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When Shaders & TexturesCollide Kevin Bjorke NVIDIA Corporation.

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Presentation on theme: "When Shaders & TexturesCollide Kevin Bjorke NVIDIA Corporation."— Presentation transcript:

1 When Shaders & TexturesCollide Kevin Bjorke NVIDIA Corporation

2 Everybody Wants More

3  …and Moore’s Law can’t keep up

4 Next Gen, New Challenges  “If you think you are good enough you have just started your decline.”  Simply layering-on more lights or per- pixel lighting doesn’t automatically enhance game play  What is “Next-Gen Done Right”?

5 Painters & Hackers  “Art does not reproduce the visible; it makes things visible” – Paul Klee New Harmony, 1936

6 Painters & Hackers  “Art does not reproduce the visible; it makes things visible” – Paul Klee New Harmony, 1936  “A videogame is not Art” – Hideo Kojima

7 Anything Can Be Painted  Painting is direct  Painting can influence programs, but in hidden ways that may be difficult to visualize  Downside: Scales Poorly

8 Anything Can Be Programmed  Programming is indirect  Imagery is often the result of abstract ideas, with little direct control  Downside: programmer art

9 Great Technical Artists

10 Shaping the Subjective Experience  Every pixel has the potential and the obligation to be a deliberate choice. © Epic Games

11 Why We MIP


13 Stage Makeup = LOD Makeup example courtesy Tara Maginnis,

14 Stage Makeup = LOD Makeup example courtesy Tara Maginnis,

15 Sharpening on MIP levels

16 Which Size is the Right Size?  UVDetective.fx DEMO

17 The Evils Charts Can Do  Texture Atlases and charts let us remap any 3D shape to a group of 2D shapes

18 The Evils Charts Can Do  Texture Atlases and charts let us remap any 3D shape to a group of 2D shapes

19 Making Do with Charts  The evil you see versus the evil you don’t see


21 Normals from Bumps


23 MIPs and Normal Maps









32 Best Practices: Normal Maps  Common, Complex, & Wrong:

33 Best Practices: Normal Maps  Common, Complex, & Wrong:

34 Best Practices: Normal Maps  Common, Complex, & Wrong:  Easier, Better:

35 Color & Depth

36  “Facing Ratio”: (N·V) C = lerp(mossColor, texColor, pow(dot(N,V)),expon))

37 Color & Depth  “Facing Ratio”: (N·V) C = lerp(mossColor, texColor, pow(dot(N,V)),expon))


39 Texture Scripts in Photoshop™  “Mipster” DEMO

40 Text Mips

41 Gratuitous Equation Alert!

42 Filtering/AA Lighting

43 The Toksvig Factor  No sparklies at the edges!  Need to choose a fixed phong exponent  DEMO

44 Nightfall – color control


46 Painting a Shader  1D & 2D functions

47 Painting a Shader  1D & 2D functions

48 Two Pictures = One BRDF +=


50 Providing Sensible Controls  The most harmonious circumstance comes when these worlds intermesh  Everything really great that any of us have done has been the result of teamwork  Texture and Shading are both about color control J. Itten, Die Begegnung, 1916

51 Brdf_paint  Let artists paint the BRDF directly… DEMO

52 Hair Functions  Use Kajiya-kay.fxh, or… roll your own! GrayscaleColor DEMO Hair direction is… a normal map!

53 Directional Painting


55 Even More Abstract Textures  Textures as animation channels  Textures to guide particle animation/ image flow  Etc…. SLIDE IN PROGRESS

56 Shading to Look Like Painting  Anime Shadow Technique Reice with Rounded “Hand-Drawn” Shadow Shading “Reice” courtesy Han dae Hoon, Graphic Factory, Korea

57 Render Color and Normals RGBRaw Surface Normals

58 Blur the Normals Blur Pass 1: HorizontalBlur Pass 2: Vertical (and optional clip to show form)

59 Composite  Hard cutoff on blurred normals = “round shadow” Reice with Final rounded shadow outline DEMO

60 Pushing Forward  You progress not through what has been done, but reaching towards what has yet to be done – Kahlil Ghibran

61 Pushing Forward  You progress not through what has been done, but reaching towards what has yet to be done – Kahlil Ghibran  The market only rewards innovation – Gopal Solanki

62 Resources   GPU Gems series 

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