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UPGRADING TO EXCHANGE 2010 Colin Lee MCM/A – Exchange Practice Executive – UC Dell SESSION CODE: EXL310 (c) 2011 Microsoft. All rights reserved. Sofiane.

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2 UPGRADING TO EXCHANGE 2010 Colin Lee MCM/A – Exchange Practice Executive – UC Dell SESSION CODE: EXL310 (c) 2011 Microsoft. All rights reserved. Sofiane Behraoui MCM – Exchange Practice Lead – GICS Dell ANZ

3 Session Objectives and Takeaways ► Session Objectives – What’s new in Exchange 2010 – Transition and Migration to Exchange 2010 – Take in the Best Practices for deployment – Tips and Tricks to help streamline the process ► Upgrade to Exchange 2010 can be done with no significant user access downtime ► Planning and Preparation will help you succeed ► Use the Tools

4 New from E2003 to E2007 ► Front-End / Back-End ->CAS / MBX / HUB / EDGE / UM ► 64bit servers support ► Active Directory Sites replace Routing Groups ► Autodiscover to automatically configure clients ► Removes Outlook 2007+ need for Public Folders – Availability Service: Free/Busy information read direct from mailboxes, not from Public Folders – Offline Address Book download from Client Access Server ► New admin tools – Exchange Management Console (EMC) and Powershell ► Unified Messaging: Get voice mail in your inbox ► New Developer API: Exchange Web Services (EWS)

5 New from E2007 to E2010 ► Exchange 2010: On-Premise, Office365 or Hybrid ► High Availability: Database Availability Groups (DAG) – Provides HA and disaster recovery – 30-second fail-over with simplified admin experience – Flexibility in storage choices (SATA disks, JBOD, etc.) – Replaces SCC, SCR, LCR, and CCR from E2007 ► 64bit management tool support ► RPC Client Access and Address Book service – Improved High Availability solution – Outlook MAPI connects directly to Client Access Servers ► ExOLEDB, WebDAV and CDOEx are gone – “Entourage EWS” uses EWS

6 Exchange Server 2010 Prerequisites ► Active Directory – Windows 2003 SP2 GC server is installed in each Exchange Active Directory (AD) site No hard requirement for Windows Server 2008 AD – Windows Server 2003 forest functional level – TIP: Windows Server 2008 RODC is cannot replace an GC ► Exchange – All Legacy Exchange CAS and UM servers must have SP2 – Existing servers are Exchange 2003 SP2 or Exchange 2007 SP2. No Exchange 2000 or older servers. ► To install Exchange 2010 on a machine – Windows Server 2008 SP2 or R2 64-bit editions (Std/Ent) – Windows Management Framework –.NET Framework 3.5 SP1 – Internet Information Services (IIS) ► TIP: Use Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 – Supported and Recommended – Hotfixes are rolled into SP1

7 Exchange Server 2010 Updates ► Latest SP1 update – Update Rollup 4 for Exchange Server 2010 SP1 (14.1.323.6) Re-Released July 27, 2011 (MSKB 2579150) ► Latest RTM update – Update Rollup 5 for Exchange Server 2010 (14.0.726.0) Released December 13, 2010 (MSKB 2407113) ► See TechNet Wiki for more info - cles/exchange-server-and-update-rollups-builds- numbers.aspx

8 Setup – New Experience (SP1) ► Install required Windows Roles and Features ► RTM -> SP1 Upgrade – /m:upgrade /installwindowscomponents

9 Setup – New GUI Experience (SP1) ► Apply strict split permissions security model – Typically used by large orgs that completely separate responsibility for management of Exchange and Active Directory between different groups of people – Removes ability for Exchange servers and admins to create Active Directory objects, such as users, groups and contacts, as well as the ability to manage non-Exchange attributes on those objects

10 Outlook 2003 with Exchange 2010 ► Fully Supported – Outlook 2003 by default does not turn on encryption for client – server communication – Outlook 2007/2010 – on by default ► Encryption Options – Option 1: Turn of encryption for client communication Set-rpcClientAccess –server{servername} –encryptionRequired $False – Option 2: Turn on encryption at the client manually or with Group Policies MSKB 2006508 ► Outlook 2003 performance – UDP on Exchange 2010 – Requires Exchange 2010 SP1 RU3 or above (c) 2011 Microsoft. All rights reserved.

