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Careers in Science ESAT Science Night Student Presentations.

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Presentation on theme: "Careers in Science ESAT Science Night Student Presentations."— Presentation transcript:

1 Careers in Science ESAT Science Night Student Presentations

2 Career Choice Career choice was directly related to a topic learned in class and was approved. Students must be able to describe how the career relates to their field and connect it to learned class material.

3 Research Research on chosen career is accurate and descriptions are detailed and insightful. Used reliable sources such websites.

4 Education Requirements Accurately describe the degree(s) and years of schooling needed to obtain the chosen profession including alternative majors.

5 Educational Coursework Thoroughly describe the types of courses required for the field.

6 Career Content Describe the career in detail including the goals and purpose. This part also includes an estimated national or state salary.

7 Responsibilities Describe the day-to-day responsibilities of the work and what the individual can actually expect to do in their career.

8 Neatness/Creativity Time and Energy was invested into the appearance of the poster.

9 Works Cited Includes at least 3 different websites, all of which are reliable (,.edu)

10 Participation on Science Night All members of group must be present and contribute to presentation to receive full participation points.

11 Deadlines/Timeline Project Introduction and Proposals Deadline:Th/Fri 3/19 & 20 Spring Break:Sat 3/28 – Th 4/1 Final Project Due:(Full Credit) Thursday/Friday: 4/15 & 16 (Late Credit)—20% deduction 4/20/15 Parents RSVP:Thursday: 4/16 Science Night!Thursday 4/23

12 SCIENCE NIGHT AGENDA 5:00-5:45pm Science Walk-about Students will be stationed by their presentations ready to share with parents and answer questions. 5:45-6:00 Snacks/Food (science wing clean-up) Foods will be provided for students and their families to enjoy.

13 Career Proposal Investigate and choose top three career choices related to your science class. Must be a specific profession i.e. NOT Biologist, Chemist, Environmental Scientist, Physicist. Include a description of career and your reason for choosing: Career ChoicesDescription of career and reason for choosing #1 #2 #3

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