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IFRRO Legal Issues Forum Brussels – 9 June 2011 Martin Delaney Legal Director.

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Presentation on theme: "IFRRO Legal Issues Forum Brussels – 9 June 2011 Martin Delaney Legal Director."— Presentation transcript:

1 IFRRO Legal Issues Forum Brussels – 9 June 2011 Martin Delaney Legal Director

2 Hargreaves Review Copyright laws are “today obstructing innovation and economic growth” (but there is to be no “fair use” exception) Copyright Licensing – a Moment of Opportunity

3 Key Recommendations Digital Copyright Exchange to be created; Digital Economy Act Provisions (“DEA”) to be implemented Orphan Works to be enabled by Extended Collective Licensing Cross Border Licensing – UK should support EU to establish necessary framework Collecting Societies to be subject to Codes of Conduct Copyright exceptions – mainly Gowers – to be implemented, but some new exceptions IPO to focus on central task of ensuring that the UK IP system promotes innovation and growth

4 Digital Copyright Exchange (“DCE”) To be ‘facilitated’ but not built or managed by government Will provide higher level of incentives to participating rightsholders DEA sanctions could be limited only to works available through DCE Could be an authorising body for Orphan Works

5 Key Recommendations Digital Copyright Exchange to be created ; Digital Economy Act Provisions (“DEA”) to be implemented Orphan Works to be enabled by Extended Collective Licensing Cross Border Licensing – UK should support EU to establish necessary framework Collecting Societies to be subject to Codes of Conduct Copyright exceptions – mainly Gowers - to be implemented, but some new exceptions IPO to focus on central task of ensuring that the UK IP system promotes innovation and growth

6 Orphan works to be enabled by Extended Collective Licensing (“ECL”) Following diligent search of databases included in DCE But DCE could be an authorising body for Orphan Works Review supports ECL generally in UK but no further specific recommendations Probably overtaken by EU Draft Directive.

7 Key Recommendations Digital Copyright Exchange to be created ; Digital Economy Act Provisions (“DEA”) to be implemented Orphan Works to be enabled by Extended Collective Licensing Cross Border Licensing – UK should support EU to establish necessary framework Collecting Societies to be subject to Codes of Conduct Copyright exceptions – mainly Gowers - to be implemented, but some new exceptions IPO to focus on central task of ensuring that the UK IP system promotes innovation and growth

8 Cross Border Licensing – UK should support EU to establish necessary framework EU should enable “one-stop-shop” licensing

9 Key Recommendations Digital Copyright Exchange to be created ; Digital Economy Act Provisions (“DEA”) to be implemented Orphan Works to be enabled by Extended Collective Licensing Cross Border Licensing – UK should support EU to establish necessary framework Collecting Societies to be subject to Codes of Conduct Copyright exceptions – mainly Gowers - to be implemented, but some new exceptions IPO to focus on central task of ensuring that the UK IP system promotes innovation and growth

10 Collecting Societies to be subject of Codes of Conduct CMOs to compete on overheads, efficiency and service delivery CMOs to publish clear comparable tariffs to allow rights owners and users to choose

11 Key Recommendations Digital Copyright Exchange to be created ; Digital Economy Act Provisions (“DEA”) to be implemented Orphan Works to be enabled by Extended Collective Licensing Cross Border Licensing – UK should support EU to establish necessary framework Collecting Societies to be subject to Codes of Conduct Copyright exceptions – mainly Gowers - to be implemented, but some new exceptions IPO to focus on central task of ensuring that the UK IP system promotes innovation and growth

12 Copyright exceptions – mainly Gowers to be implemented Format shifting – focus of course is on music Parody Library archiving/mass digitisation “fair dealing” to cover all classes of © works (e.g. sound recordings) New exceptions for text/data mining and for uses enabled by new technology (“non-consumptive use) © Exceptions not be overridden by content But nothing on distance learners

13 Key Recommendations Digital Copyright Exchange to be created ; Digital Economy Act Provisions (“DEA”) to be implemented Orphan Works to be enabled by Extended Collective Licensing Cross Border Licensing – UK should support EU to establish necessary framework Collecting Societies to be subject to Codes of Conduct Copyright exceptions – mainly Gowers - to be implemented, but some new exceptions IPO to focus on central task of ensuring that the UK IP system promotes innovation and growth

14 IPO decisions and advice to be based on objective economic evidence balanced against benefit and impact on © owners and users Empowered to issue “statutory opinions” to clarify © law Powers to report on activities detrimental to competition and consumer welfare and to make recommendations to competition authorities

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