national office low: Electoral College; Presidential candidates must win 270 electors (out of 538) to win office; Example: Ross Perot & Reform Party in 1992 won 19% of the popular vote but not one elector.
Benefits of the American Two Party System
Voting Stimulate Interest in Public Affairs Recruit Political Leadership Usually serve to unite different function Important linkage institution Bridge separation of powers
Negatives of the American Party System
How candidates are chosen The Two Parties represent no real choice Parties ineffective in bringing about necessary reform Parties are not competitive
Democratic Party (liberal)
The Democratic Vision The Democratic Party is committed to keeping our nation safe and expanding opportunity for every American. That commitment is reflected in an agenda that emphasizes the security of our nation, strong economic growth, affordable health care for all Americans, retirement security, honest government, and civil rights. (
Democratic Points of Interest
1792 Founding of the party by Thomas Jefferson 1798 “Party of the Common Man” Democratic Republicans 1800 Thomas Jefferson 1st Democratic President 1840 Officially named, Democratic party 1984 Geraldine Ferraro 1st woman VP candidate 1996 Bill Clinton, 1st Democrat to win re-election since Franklin Roosevelt Democratic Symbol-donkey Democratic Platform Honest Leadership & Open Government Real Security Energy Independence Economic prosperity & Educational Excellence A Healthcare System that Works for everyone Retirement Security
Republican Party (conservative)“GOP””Grand Old Party”
Points of Interest 1850’s founded by anti-slavery activists 1854 1st meeting, Michigan “Republican” was chosen to honor the memory of Thomas Jefferson’s Democratic Republican party 1856 Became National party 1860 Abraham Lincoln 1st Republican to become President 1917 1st woman elected to Congress, Jeanette Renkin, Michigan
Republican Party (conservative)“GOP””Grand Old Party”
Republican Symbol-elephant Republican Platform Winning the War on terror Ushering in an ownership era Building an Innovative Economy to Compete in the World Strengthening Our communities Protecting Our families
Impact of Minor Parties
Conventional wisdom holds that minor parties develop ideas that the major parties adopt Factional parties have had probably the greatest influence on public policy Any political party organized in at least a few states, other than the 2 current leading parties History of American Third Parties-No minor third party as ever come close to winning the presidency
Impact of Minor Parties
Types of Third Parties Sectional or “Splinter” Parties-Divisions within major parties Economic Protest Parties IdeologyParties Charismatic Personality Parties Specific Issue Parties Combination Parties
Impact of Minor Parties
Purpose of Third Parties-“The electoral progress of third parties is in direct proportion to the failure of the two major parties to incorporate new ideas.” Though very rare, a third party may replace one of the major parties Third Parties have influence
Political Parties Organization
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