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Transitions in Care Program

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Presentation on theme: "Transitions in Care Program"— Presentation transcript:

1 Transitions in Care Program
Mary Bittner, RN, MPA, CENP, DNP(c) Vice President, Nursing

2 What is a Transitions Coach?
They encourage patients to take a more active role in care They don’t fix problems or provide skilled care They do model and facilitate new behaviors and communication skills They desire for patients to effectively manage care after discharge and independently manage issues Bond, Christinia Pavett; Coleman, Eric. Reducing Readmissions, A Blueprint for Improving Care Transitions.(Chapter 5, pg )

3 Goals for Effective Coaching
Patient Empowerment Improved Self-Management Skills Enhanced Patient to Practitioner Communication Strengthened ability to recognize early signs of potential problems Picture of Coaches here Possibly could add picture of the Transition Coaches to this slide.

4 Dynamic Patient-Centered Approach Medication Self-Management
The Four Pillars Dynamic Patient-Centered Approach Medication Self-Management Physician Follow-up Red Flags Would be cool to find a graphic of four columns or pillars then enter the bullets into each one on this slide.

5 Program Operations Transition Coach staffing Tuesday-Saturday
Initial patient contact prior to hospital discharge Phone contact within 24 hours of discharge Face to face visit within hours of discharge

6 Phase One Target Population
CHF (Congestive Heart Failure) PNA (Pneumonia) DVT (Deep Vein Thrombosis) Reasons: - Chronic Disease in our vulnerable elderly population. - Core Measure focus. - CMS no longer paying for readmissions within days for CHF & PNA.

7 Target Population Subsequent Program Phases
Newly diagnosed chronic disease patients Patients with frequent acute hospital re-admissions and/or multiple E.D. visits Patients with compliance issues and psycho-social challenges

8 Patient Personal Health Record
Health & Symptoms Upcoming Provider Appointments & Recent Admissions Questions for Medical Providers Medication List Self Monitoring

9 Patient Personal Health Record
Medical History Red Flags Goals Advanced Directives Important Phone Numbers

10 PNA Zone Tool

11 CHF Zone Tool

12 DVT Zone Tool

13 Patient Progress Tool

14 Monitoring Our Progress
Patient contact tracking tool Metrics of measurement for 30 days Correlation to Utilization Management Committee readmissions data Evaluation of NRC Picker scores with patient perception of communication and answering questions Please move this slide to the end of the series

15 Questions?

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