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Mammals Test #5.

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1 Mammals Test #5

2 Class Mammalia Have hair Most have an active metabolism Endothermic
Efficient respiratory and circulatory systems (4 chambered heart) Diaphragm helps with lungs Has mammary glands that produce milk

3 Reproduction Most are born and not hatched Internal fertilization
Embryo develops in the uterus Uterus forms a placenta- where nutrients diffuse into the embryo’s blood

4 Brain Usually larger Capable of learning
Care for young longer to teach them skills Needed for survival

5 Feeding Teeth come in a variety of shapes and sizes that are adapted to eat different kinds of foods Incisors and canines-shearing or tearing Premolars and molars- grinding Jaws that are different from reptiles

6 Major Orders of Mammals
Monotremes Marsupials Plancentals

7 Monotremes Comes from the greek word monos (single) trema (hole).
Have a cloaca Lack teeth as adults Have a spur on the legs in the ankle region that contains venom in a platypus. Legs are on the sides of their bodies like reptiles instead of underneath the body like most mammals.

8 Monotremes Platypuses and Echidnas (spiny ant eaters)
Only mammals that lay eggs Contain yolk to nourish young Have hair and produce milk No nipples-glands secrete milk on stomach and the babies suck milk from fur Found in Australia and New Guinea Infant echidnas are known as puggles.

9 Marsupials Opossums, Kangaroos, Bandicoots, and Koalas
Born very early in development and completes embryonic development while nursing Young are held in a pouch called a marsupium Example: The red kangaroo is the size of a honeybee at birth and is born 33 days after fertilization. It then crawls from the exit of the reproductive tract to the pouch Front limbs are more developed at the time of birth for climbing.

10 Marsupials Reproduction
Females have 2 vaginas that lead to two separate uteruses Females have a third canal that is used for birth Males have a pronged penis that is only used to transfer sperm (not used for urination). Both sexes have a cloaca

11 Placentals Gets it’s name from the placenta
Organ that transfers nutrients, oxygen, carbon dioxide, and wastes between mother and embryo Allows the embryo to develop for a longer time period inside the mother Rats: a few weeks Elephants: two years

12 12 Major Orders Insectivores (shrews, hedgehogs, moles)
Insect eaters Have long narrow snouts and sharp claws for digging Sirenians (Manatees, dugongs) Herbivores Live in rivers , bays and warm costal waters scattered throughout most of the world Slow, large, fully aquatic mammals

13 12 Major Orders Cetaceans ( Whales, dolphins) Chiropterans (Bats)
Live underwater but must come to the surface to breathe Most live and breed in the ocean Chiropterans (Bats) Winged mammals Only mammals that can fly 1/5 of all mammalian species Eat mostly fruit, insects, or nectar but some feed on the blood of other vertebrates

14 12 Major Orders Rodents (Mice, rats, voles, squirrels, beavers, porcupines, gophers, chipmunks, gerbils, prairie dogs, chinchillas) Have a single pair of long, curved incisor teeth in upper and lower jaws Gnaw wood and other tough plant material Perissodactyls (horses, tapirs, rhinoceroses, and zebras) Hofed animals with an odd number of toes on each foot

15 12 Major Orders Carnivores (dogs, foxes, bears, racoons, walruses)
Stalk or chase prey by running or pouncing, then kill with their sharp teeth or claws Some eat plants and meat Artiodactyls (Cattle, sheep, goats, pigs, ibex, giraffes, hippopotami, camels, antelope, deer, gazelles) Hoofed mammals have an even number of toes on each foot Mostly large grazing animals

16 12 Major Orders Lagomorphs (hares and rabbits)
Herbivores Only have a pair of incisors in the upper jaw Most have hind legs adapted for leaping Xentharthrans (sloths, anteaters and armadillos) Have simple teeth without enamel Some have no teeth at all

17 12 Major Orders Proboscideans (elephants)
Animals with trunks Used to include mastodons and mammoths, but today we only have African and Asian elephants Primates (lemurs, tarsiers, apes, gibbons, macques, humans) Have a highly developed cerebrum and complex behavior

18 Primates Early primates Insectivores Cretaceous period
Probably small and tree dwelling because they had limber shoulders to swing on trees and hands to hang on branches Claws were replaced with nails Sensitive, long fingers and toes Eyes are close together in front of their face (binocular vision) Have depth perception that helps with swinging Increased parental care

19 Primates 2 Sub orders Prosimians “pre-monkeys” Anthropoids
Lemurs, lorises, pottos, and tarsiers More like early primates Anthropoids Monkeys, apes, and humans Fossils indicated they were already established in Africa and Asia 40 mya

20 Prosimians Small Nocturnal primates with large eyes adapted to see in the dark Many have dog-like snouts

21 Anthropoids Anthropoid means “human-like primates”
Branched into two based on evolutionary history New World monkeys and Old World monkeys

22 Monkeys Came to South America by raft (continents were closer together then) or by migration

23 New World Monkeys Arboreal-live and swing on trees
Have long prehensile tails that coil around branches nostrils that open to the side

24 Old World Monkeys Ground dwelling and arboreal
Tail is not for swinging and the nostrils open downward They also have tough seat pads on their behinds Most are diurnal (active during the day) Usually live in bands Hominids are larger

25 Hominids (or “Great Apes”)
Have 4 Genera 1. Hylobates (gibbons) 2. Pongo (orangutans) 3. Gorilla (gorillas) 4. Pan (chimpanzees) 5. Humans

26 Hominids Are larger than monkeys Long arms, short legs, and no tails
All apes can swing from branches Only gibbons and orangutans are arboreal Gorillas and chimpanzees are very social Apes have proportionally larger brains than monkeys Apes behavior is more adaptable Can walk upright and grasp with thumbs

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