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Interactive Notebook With Folding Manipulatives District Days August 4 th and 5 th, 2008 8:00am – 3:45pm.

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Presentation on theme: "Interactive Notebook With Folding Manipulatives District Days August 4 th and 5 th, 2008 8:00am – 3:45pm."— Presentation transcript:


2 Interactive Notebook With Folding Manipulatives District Days August 4 th and 5 th, 2008 8:00am – 3:45pm

3 Nameplate Take out the “Sentence Strip Holder” instructions Choose a piece of 8½” x 11” cardstock Fold away!! Put your name on a sentence strip and display!

4 Why Are We Here? To learn about the Interactive Notebook –Definition - IAN is an organized collection of thoughts, ideas, sketches, data, and equations – a running record of the scientist’s thoughts. To learn about folding manipulatives –Kinesthetic organizational method that motivates and engages students To get our district credits so Ann doesn’t come down the hall with her hair on fire later in the year.

5 Setting Up The Notebook Number ALL The Pages In Your Notebook –Begin With The First Page –Use a Marker or Pen –Put Numbers in Bottom Corner of Each Page –Remember – Odd Numbers are Right Side Pages and Even Numbers are Left Side Pages!!!!

6 Front Cover and Page 1 Your Name Subject 1 st Semester 2008-2009 Class Period 1 Glue in the Formula Chart Here! YOU MUST USE AT LEAST 4 COLORS!!!

7 Inside The Back Cover Glue in the Periodic Table Here!

8 Pages 2 and 3 23 Glue in the page that says: “Keeping Interactive Notebooks In Science: The Left Side” Glue in the page that says: “Keeping Interactive Notebooks In Science: The Right Side”

9 Page 5 4 5 Glue in 3 pages: On the bottom, glue down “Write a Letter” Above that, flap in “Concept Mapping” On top, flap in “Interactive Notebook Left Side Activities”

10 Left Vs. Right – What’s The Difference? Turn to pages 2 and 3 of the notebook. In order for students to “learn” a concept, they must not only be introduced to it and practice it, but they must be able to take that information and use it to create something else – they must implement it!

11 Left Vs. Right continued… This is the foundation for the left vs. right pages –Right pages are where the information is coming in to the brain –Cornell Notes, definitions, etc… –Left pages are where the students show that they have processed information –See page 2 for ideas! THERE CAN NEVER BE A LEFT WITHOUT A RIGHT OR VICE VERSA…THEY GO TOGETHER LIKE PEANUT BUTTER AND JELLY!!

12 Page 4 4 5 Draw a Picture Illustrating the Difference Between Left and Right Sides! You MUST use at least 4 colors! DRAW PICTURE HERE!!

13 Pages 6 and 7 67 Glue in the page that says: “Key Words for Thinking”

14 Pages 6 and 7 67 Thinking Maps Divide page 6 into 4 sections. Read each scenario and draw the thinking map that should be used into each section. Map to describe a chemical reaction Map to compare voluntary and involuntary muscles Map to classify organisms by kingdom Map to describe the steps of the scientific method

15 Pages 6 and 7 67 Thinking Maps Flap the page with all the pictures of thinking maps on top of your page 6 by putting a line of glue on one side of the page only so everything can be seen.

16 Pages 8 and 9 8 9 Unit Reflection Page Title this page “Interactive Notebooking with Folding Manipulatives” We will come back to it later and reflect on all of the things we’ve learned! TABLE OF CONTENTS Left Side Right Side 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21.


18 Update Your Table of Contents! 8 9 TABLE OF CONTENTS Left Side Right Side 1. Name 2. Left Side Activities 3. Right Side Info. 4. Left vs. Right 5. Activity Explanations 6. Thinking Maps 7. Words for Thinking 8. Unit Reflection 9. Table of Contents 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21.

