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Monad The New Microsoft Command Shell Peter Provost

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1 Monad The New Microsoft Command Shell Peter Provost

2 Unix Shell Example List a file in a directory with details # ls –l hosts -rw-r—r-- 1 root root 41 Mar 18 2005 hosts Modify fields displayed # ls –go hosts -rw-r—r-- 1 41 Mar 18 2005 hosts Extract size and filename # ls –l hosts | cut –c 24-27,41- 41 hosts

3 Unix Shell Example (continued) Show access time? # ls –lu Sort by size? # ls –lS Sort by modification time? # ls -lt

4 Monad Example List a file in a directory with details MSH> ls hosts Mode LastWriteTime Length Name ---- ------------- ------ ---- -a--- 8/29/2002 5:00 AM 734 hosts Modify fields displayed MSH> ls hosts | format-table LastWriteTime,Name LastWriteTime Name ------------- ---- 8/29/2002 5:00:00 AM hosts Extract size and filename MSH> ls –l hosts | format-table Length,Name Length Name ------ ---- 734 hosts

5 Monad Example (continued) Show access time? MSH> ls hosts | format-table Name,LastAccessTime Sort by size? MSH> ls hosts | sort-object Length Sort by modification time? MSH> ls hosts | sort-object LastWriteTime

6 More Monad Examples! Show files modified in last 7 days MSH> ls | where-object { $_.LastWriteTime –ge [System.DateTime]::Now.AddDays(-7) } Show processes using 500 handles, sorted by Id MSH> ps | where-object { $_.HandleCount –ge 500 } | sort-object Id Show signer of each process binary MSH> ps | foreach-object { $p = $_.MainModule.FileName $sig = get-authenticodesignature $p echo ($p + ": “ + $sig.SignerCertificate.Issuer) }

7 Monad is a New Shell Similar to Unix shells, but… Pipelines of.Net objects Object properties/methods directly accessible and discoverable COM, WMI, XML, etc. accessed with same semantics User-controlled formatting of objects Standardized command parameter processing Rich scripting language Providers extend the navigation namespace

8 Commands Verb-Noun MSH> verb-noun –param1 value1 –param2 value2a,value2b –param3:value3 You can alias MSH> set-alias gps get-process ls and dir are aliases for get-childitem ps is alias for get-process Parameters can be positional MSH> get-process –processname lsass MSH> get-process lsass Many parameters can be wildcarded MSH> get-process c* Partial parameter names allowed MSH> get-process -p lsass

9 Commands Emit Objects Traditional text parsing replaced with direct object manipulation A default text view of objects is dynamically computed  Table for objects with < 5 properties  List for objects with 5 or more properties Get-Member tells you about the objects  MSH> get-process | get-member

10 Finding Information Finding Commands MSH> get-command i* MSH> get-command –verb process MSH> get-command –type {Alias | Function | Filter | Cmdlet | ExternalScript | Application | Script | All } Man-page style help on language and commands MSH> get-help MSH> -? MSH> get-help about_while MSH> get-help * | where {$_.Synopsis -match "process"}

11 Object Manipulation Objects can be pipelined to other functions  Related commands MSH> get-process notep* | stop-process  Object utilities MSH> get-process | where {$_.Handles –ge 500} | group-object Company | sort-object Count  Your functions Direct object manipulation MSH> $np = get-process notepad MSH> $np.Workingset / 1024 MSH> $np.WaitForExit()

12 Ubiquitous Parameters -Debug  Programmer-level information -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Stop | Continue | Inquire  What to do if an error occurs? -ErrorVariable VariableName  Assign errors to a variable -OutputVariable VariableName  Output assigned to a variable -Verbose  Additional information about the activities being performed

13 Trusting Operations Commands with side-effects support:  -Whatif MSH> get-process | where-object {$_.Handles –ge 500} | stop-process –whatif  -Confirm MSH> stop-process –pr s* -confirm Can also use -Verbose MSH> stop-process –pr [a-x]*[q]*[r-t] -verbose

14 Extending the Namespace Providers allow namespace navigation to go beyond the filesystem Monad includes a default set  FileSystem, Registry, Certificate, Alias, Environment, Function, Variable You can write your own Navigation commands work MSH> cd Registry::\ MSH> dir YourProvider::\foo

15 Finding Data Data stores surfaced as “drives” in providers MSH> get-drive MSH> dir HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft Drive is a namespace with numerous pieces of information  Item, ChildItem, Content, Property, ACL, etc. New navigation/interaction model supported with aliases for existing commands get-childItemdirls get-locationcdpwd get-contenttypecat new-item –type Directorymdmkdir set-locationcd

16 Namespace Functions Mounting new drives with names MSH> new-drive -name SRC -provider FileSystem -root c:\development\cab\main -description “CAB source code” MSH> cd SRC:\parser Great wildcarding MSH> dir [a-f]*[tc] MSH> dir T?.msh Rich common semantics MSH> dir \logs –include *.txt –exclude A* -recurse -force Drive specific extensions MSH> dir cert: -recurse –codesigning Tab-Completion in all Drives MSH> dir HKLM:\So \Mi => HLKM:\Software\Microsoft

17 Scripting A script is executed the same as if the commands were typed interactively Supports scripting.NET objects Loose, strong, and extensible typing models Uniform syntax for wide range of types  WMI, XML, COM, ADSI, ADO Rich variable semantics (typed, read-only, constraints, descriptions) Rich operators and control structures (C#-like with access to commands & utilities) Functions (positional, named, typed, constrained params)

