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Picturing History Key ideas and Starting points with a Victorian Theme.

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Presentation on theme: "Picturing History Key ideas and Starting points with a Victorian Theme."— Presentation transcript:

1 Picturing History Key ideas and Starting points with a Victorian Theme


3 Work class poverty Children at work Education Barnado ‘ Lord Shaftesbury Charity Charles Dickens Charles Kingsley Points of view PHSE/ Citizenship

4 Industrialisation- coal and cotton Mining disasters – see learning curve Tyneham Disaster Edwin Chadwick – reform legislation Change – state intervention in welfare, health and education

5 Captains of industry- big ideas Titanic Great Britain The Lighthouse Stephensons Local History Science, Darwin medicine

6 Town and country- urbanisation Empire and exploration

7 Places architecture- gothic, classical big and small

8 (Royal) Family Life

9 Famous People, writers, poetry Lewis Carroll Edward Lear Beatrix Potter Thomas Hood, The Song of the Shirt Robert Browning- Pied Piper Tennyson Charge of the Light Brigade

10 Material prosperity – emergence of the middle class, Mrs Beeton, Victorian Christmas, Charles Dickens

11 Womens Lives Famous women Mary Seacole Grace Darling Florence Nightingale Mary Kingsley cartoons


13 Children’s toys and games rich and poor

14 Railways and other transport

15 Omnibus Life

16 Rain Steam And Speed- artists respond

17 Pastimes seaside, zoo, museums, railway Foreign travel- alpinism Thomas Cook Reading novels serials, poems, libraries Lectures Music, theatre, singing and playing Art- making and looking Games, puzzles, sewing, knitting etc Gardens, plants, gardening http://www.learningcurve/snapshots

18 Travel for pleasure, the Seaside, sport, advertising

19 Photography Julia Margaret Cameron Explore her photographs Lewis Carroll Roger Fenton Richard Nicklin Fox Talbot Laycock Abbey Raised questions for painters… Social uses

20 Sources outcomes Music, music hall, religion

21 The Great Exhibition

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