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Devaluation of Human Life C o u rt n e y M c A ff e e P. 5.

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Presentation on theme: "Devaluation of Human Life C o u rt n e y M c A ff e e P. 5."— Presentation transcript:

1 Devaluation of Human Life C o u rt n e y M c A ff e e P. 5

2 History of the Problem -Throughout history there has been a subtle progression of devaluation of human life through abortion, cloning, stem cell research, death penalty, and even music and dress, these categories all lead towards producing a lower bar for self-worth. -People resorted to abortion in previous times to limit population amount. -In the 1970s scientists found ways of splitting apart a DNA molecule and found that they could create different genetic combinations. -Music then and now contain lyrics that are degrading and ones that lower the value of self worth. -The death penalty has been around for many years and has taken on many different forms.

3 For the Problem -The three main reasons that women have abortions today are: age, marital status, and economic status. -Some reasons for cloning: -to alter the clone genetically to meet special or specific purposes -to be able to use clones for transplants -The words in songs we listen to are projected to make teens and adults think, act, and behave a certain way. - The death penalty is being used to widely in today’s generation as a result of crime in today’s society.

4 Current Status - - - - - - - -About 43% of American Women alone will have an abortion(s) during their lifetime. -Scientists and researchers are cloning animals that are genetically altered for special or specific needs and purposes. -In November 2001, scientists in Maine successfully cloned a human into a 6-celled embryo for stem cell research purposes. -Music is becoming more and more elicit and degrading as the years go on. - At yearend 2003, 37 States and the Federal prison system held 3,374 prisoners under sentence of death.


6 Analysis -Abortion is a reckless way to get rid of a problem that women don’t want to deal with in this fast paced world. -Cloning should not be used in today’s society, especially not a possible resource for human cloning. - The death penalty should never be an option. I believe a lifetime in prison might even be a worse penalty. -Many songs flow into our households, schools, and work areas through the radio where many of these degrading songs are broadcasted.

7 Solution/Implementation Plan -There are other options to women who are pregnant that don’t want the baby such as adoption and financial support. -I believe that countries should take steps to slow down cloning and steer away from human cloning. -Monitor songs that are distributed over the radio for bad language or inappropriate songs. -The death penalty should not be an option in any country and that a lifetime in prison should be the sentence instead.

8 Future Outcome/ Prediction - Abortion will most likely continue for generations to come because people are always going to have self-doubts and personal issues about pregnancy - Cloning will continue in the future with animals and stem cell research yet human cloning will not - The music will probably get even worse in the years to come because so many people believe that music does not affect them in any way - The death penalty will slow down throughout the world but never completely stop.

9 WORKS CITED Cohen, Daniel. Cloning. Brookfield, Conn: Milbrook Press, 1998 Edwards, Tamala M. “How Med Students Put Abortion Back in the Classroom.” Time Magazine. 7 May 2001. Katz, Nikki. "Abortion Statistics.” 23 March 2005. The Alan Guttmacher Institute. 24 March 2005. Lynch, Suzelle. A Woman's Right to Choose Abortion. 11 January 2004. 16 March 2005. Moore, Kathrine. “’Dolly’ Scientist Gets OK to Clone Embryos.” OC Register. 9 February 2005. Robinson, B. A.. Why do Women Want to have an Abortion? 17 March 2004. 11 March 2005. Terkel, Susan. Abortion: Facing the Issues. : Scholastic Library Pub, 1988. Unknown. “The Science and Ethnics of Embryonic Stem Cell Research.” Encyclopedia Britannica. 2005.Encyclopedia Britannica Premium Service. 2 March 2005. Unknown. Devaluation of Life. March 22, 1998. March 16, 2005. Unknown. "George W. Bush on Abortion." 2 February 2005. Columbia Commonwealth University. 14 March 2005.. Unknown. Music: Inspiring or Degrading? 18 March 2004. 11 March 2005.

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