11 Upgrading to Exchange 2010 Proxy Internet Facing AD Site Internal AD Site Decommission old servers Upgrade Internal sites NEXT Upgrade Internet-facing sites FIRST Upgrade servers to SP2 1 Move Mailboxes 5 Internet Internet hostname switch Unified Messaging switch SMTP switch Move Infra Pointers 4 SSL cert purchase End users don’t see this hostname Used when new CAS tell clients to talk to legacy environments Legacy hostnames for old FE/CAS 3 Start small Gradually add more servers to support scale Deploy E2010 Servers 2 E200x Servers

12 (c) 2011 Microsoft. All rights reserved. Useful Tools and Scripts

13 Preparation Tools Finding and solving problems before users do Help determine the cause of performance, mail flow, and database issues Simulate and test how a server responds to e-mail loads Remote Connectivity Analyzer Determine overall health of Exchange system and topology Provides customised instructions for upgrading to Exchange 2010 Focus on overall topology readiness

14 Exchange Server Deployment Assistant (c) 2011 Microsoft. All rights reserved. Exchange Server Deployment Assistant is your Best Friend

15 Mailbox Assistants Troubleshooter (SP1) ► Mailbox Assistants perform event-based and time-based functions (e.g., free/busy, resource booking, conversations, calendar repair, etc.) ► Test-AssistantHealth ► Test-AssistantHealth can be used to verify the health of the Microsoft Exchange Mailbox Assistants services, to recover from health issues, and to report on the diagnosis or recovery action ResolveProblems ► Includes ResolveProblems parameter which can – Start the service if it is not running – Restart the service if it is hung or deadlocked for more than 15 minutes

16 Database Log Growth Troubleshooter (SP1) ► Troubleshoot-DatabaseSpace.ps1 ► Troubleshoot-DatabaseSpace.ps1 detects excessive log growth issues and takes action ► By default – Runs every 15 minutes to determine available free space – If free space < 25%, tools runs an algorithm to determine if excessive log growth is cause If it is cause, the tool quarantines or throttles mailboxes causing excessive growth, as appropriate StoreTSConstants.ps1 ► Defaults defined in StoreTSConstants.ps1

17 Database Latency Troubleshooter (SP1) ► Troubleshoot-DatabaseLatency.ps1 ► Troubleshoot-DatabaseLatency.ps1 used by SCOM, but can be used outside of SCOM as a schedule task StoreTSConstants.ps1 – Defaults defined in StoreTSConstants.ps1 ► Checks for database latencies above value of LatencyThreshold (default is 70 ms) ► Checks disk’s transfer rate against read rate and read latency performance counters TimeInServerThreshold ► Checks to see if any user is using more than one thread for duration of TimeInServerThreshold (default is 10 min)

18 Database Latency Troubleshooter (SP1) ► Disk’s transfers-per-second rate < DiskReadRateThreshold ► Disk’s seconds-per-transfer rate > DiskReadLatencyThreshold – If both conditions are true, it indicates that disk has high latency under low load, which often means the disk is going bad and needs replacing TimeInServerThreshold ► User using more than one thread for duration of TimeInServerThreshold – Mailbox quarantined for 6 hours

19 Getting All Logon Statistics from Outlook ► Use Get-LogonStatistics to retrieve data such as logon time, last access time, client version, and adapter speed – Get-LogonStatistics -Server – Get-LogonStatistics -Server ► By default, Outlook 2010 and Outlook 2007 SP3 don’t transmit IP address, MAC address, username or machine name because it is considered PII (privacy) – Check “Enable troubleshooting logging” checkbox or add registry entry to Outlook client to get this info – HKCU\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\14.0\Outlook\CancelRPC\EnablePerfTr acking – HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Office\14.0\Outlook\CancelRPC\EnablePerfTracking DWORD, Value: 0x00000028

20 (c) 2011 Microsoft. All rights reserved. Deployment Considerations

21 ► Deploy Multiple Role Servers – CAS/HUB/MBX collocated – Even in Virtualised environments ► Deploy an CAS array – Use hardware load balancer Note: Virtual equivalents are also available (F5, Kemp, etc) ► Look at flexible storage options – DAS, SAS, SATA – JBOD configurations ► Leverage DAG for HA and DR – They are separate scenarios (c) 2011 Microsoft. All rights reserved. Deploying Exchange 2010 Topology decisions

