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School Council Meeting Monday 18 th May 2015. School Council Meeting Rules: Show good looking and good listening Take part as well as allowing others.

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Presentation on theme: "School Council Meeting Monday 18 th May 2015. School Council Meeting Rules: Show good looking and good listening Take part as well as allowing others."— Presentation transcript:

1 School Council Meeting Monday 18 th May 2015

2 School Council Meeting Rules: Show good looking and good listening Take part as well as allowing others time to speak Show respect towards each other Be punctual (on time), committed and responsible

3 Agenda: Apologies Minutes from the last meeting Water Aid Charity Day – construct an email from school council to ask Mrs Chamberlain for a meeting with Finn & Eli. Outline main points Water Aid Charity Day – poster making plan – what information do we want to include? Voting for tag line Any other business

4 Minutes from the last meeting: Water Aid Charity – agreed that Finn (Chair) and Eli (Vice Chair) would arrange to speak to Mrs Chamberlain to put forward the school council’s ideas about a fundraising day for Water Aid The three most popular ideas for the fundraising day were: dress up in blue (20p donation), cake sale and sponsored sports activities Eli and Finn to also speak to Mrs Chamberlain re the coat and bags issue in the classrooms

5 Minutes from the last meeting: The recent Coffee Morning raised money for Birmingham Children’s Hospital as this was voted as the most popular from children, the next one will raise money for Acorns as this was the second most popular charity AOB: Feedback on Peer Mediators: Mediators need to make themselves more visible (bibs are being ordered); their space is a little out of the way; bus stop? Children try and climb over – this should be reported to dinner supervisors Fundraising to replace wooden benches in the playground?

6 Voting for School tag line Take a look and decide which one best fits our school. The winner will become our school tagline and we will update this on the website. Raddlebarn: A united school/1 Raddlebarn: A shining example in education/7 Being at Raddlebarn changed my life/2 Raddlebarn: We are proud of our school/3 Raddlebarn: Our gateway to the world/2 Raddlebarn: A beacon school embracing its community/1 Raddlebarn: A peaceful place/school/1 Raddlebarn: Leading to leaps in education/1 Raddlebarn: We support and help improve the lives of children in Birmingham/1 Raddlebarn: being the best we can be/0 Raddlebarn: A caring school/2 The Raddlebarn Jigsaw is complete/2

7 Organising Water Aid Day Date? How will we inform parents and children? Donation amount? Collection of money?

8 Any other business: Issues whith water in the hut Make a bird house (two children make shore they get feed) HUT PROBLEMS wall might hurt someone because it might fall on someone Has anyone realised that they have lost their badge???

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