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 What are your career interests?  What are your strong subjects?  2 year or 4 year college?

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2  What are your career interests?  What are your strong subjects?  2 year or 4 year college?

3  STEM  Business & Industry  Public Services  Arts & Humanities  Multidisciplinary

4  4 English (I, II, III & 1 Advanced English)  3 Math (AlgI, Geom, & 1 Advanced Math)  3 Science ( Biology, 1 lab-based Sci. & 1 Advanced Science)  3 Social Studies (W. Geog or W. Hist, US Hist, Gov’t & Econ)  2 Foreign Language  1 Fine Arts  1 Physical Education  5 Electives (BIM is one of these)

5  Each of the 5 endorsements consists of 4 more credits  The endorsement you choose helps determine the Math, Science, and 2 additional electives you will take

6 Stem SCIENCE, Technology, engineering, & Mathematics Possible Careers:  Mechanical Eng.  Chemical Eng.  Electronic Eng.  Civil Eng.  Electronic Tech.  Classes you could take:  Alg II  Physics  Chemistry  Pre- Cal  Calculus  College Algebra  AQR or STATS  A P Chem, Physics, or Biol.  Food Science  Environmental Systems  Eng. Design

7  Possible Careers  Athletic Trainer  Sportscaster  Ranch Manager  Marine Biologist  TX Extension Agent  Industrial Electrician  Classes you could take:  Ag classes  Arch Design  Fashion Design  Culinary Arts  Business, Marketing & Finance & other business classes  DIM, Web Tech,  Auto Tech, Welding,  Art 3 & Art 4

8 Possible Careers: o Nursing o Social Services o Counseling o Local, State, Federal Government o Homeland Security o Education o Cosmetology o Law Enforcement o Military  Class Choices: o Health Science o Child Dev. o Human Services o Nutrition & Wellness o Cosmetology o A & P

9  Possible Careers:  Art Teacher  Band Director  Choir Director  Foreign Lang Interpreter  Actor/Actress  Class Choices:  Spanish I – IV  Art  Band  Choir  Theater

10 This is an alternative endorsement. 4 Maths, 4 Sciences, & 2 Additional Electives are required There are no specific careers related to this endorsement Most students will graduate with this endorsement along with the primary endorsement chosen (STEM, B & I, Public Services, Arts & Humanities)





15 1. Your counselor will mail a letter to your parent and they will choose a time to come in and go over your graduation plan. You will be included in the conversation. 2. Once you have chosen the endorsement you want to work toward, the counselor will give you & your parent a plan of the classes you will need to take. 3. During pre-enrollment you will be able to choose an elective or two that fits in your endorsement 4. You will be able to change your endorsement choice, but once you become a junior or senior it will be difficult. We want you to have all the info you need to make the right choice.

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