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Ming Li.  Strong linkage to patient mortality!  Nosocomial infections in 10% of ICU patients  2008 – Medicare reimbursement measures.

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Presentation on theme: "Ming Li.  Strong linkage to patient mortality!  Nosocomial infections in 10% of ICU patients  2008 – Medicare reimbursement measures."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ming Li

2  Strong linkage to patient mortality!  Nosocomial infections in 10% of ICU patients  2008 – Medicare reimbursement measures

3  PNA after 48 hrs of intubation  Leading cause of M&M in ventilated pts  Incidence 10-25%  Mortality rate 5-27%  VAP = $40,000 additional cost

4  Gastric pH  Positioning  Subglottic aspiration

5  H2 Blockers  Proton Pump Inhibitors  Sucralfate (misoprostol) – may be preferable


7 Conclusion  Promising but more research needs to be done

8  5 million CVCs inserted per year  >15% of patients have complications ◦ 5-26% have infectious complications  Mortality rate 12-25% for CRBSIs

9  Sterile Technique  Duration  Ultrasound guidance  Antibiotic-impregnated catheters





14  VAP ◦ Gastric pH ◦ Positioning ◦ Subglottic aspiration?  Central venous catheter infections ◦ Sterile technique ◦ Duration ◦ Ultrasound guidance ◦ Antibiotic-impregnated catheters

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