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The Wyandot tribe by Tate and Myles.

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Presentation on theme: "The Wyandot tribe by Tate and Myles."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Wyandot tribe by Tate and Myles

2 When and where did they live
The Wyandot lived in Kansas and Ohio

3 Shelter/houses The Wyandot live in villages of long houses
the long houses can be 150 feet long 60 people can live in a long house

4 tools The Wyandot people used bows and arrows.

5 Food The women would harvest corn, beans, squash, and sun flower.
men hunted dear, wild turkey, and small game.

6 Clothing @ men wore deer skin in the winters.
the women wore wraparound skirts.

7 Art The Wyandot Indians did bead work, pottery, and weaving .

8 Other interesting facts
The Wyandot Indians interacted with the Iroquois, and the Seneca tribe.

9 About the other's I’m Tate and I am 10 years old I have1 brother named Brian. I also have a dog who is 2.In dog years that’s 14 year old. Now on to Myles. I’m Myles I am 9 years old. I have 2 frogs. I also have a brother named Alex. I hop you liked the presentation

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