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Religion Outward expression of worship; diligent observanceOutward expression of worship; diligent observance Pure religion is “before God”, James 1:27Pure.

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2 Religion Outward expression of worship; diligent observanceOutward expression of worship; diligent observance Pure religion is “before God”, James 1:27Pure religion is “before God”, James 1:27 Vain religion is before menVain religion is before men 2

3 3 Heart First Given to God  Otherwise, defiled, Matt 15:1-20  Raising our traditions above God’s commands, 15:1-6  Pure religion is confused with external activities instead of hearts and lives that are submissive to God, Matt 15:4-6 (Matt 7:22)  God’s word defines pure religion, Matt 15:3, 6

4 4 Heart First Given to God  Without the heart, religion is hypocritical, Matt 15:7-9  Façade of honor – lip service, Lk 18:9-14  Going through motions, Isa 29:13  Applications…  From the inside out, Matt 15:10-20  Worship (cf. 1 Cor 11:23-29)  Charity, Matt 6:1-4

5 5 Redefining Religion  Development, Rom 1:21-23  Failure to glorify God, 1:21  Failure to give thanks, 1:21  Elevation of human wisdom, 1:22  Pride, cf. Jeroboam, 1 Kgs 11:38; 12:26-33  Change the nature of God, 1:23  God’s wrath, Rom 1:18-20

6 6 Redefining Religion  Sinful errors of self-defined religion, Col 2:8-23  Denial of the fullness of Christ, Col 2:8-10  Inferior, carnal and prideful, Col 2:16-19  Cannot overcome sin, Col 2:20-23

7 7 Practice Pure Religion James 1:25-27  Christ is our way of life, Gal 2:20  Eliminates the “Sunday only” Christian  Eliminates relying on human tradition  Eliminates hypocrisy  Overcomes the temptation to develop our own religion, Jas 1:25

8 8 Practice Pure Religion James 1:25-27  Obedient hearts and holy lives, Heb 10:19-25; 1 Pet 1:13-16  Heart: Controlled by truth, purity and compassion  Conduct: Reflects fear of God and commitment to His work (Jas 1:25)

9 9 Pure Religion James 1:25-27  More is needed for God’s approval than being outwardly religious (Acts 10:1-2; 11:14; Gal 1:13-14)  Pure religion conforms to the word of Christ (Col 3:17)  Pure religion is the expression of obedient hearts and holy lives

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