22 Outlook Web Access – /owa Exchange Web Services – /ews Offline Address Book – /oab Unified Messaging – /unifiedmessaging Outlook Mobile Access – /oma Exchange Control Panel – /ecp Unified Messaging – /unifiedmessaging Namespaces and URLs Outlook Web Access – /exchange, /exchweb, /public Exchange ActiveSync – /microsoft-server- activesync Outlook Anywhere – /rpc POP/IMAP Outlook Mobile Access – /oma Clients and SMTP servers Autodiscover /autodiscover E2003/E2007 services

23 Deploying SSL Certificates ► Use “Subject Alternative Name” (SAN) certificate which can cover multiple hostnames ► Minimize the number of certificates – 1 certificate for all CAS servers + reverse proxy + Edge/Hub ► Minimize number of hostnames – Use “Split DNS” for Exchange hostnames – for Exchange connectivity on intranet and Internet – has different IP addresses in intranet/Internet DNS ► Don’t list machine hostnames in certificate hostname list – Use Load Balance (LB) arrays for intranet and Internet access to servers

24 ► OWA and EWS load balancing require Client  Server affinity – Client-IP based Windows NLB or LB device using cookie- based affinity ► Tell Autodiscover where to send clients. – Configure internalURL and externalURL parameters and virtual directories – Example: Set-WebServicesVirtualDirectory cas2010\ews* - ExternalURL ► Outlook clients connection for intranet MAPI access – Use New-ClientAccessArray and set-mailboxdatabase (c) 2011 Microsoft. All rights reserved. Deploying Exchange 2010 Topology decisions—CAS load balancing

25 ► Obtain and deploy a new certificate that includes the required host name values – – – ► Upgrade all Exchange servers to Service Pack 2 – Enable Integrated Windows Authentication on Exchange 2003 MSAS virtual directory (KB 937031) ► Install and configure CAS2010 servers – Configure InternalURLs and ExternalURLs – Enable Outlook Anywhere – Configure the Exchange2003URL parameter to be (c) 2011 Microsoft. All rights reserved. Switching to CAS2010 Preparatory steps

26 ► Join CAS2010 to a load balanced array – Create CAS2010 RPC Client Access Service array – Ensure MAPI RPC and HTTPS ports are load balanced ► Install HUB2010 and MBX2010 servers – Configure routing coexistence ► Create Legacy hostname in DNS ► Create Legacy publishing rules in your reverse proxy/firewall solution pointed to FE2003 / CAS2007 array ► Use ExRCA to verify connectivity for Legacy hostname against E2003/E2007 (c) 2011 Microsoft. All rights reserved. Switching to CAS2010 Preparatory steps, continued

27 Switching to CAS2010 The switchover involves a minor service interruption 1.Update/Create Autodiscover publishing rule 2.Update Mail publishing rules a.Update paths with new Exchange 2010 specific virtual directories 3.Switch: Move Mail… and Autodiscover… hostnames to point to CAS2010 array 4.Reconfigure CAS2007 internalURLs and externalURLs to now utilize Legacy namespace 5.Disable Outlook Anywhere on legacy Exchange 6.Test that CAS2010 is redirecting/ proxying to CAS2007 (externally and internally) TMG E200x SP2 E2010 CAS+HUB+MBX autodiscover… mail… 11 22 22 11 Clients access E2010 through Autodiscover… and mail… Redirection (legacy…), proxying, and direct access to E2003/E2007 22 legacy… The switchover

28 Client Access Upgrade ► Clients access CAS2010 first ► Four different things happen for E2003/ E2007 mailboxes 1. Autodiscover tells clients to talk to CAS2007 2. HTTP redirect to FE2003 or CAS2007 3. Proxying of requests from CAS2010 to CAS2007 4. Direct CAS2010 support for the service against BE2003 and MBX2007

29 Step 5: Switch Internet e-mail submission to Edge 2010  - Follow this flow for each physical location  - Edge servers are optional  - Edge 2007 SP2 can be used with HUB 2010 SMTP Transport Upgrade E2003 Bridgehead E2003 Back-End E2010 HUB E2010 MBX E2007 HUB E2007 MBX E2010 Edge E2007 Edge Internet SMTP Servers Step 1: Upgrade existing E2003 and E2007 servers to SP2 Step 2: Install HUB and MBX 2010 Step 3: Switch Edgesync +SMTP to go to HUB2010 Step 4: Install Edge 2010

