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Tet Offensive The Turning Point. Before 1968 LBJ says the war is going great William Westmoreland Said we were in the mopping up stages.

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Presentation on theme: "Tet Offensive The Turning Point. Before 1968 LBJ says the war is going great William Westmoreland Said we were in the mopping up stages."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tet Offensive The Turning Point

2 Before 1968 LBJ says the war is going great William Westmoreland Said we were in the mopping up stages

3 The Attack Starts Jan 30, 1968, the first day of the Vietnamese New Year, Tet VC launch a massive attack, striking without warning both civilian and military targets (supposed to be a cease fire) –They attack five major cities in South Vietnam –Kill over 2,000 U.S. soldiers –Takes all day but the U.S. recaptures all but one city, but many are destroyed


5 U.S. Wins The Fight Killed or wounded 80,000 Viet Minh and VC U.S. loses 2,000 soldiers and 4,000 ARVN North Vietnam has to go back to guerilla war U.S. wins the battle but loses

6 Response At Home Media’s response –Walter Cronkite – declares the war at a stalemate –LBJ’s reports are questioned for their accuracy –Nightly broadcasts portray the brutality of the war –What the news shows contradicts Westmoreland’s positive reports

7 Response At Home American’s response –Only 26% approve of the way Johnson was handling the war –Johnson decides not to run for re-election Military’s response –Westmoreland asks for 200,000 more troops –LBJ’s advisors tell him no amount would ensure victory –LBJ won’t send troops and appeals to Minh for peace

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