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Presentation on theme: " The neverending story Megan Deacon - Copyright adviser Amy Han - eLearning officer Steven Yates - eLearning coordinator July 2015 A continuing."— Presentation transcript:

1 The neverending story Megan Deacon - Copyright adviser Amy Han - eLearning officer Steven Yates - eLearning coordinator July 2015 A continuing professional development approach

2 Background ●The need ●Existing copyright resources ●Design of Copyright Module ●The staff development course


4 The e-learning course Learning approaches ●Collaborative learning ●Pragmatic nature ●Authentic learning Design methodology

5 Collaborative learning - peer review

6 Practical tasks and process - learn by doing

7 Authentic learning - mind maps

8 Authentic learning - storyboards

9 Authentic learning - a final product


11 Copyright module in Moodle

12 Development evolution Scenario based image case studies (x12) Interactive online tutorials made using Adobe Captivate ●Pilot test ●Update ●Production ●User test Interactive activity using Moodle “lessons” For example:

13 ●User testing ●Observation ●Survey - Google form ●Expert review ●Ongoing peer review Formative review of Copyright module

14 Significant changes ●Standardised block layout (each to have same sections such as “information”, “activities” and “instruction”) ●Complete conversion of Captivate clips to Moodle lessons ●Image thumbnail design change

15 Before After

16 Before After

17 Before

18 Moodle: learning by doing ●Practical platform allowing content expert and designers to collaborate ●Skills transfer: learning from each other ●Immediate outcome that can be used for staff education

19 The neverending story... ●Continuing development o Established design principles for future modules o Enhanced staff capability to continue development o Transfer of knowledge and skills to other staff

20 References Reeves, T. C., & Hedberg, J. G. (2003). Interactive learning systems evaluation. Englewood Cliffs, N.J. : Educational Technology Publications.

21 *NOTES on Experience* Talk about experiences throughout talk Successes and failures

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