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Havisham Questions Chloe and Evelyne. Q1. Analyse how the opening sentence conveys the key theme.

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Presentation on theme: "Havisham Questions Chloe and Evelyne. Q1. Analyse how the opening sentence conveys the key theme."— Presentation transcript:

1 Havisham Questions Chloe and Evelyne

2 Q1. Analyse how the opening sentence conveys the key theme

3 A. The inversion is like this as it reveals the lasting and overriding sentiment The sentence structure also reflects the development of Havisham’s spurned relationship

4 Q2. What effect does the metaphor “dark green pebbles for eyes” have on miss Havisham

5 A. Physical imagery conveys the assumption the she has had her eyes shut for so long (from praying so hard) that they have turned into pebbles. Also the ‘green’ connotes jealousy and envy of the freedom of her ex- lover.

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