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Integrated Regional Watershed Management Plan Presentation – November 21, 2013 HLVRCD.

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Presentation on theme: "Integrated Regional Watershed Management Plan Presentation – November 21, 2013 HLVRCD."— Presentation transcript:

1 Integrated Regional Watershed Management Plan Presentation – November 21, 2013 HLVRCD

2 1. Team Introduction 2. Why are we here 3. Lahontan Basins IRWMP region 4. What we have / What we need… 5. IRWMP Approach 6. IRWMP Schedule Overview 7. Participation 8. Questions and Discussion Lahontan Basins Integrated Regional Water Management Plan

3 You are all on the team! Key Document Preparation Team Members; Shane K. Dyer, P.E. – PM Civil / Enviro. ENGR. Ian Sims, B.S. – Biologist Heath Hildebrandt, P.E. – Engineer / Planning Tania Carlone B.S. – DAC Specialist Support Staff Peer Reviewers Lahontan Basins Integrated Regional Water Management Plan

4 WORK TOGETHER TO RESOLVE COUNTYWIDE WATER ISSUES: PREPARE IRWMP – Surface and Ground Water – Water Quality – Water Supply – Flooding – Recreation Needs – Environmental Needs Lahontan Basins Integrated Regional Water Management Plan

5 The regional boundary includes: the Susan River watershed, Eagle Lake Basins, Madeline Plains, the Smoke Creek watershed adjacent to the Nevada state line, Long Valley Creek watershed, and additional tributaries to Honey Lake in the Janesville/Milford area such as Baxter Creek and Parker Creek among others.

6 A collaborative effort to manage all aspects of water resources in a region Crosses jurisdictional, and political boundaries Involves multiple agencies, stakeholders, individuals, and groups Attempts to address the issues and differing perspectives of all the entities involved through mutually beneficial solutions Lahontan Basins Integrated Regional Water Management Plan

7 Susan River Capital Improvements Plan (Dec. 2012) o Projects already identified through a ranking matrix, public hearings o Susan River Basin large portion of the Lahontan Basins IRWMP Lassen County Groundwater Management Plan (June 2007) o Sustainable and beneficial groundwater development and management plan Lahontan Basins Integrated Regional Water Management Plan

8 Water supply concerns Water quality concerns Flood management concerns Water conveyance improvements Supporting documents to assist in the creation of the IRWMP Flood management plans Lahontan Basins Integrated Regional Water Management Plan

9 Follow state guidelines and the original scope of work to meet IRWMP Requirements. Build on technical foundation of various water management draft plans. Facilitated process Broad stakeholder participation Build strong working relationships Inclusive to build broad awareness and support The four Cs: communication, cooperation, collaboration, and consensus Coordinate water management and land use authorities. Establish potential projects for implementation grants. Lahontan Basins Integrated Regional Water Management Plan


11 Funding: Access existing and likely future state and federal grant dollars. Opportunity to work together: Opportunity for stakeholders to be integral part of planning to establish a road map for the future Input: Propose projects, programs and policy Other: Coordination of land/water use in the Lahontan Basins region Final product: Lahontan Basin IRWMP adopted by you the stakeholders. Lahontan Basins Integrated Regional Water Management Plan

12 Monthly Progress Reports DAC & Public Outreach Meeting Proposed: Monthly Meeting to review progress? Lahontan Basins Integrated Regional Water Management Plan


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