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Personal & Community Life Varnas Ashramas Diet Varnas Hindu society is split into 5 Varnas. The varna you are born into is determined by the karma from.

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2 Personal & Community Life

3 Varnas Ashramas Diet

4 Varnas Hindu society is split into 5 Varnas. The varna you are born into is determined by the karma from your previous life. Good karma will result in you being born into a higher varna and bad karma will lead to rebirth in a lower varna.

5 Harijans (the untouchables) Shudras (unskilled workers) Vaishyas (skilled workers) Ksahtriyas (warriors) Brahmins (priests and leaders) Moksha (one with Brahman) Aim: to understand the law of Samsara

6 Ashramas In Hinduism there are 4 ashramas or stages of life. Brahmacharyi – the student stage Grihasta – the householder stage Vanaprastha – the retirement stage Sannyasin – the holy wo/man stage

7 Brahmacharyi The student stage. Begins with upanayana (the sacred thread) Duties include: 1.Gaining knowledge through study. 2.Showing respect to teachers & parents. 3.Learning the rules & rituals of Hinduism. Samskaras in this stage Vedarambha – start of formal education Smavartana – graduation from studies

8 Grihasta The householder stage. Begins with marriage Duties include: 1.Giving to charity. 2.Caring for your parents. 3.Giving hospitality to guests. 4.Providing a settled, well-run household. Samskaras in this stage Vivaha – marriage Garbhahana - Conception – Jatakarma - birth

9 Vanaprastha The retirement stage. Begins with the birth of a grandchild. Duties include: 1.Detachment from worldly concerns & materialism. 2.Devoting time to quietness & solitude. 3.Studying the scriptures and meditating. Samskaras in this stage Vanaprastha – retirement aged approx 60.

10 Sannyasin The holy wo/man stage. Begins with the 15 th samskara (Sanyasa) becoming a holy man Duties include: 1.Renunciation of all worldly ties & possessions. 2.Devotion of your whole life to achieving Moksha. Samskaras in this stage Sanyasa – Becoming a holy man. Antyeshti – Death rites

11 Diet Most Hindus are vegetarian. This is caused by beliefs including. 1.The sacredness of the cow. 2.Respect for nature. 3.Belief in the reincarnation of the soul.

12 Summary There are 5 Varnas in Hinduism – these are determined by karma in previous lives. There are 4 stages of life, student, householder, retirement and holy wo/man. Most Hindus are vegetarian

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