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The Epic Hero Characteristics of the Epic Homer and The Odyssey The Epic … It’s Big.

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Presentation on theme: "The Epic Hero Characteristics of the Epic Homer and The Odyssey The Epic … It’s Big."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Epic Hero Characteristics of the Epic Homer and The Odyssey The Epic … It’s Big

2 Define an epic:  A long narrative poem that traces the adventures of a hero. Told by a narrator. Setting:  setting is huge, and may involve a good deal of travel

3 The main character: Capable of being a hero The action includes: Extraordinary deeds.

4 The purpose: To entertain and to inspire with examples of how individuals overcome great odds. Who else is involved? Gods and supernatural beings are involved in the action.

5 How does an epic usually start or open? It opens with the poet making an invocation, or prayer, for inspiration from the muse of epic poetry. CALLIOPE Muse of Eloquence and heroic Poetry. Her name means fine voice, and she is depicted with stylus and tablets. She was the chief of the muses.

6 The beginning of the tale: Told “in media res” (“in the middle of things”) The narrative includes: Speeches by main characters – including gods and antagonists of the epic hero – which reveal their personalities.

7 What is the mood of the epic? Serious, language is elevated (formal). What else? The use of figurative language (like personification and similes) makes the narrative vivid and exciting.

8 The Epic Hero Label the characteristics on Harry the Hero.

9 Epic Hero: Harry the Hero (Label ALL characteristics on your notes, even though your hero looks different.) Crafty Faces his enemies Questions his own capabilities Has a mentor/guide Emotional Innate sense of justice (right and wrong) Flawed: Has a weakness in character or personality Journey Outside mainstream world or culture

10 The Epic Hero Arete – The striving for excellence both physically and mentally. Strength and intelligence – who could ask for more? Hubris – excessive pride or arrogance; a sin to the gods.

11 Iliad and Odyssey Composed in 800 B.C. Told orally for many generations Homer, a blind poet, gets the credit Iliad  Tell the story of the Trojan War  Battle lasts for 10 years  Odysseus comes up with the idea of the Trojan Horse.

12 The Odyssey Odysseus’s adventures home from Trojan War Leaves Troy with 12 ships and 720 men He encounters monsters enchanting women while trying to get home. Odysseus has great strength and courage, he is also crafty, guile  tricks he uses to get himself out of difficult situations.

13 The Gods …. Odysseus’s return to Ithaca contains instances of divine interference. Odysseus has Athena on his side, but he has displeased the gods on the side of Troy. Odysseus then angers other gods during his travels back to Ithaca. As a result, he is forced to suffer many hardships before he returns home.

14 Cyclops and Circe Cyclops  A race of one-eyed giants  Live solitary lives as shepherds  Polyphemus, son of Poseidon Circe  Goddess and enchantress who lives on the island of Aeaea.  Turns Odysseus’s men into swine.  Circe falls in love with Odysseus.

15 S 2 and C 2 Sirens  Part woman, part bird  Sea nymphs who lure sailors to steer their ships toward the rocks Scylla  Six headed sea monster who devours sailors Charybdis Monster who forms a dangerous whirlpool three times a day. Calypso  Sea Goddess who keeps Odysseus for 7 years.

16 Penelope and Telemachus Penelope  Wife of Odysseus  Waited for him for 20 years  Forced to agree to wed a suitor  Weaves a shroud for father-in-law  Weaves all day, pulls it out at night Telemachus  Son of Odysseus  Was an infant when Odysseus left for the Trojan War

17 The Suitors Live in Odysseus’s palace Consume his wealth with feasts Antinous  Leader of the suitors of Penelope Eurymachus  Second leader of the suitors

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