19 What is the Interactive Notebook?? 10 11 IAN Overview 1.Stack 3 sheets of paper cut in half so that each sheet is ¾” higher than the one in front of it. 2.Bring the bottom of all sheets up and align the edges so that all of the layers or tabs are the same distance apart. 3.Fold and crease. 4.Staple along the fold.

20 What is the Interactive Notebook?? 10 11 IAN Overview 1. Label the top and each tab as shown! 2.Using the handout provided, cut out and glue in the information for each tab of the layered book. 3.Don’t worry about reading it all – we’ll be going over it in a minute! The Interactive Notebook BASIC RULES TABLE OF CONTENTS MAKE-UP WORK SUPPLIES IAN TOP TEN

21 Basic Rules of the IAN Some Basic IAN Rules Are As Follows: –Pages May NEVER be removed!!! –The Table of Contents is your guide…if it says page 12, then use page 12 and only page 12. –If it doesn’t fit, flap it in! –Students must keep track of their own notebook – leaving it in the classroom results in a penalty (detention, etc…).

22 Basic Rules of the IAN Continued –Use Color and Creativity!!! –No Blank Pages!!! –Update Your Table of Contents Daily!!! –It may be graded at any time, so be prepared!

23 IAN Overview: Table of Contents The Table of Contents is one of the most important pieces of the Interactive Notebook. It will help you and your students stay organized and effective. Make sure you hang a large one that you keep updated in the classroom for everyone to see! It also helps with make-up work issues!

24 IAN Overview: Make-Up Work Make-Up Work is made easier with the interactive notebook since everything goes inside. Suggestion – get a bin that holds hanging file folders and number each one so that the number on the folder corresponds to the page in the notebook. My make-up work rule is that you must check the table of contents, the make-up bin, and talk to 3 students before you’re allowed to ask me about make-up work.

25 IAN Overview: Supplies Supplies can be difficult to handle. If you pre-cut all papers, students only need the following supplies daily: Glue Markers Hi-lighters Ruler Pen/Pencil Scissors (on occasion) I purchase my supplies from the Dollar Store, but you need to have a plan for handing them out/picking them up…otherwise it gets messy fast!

26 The Interactive Notebook Note-taking becomes an active process. Students will systematically organize as they learn. It is a means of covering large amounts of subject material in an interesting, more individualized manner. Students use both their visual and linguistic intelligences. Students must actively do something with the information Opportunity for practicing basic reading, writing, and research skills Forces teachers to balance between giving information and letting the students process it. Reminds teachers to give students time to absorb. It gives students permission to be creative Notebooks become a portfolio of individual learning.

27 What is the Interactive Notebook?? 10 11 Interactive Notebook Overview Interactive Notebook Important Piece #2 Important Piece #1 Important Piece #4 Important Piece #3 Your Idea On Page 10, Create a Thinking Map to Link the Important Points from the Notebook Overview. Think of at least one idea of how each piece can be implemented in your classroom – you can think of more if you want!!!

28 What is the Interactive Notebook?? 10 11 Interactive Notebook Overview Interactive Notebook Important Piece #2 Important Piece #1 Important Piece #4 Important Piece #3 Your Idea Group Idea Collaborate with your group – Add your group ideas to your concept map! Then, using your large piece of paper, draw your group’s completed concept map and post it on the wall!!

29 Pages 12 and 13 1213 WICR QuickwriteWICR 1.Find the paper with WICR in the middle 2.Shutterfold both sides of the paper to the middle 3.Cut each shutter in half to make a 4-door book WICRWICR

30 Pages 12 and 13 1213 WICR QuickwriteWICR 1.Label each door as shown. 2.Draw a picture on each door to illustrate each of W, I, C, and R. 3.Glue into pg. 13 WICRWICR Writing Inquiry Reading Collaboration

31 Pages 12 and 13 1213 WICR QuickwriteWICR TWO MINUTES!!! 1) What are some ways you use WICR already in your classroom? 2) What are some ways you think the IAN will help you use it more? Rules of a quickwrite – Your pen/pencil may not leave your paper. You may not look up from your paper until the end.

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