30 Unified Messaging Upgrade ► IP PBXes and GWs – Configure to send all traffic to E2010 UM – E2010 UM will redirect to E2007 UM when necessary ► Lync 2010 – With E2010 RTM, create new dial plan for E2010 UM users – Lync update: Lync will automatically talk to E2010 UM, which will redirect to E2007 UM when necessary ► TIP: UM is not supported in a virtualised environment.

31 ► Co-existence supported for Exchange 2010 and Exchange 2003/2007 ► Outlook can access mailbox data from Exchange 2010 and public folder from Exchange 2003/2007 ► OWA 2010 will allow access to public folders with replica on Exchange 2010 ► Get-PublicFolderStatistics help take action – Move – Delete – Migrate to SharePoint ► Public Folder DB can be located on Exchange 2010 that is part of a DAG but must use PF replication and not DAG technology. (c) 2011 Microsoft. All rights reserved. Public Folders

32 Service Level Agreement ► 1GB mailbox could take 90 minutes or more to move – Pain: User is disconnected for the duration – Pain: Your SLA for availability is not met Availability Yearly Downtime allowed w/ 24-hour day 8-hour day 95%438 h (18.25 d)145.6 h (6.07 d) 99%87.6 h (3.65 d)29.12 h (1.21 d) 99.9%8.76 h2.91 h 99.99%52.56 min17.47 min 99.999% (“five nines”)5.256 min1.747 min 99.9999%31.536 sec10.483 sec Service availability during migration

33 E-mail Client Mailbox Server 1Mailbox Server 2 Client Access Server Online Move Mailbox Minimal disruption Exchange 2010 and Exchange 2007 SP2 Online Exchange 2003 Offline ► Users remain online while their mailboxes are moved between servers – Sending messages – Receiving messages – Accessing entire mailbox ► Administrators can perform migration and maintenance during regular hours ► Also can be used to migrate users from on-premises server to Exchange Online ► Move Request (SP1) performed by MRS on all CAS

34 Time to retire E2003 and E2007

35 Foreign Messaging System Migration ► Lotus Notes – Quest – Binary Tree – Etc… ► Groupwise – Quest – MigrationWiz – Transend – Etc… ► Gmail – MigrationWiz – Transend – Etc… (c) 2011 Microsoft. All rights reserved.

36 Lotus Notes Migration ► Quest – Notes Migrator for Exchange – Coexistence Manager for Notes ► Binary Tree – CMT – Exchange – CMT – Coexistence Hosted Migration possible ► Best Practice – Migrate as Fast as you can – Remediate existing directory and email infrastructure i.e. Enforce mail retention – Use out of the box functionality from Exchange, Quest and/or Binary Tree – Don’t assume you need to migrate everything – Don’t assume you need to migrate applications before e-mail – Don’t ignore potential regional issues i.e. legal and regulatory requirements (c) 2011 Microsoft. All rights reserved.

37 Groupwise Migration ► Quest – Groupwise Migrator for Exchange Working on coexistence ► MigrationWiz – Hosted migration, per mailbox ► Transend – Transend Migrator Multiple platforms supported beyond Groupwise ► Lack of coexistence across all vendors (c) 2011 Microsoft. All rights reserved.

38 Enrol in Microsoft Virtual Academy Today Why Enroll, other than it being free? The MVA helps improve your IT skill set and advance your career with a free, easy to access training portal that allows you to learn at your own pace, focusing on Microsoft technologies. What Do I get for enrolment? ► Free training to make you become the Cloud-Hero in my Organization ► Help mastering your Training Path and get the recognition ► Connect with other IT Pros and discuss The Cloud Where do I Enrol? Then tell us what you think.

39 © 2010 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, Windows Vista and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries. The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this presentation. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information provided after the date of this presentation. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION. (c) 2011 Microsoft. All rights reserved.

40 Sessions On-Demand & Community http:// Resources for IT Professionals Resources for Developers Microsoft Certification & Training Resources Resources (c) 2011 Microsoft. All rights reserved.

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