18 Scripting.NET Creating.Net objects MSH> $d=New-Object System.DateTime 2005,4,20 MSH> [DateTime]"4-20-2005" Will try Parse() method, Constructor, Converter Inspecting properties and methods MSH> [DateTime]"4-20-2005" | get-member MSH> [DateTime] | get-member -static Accessing properties-methods  Instance MSH> $d.DayOfWeek MSH> $d.AddMonths(6)  Static MSH> [DateTime]::Now MSH> [DateTime]::IsLeapYear(2005)

19 Typing Loose MSH> $d="4/20/2005“ MSH> Function foo() {$args[0]} “Strong” MSH> [datetime]$d=“4/20/2005” MSH> function foo([datetime]$date) {$date} MSH> [int] [char] “a” Extensible  Can extend types via $MSHHOME\types.mshxml  See.NET DateTime class – DateTime property MSH works on any.NET type - not a fixed set of “scripting types”

20 Typing Examples MSH> [char] “a” MSH> [int] [char] “a” MSH> [char] ([int][char]"a" - 32) MSH> $w = get-wmiobject win32_bios MSH> $w.Version MSH> (dir)[0].mshPath

21 Text Processing Model.NET String class is the foundation  Contains(), EndsWith(), Equals(), IndexOf(), Insert(), Join(), LastIndexOf(), Length, PadLeft(), PadRight(), Remove(), Replace(), Split(), StartsWith(), Substring(), ToLower(), ToUpper(), Trim(), TrimEnd(), TrimStart() Native support for useful datatypes  Regular expressions, XML, arrays, hash tables Rich string operators  +, *, -replace, -match, -like, -eq, -ne, gt, -ge, -lt, -le  Implicit/explicit casting and coercion Rich utilities  match-string, foreach, group, select, sort, where

22 Leveraging.Net classes Script to rotate every image in a directory [System.Reflection.Assembly]:: LoadWithPartialName("System.Drawing") | out-null foreach ($f in resolve-path *) { trap [OutOfMemoryException] { write-host "Error processing" $f; continue } { $img = [System.Drawing.Image]::FromFile($f) $format = $img.RawFormat $img.RotateFlip("Rotate90FlipNone") $fi = get-childitem $f $newname = combine-path ($fi.DirectoryName) ("rot." + $fi.Name) $img.Save($newname,$format) }

23 Uniform Data Access Syntax Provides a common user interface to objects of different typesystems XML MSH> $x = [xml]" TEST " MSH> $x.a.b.c MSH> $wc = new-object System.Net.WebClient MSH> $rssdata = [xml]$wc.DownloadString ("") MSH> if ($rssdata.rss.version –eq "2.0") { echo $ }

24 COM Automation (Internet Explorer) Bind to Internet Explorer COM object MSH> $ie = new-object –com InternetExplorer.Application Reflect against properties/methods MSH> $ie | get-member Display properties MSH> $ie.Visible Invoke methods/set properties MSH> $ie.Navigate2("") MSH> $ie.Visible = $true MSH> $ie.StatusText = "Hello World"

25 COM Automation (Word) Bind to Word COM Object MSH> $word = new-object –com Word.Application Use in pipelines MSH> $word.RecentFiles | sort name | format-table name,index,path –auto Access document properties MSH> $doc = $word.Documents.Open("c:\foo.doc") MSH> $doc.characters.count MSH> $doc.sentences.count

26 COM Automation (WScript) Bind to WScript object MSH> $ws = new-object -com Wscript.Shell Display popup MSH> $ws.popup("This is a popup",100,"Title",64)  Last parameter is a button/icon bit mask:  0 OK  1 OK and Cancel  2 Abort, Retry, and Ignore  3 Yes, No, and Cancel  4 Yes and No  5 Retry and Cancel Access other shell functionality MSH> $ws | get-member  CreateShortcut(), LogEvent(), etc. 16 “Stop Mark” 32 “Question Mark” 48 “Exclamation Mark” 64 “Information Marl”

27 Writing Cmdlets.Net class, inherits from Cmdlet Declare parameters as class members Override methods BeginProcessing(), ProcessRecord(), EndProcessing() Monad provides  Parameter parsing/binding  Ubiquitous parameters  -Confirm/-Whatif (if you call ShouldProcess())  Access to session state  Invoke other cmdlets, providers, and host API

28 Cmdlet Example (C#) 1 [Cmdlet("stop", "ps", SupportsShouldProcess=true)] 2 public class StopPs: Cmdlet 3 { 4 [Parameter(Mandatory=true)] 5 public string Name; 6 protected override void ProcessRecord() { 7 Process [] ps = Process.GetProcessesByName(Name); 8 foreach (Process p in ps) { 9 if (ShouldProcess(p.ProcessName + "ID= " + p.Id)) 10 { 11 p.Kill(); 12 } 13 } 14 } 15 }

29 Get Monad! Monad Shell Beta 2 available from Microsoft Download Center Search for “Monad” Supported on x86 and x64 platforms Documentation Pack also available Requires.Net 2.0 Beta 2 (also available from Download Center)

30 Shameless Plug patterns & practices is hiring See me after the talk or e-mail Darrel Snow –

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