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Problems of Utilization of Human Resources and Ways for Improvement Medea Gotsiridze Prof. expert UNDP- “Gender and Politics in South Caucasus” programme.

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1 Problems of Utilization of Human Resources and Ways for Improvement Medea Gotsiridze Prof. expert UNDP- “Gender and Politics in South Caucasus” programme 17 July 2009

2 Transformation of the labor into the labor with “knowledge”. . Employment programs directed to decrease unemployment and poverty, need the institutional environment to be changed  Effective instruments of retraining to be introduced in order to create a qualified and competitive working force.  Age, gender and education are significant determinants of labour mobility  A gender misbalance is noticeable in the Georgian population: women predominate in the labour force/currently 52%/and exceed 60%of the older group.

3 Paradigms of Education  Despite of high level of women education they are not competitive in the labour market  Vocational/professional education in Georgia has fragmented, temporary.  level of effectiveness of labor market in the country is extremely low.  Unbalance between supply and demand for the human resources is the reason of high level of unemployment and migration of the labor resources.

4 Distribution of Unemployment by Education (Share in the Total Number of Unemployed) Woman and Man 2008, Women Men   Basic general education Basic general education1,83,1 Secondary general education Secondary general education11,320,5 Preliminary professional training Preliminary professional training1,82,1 Secondary professional training 10,06,9 High education 20,022,4 Total44,955,1

5 Education system in Georgia is not market oriented.  Limited employment opportunities  Limited action area  Low level of elasticity  Low labor mobility  Low remuneration  High percentage of the long-term unemployed  High unemployment among the labor resources with higher education  High percentage of informal employment  Domination of the “secondary labor market”  Underdevelopment of the employment infrastructure

6 Unbalance between demand and supply of qualified labour forces Unbalance between demand and supply of qualified labour forces  Lack of human resources management  No legislative base for state regulation of employment exists (in 2006 the law on employment was abrogated)  No state employment service exists  Absence of gender evaluation and monitoring of state interventions in the labour market

7 What should be done  Difficulties at labor market are basically related to training of the labor forces and this is within the sphere of state regulation.  In opinion of 40% of the entrepreneurs, reason of difficulty of personnel recruiting is the fact that professionals demanded at he labor market are not trained in Georgia and 9% are not aware to whom they could apply  Professional market stimulates the qualified workers to change their jobs, have successful carriers, do not restrict themselves to one employer and gain guarantees of employment.  Training and re-training is organic component of the education system of a country and it should be a strategic direction

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