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Published byDina Gibbs Modified over 9 years ago
Monad The New Microsoft Command Shell Peter Provost
Unix Shell Example List a file in a directory with details # ls –l hosts -rw-r—r-- 1 root root 41 Mar 18 2005 hosts Modify fields displayed # ls –go hosts -rw-r—r-- 1 41 Mar 18 2005 hosts Extract size and filename # ls –l hosts | cut –c 24-27,41- 41 hosts
Unix Shell Example (continued) Show access time? # ls –lu Sort by size? # ls –lS Sort by modification time? # ls -lt
Monad Example List a file in a directory with details MSH> ls hosts Mode LastWriteTime Length Name ---- ------------- ------ ---- -a--- 8/29/2002 5:00 AM 734 hosts Modify fields displayed MSH> ls hosts | format-table LastWriteTime,Name LastWriteTime Name ------------- ---- 8/29/2002 5:00:00 AM hosts Extract size and filename MSH> ls –l hosts | format-table Length,Name Length Name ------ ---- 734 hosts
Monad Example (continued) Show access time? MSH> ls hosts | format-table Name,LastAccessTime Sort by size? MSH> ls hosts | sort-object Length Sort by modification time? MSH> ls hosts | sort-object LastWriteTime
More Monad Examples! Show files modified in last 7 days MSH> ls | where-object { $_.LastWriteTime –ge [System.DateTime]::Now.AddDays(-7) } Show processes using 500 handles, sorted by Id MSH> ps | where-object { $_.HandleCount –ge 500 } | sort-object Id Show signer of each process binary MSH> ps | foreach-object { $p = $_.MainModule.FileName $sig = get-authenticodesignature $p echo ($p + ": “ + $sig.SignerCertificate.Issuer) }
Monad is a New Shell Similar to Unix shells, but… Pipelines of.Net objects Object properties/methods directly accessible and discoverable COM, WMI, XML, etc. accessed with same semantics User-controlled formatting of objects Standardized command parameter processing Rich scripting language Providers extend the navigation namespace
Commands Verb-Noun MSH> verb-noun –param1 value1 –param2 value2a,value2b –param3:value3 You can alias MSH> set-alias gps get-process ls and dir are aliases for get-childitem ps is alias for get-process Parameters can be positional MSH> get-process –processname lsass MSH> get-process lsass Many parameters can be wildcarded MSH> get-process c* Partial parameter names allowed MSH> get-process -p lsass
Commands Emit Objects Traditional text parsing replaced with direct object manipulation A default text view of objects is dynamically computed Table for objects with < 5 properties List for objects with 5 or more properties Get-Member tells you about the objects MSH> get-process | get-member
Finding Information Finding Commands MSH> get-command i* MSH> get-command –verb process MSH> get-command –type {Alias | Function | Filter | Cmdlet | ExternalScript | Application | Script | All } Man-page style help on language and commands MSH> get-help MSH> -? MSH> get-help about_while MSH> get-help * | where {$_.Synopsis -match "process"}
Object Manipulation Objects can be pipelined to other functions Related commands MSH> get-process notep* | stop-process Object utilities MSH> get-process | where {$_.Handles –ge 500} | group-object Company | sort-object Count Your functions Direct object manipulation MSH> $np = get-process notepad MSH> $np.Workingset / 1024 MSH> $np.WaitForExit()
Ubiquitous Parameters -Debug Programmer-level information -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Stop | Continue | Inquire What to do if an error occurs? -ErrorVariable VariableName Assign errors to a variable -OutputVariable VariableName Output assigned to a variable -Verbose Additional information about the activities being performed
Trusting Operations Commands with side-effects support: -Whatif MSH> get-process | where-object {$_.Handles –ge 500} | stop-process –whatif -Confirm MSH> stop-process –pr s* -confirm Can also use -Verbose MSH> stop-process –pr [a-x]*[q]*[r-t] -verbose
Extending the Namespace Providers allow namespace navigation to go beyond the filesystem Monad includes a default set FileSystem, Registry, Certificate, Alias, Environment, Function, Variable You can write your own Navigation commands work MSH> cd Registry::\ MSH> dir YourProvider::\foo
Finding Data Data stores surfaced as “drives” in providers MSH> get-drive MSH> dir HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft Drive is a namespace with numerous pieces of information Item, ChildItem, Content, Property, ACL, etc. New navigation/interaction model supported with aliases for existing commands get-childItemdirls get-locationcdpwd get-contenttypecat new-item –type Directorymdmkdir set-locationcd
Namespace Functions Mounting new drives with names MSH> new-drive -name SRC -provider FileSystem -root c:\development\cab\main -description “CAB source code” MSH> cd SRC:\parser Great wildcarding MSH> dir [a-f]*[tc] MSH> dir T?.msh Rich common semantics MSH> dir \logs –include *.txt –exclude A* -recurse -force Drive specific extensions MSH> dir cert: -recurse –codesigning Tab-Completion in all Drives MSH> dir HKLM:\So \Mi => HLKM:\Software\Microsoft
Scripting A script is executed the same as if the commands were typed interactively Supports scripting.NET objects Loose, strong, and extensible typing models Uniform syntax for wide range of types WMI, XML, COM, ADSI, ADO Rich variable semantics (typed, read-only, constraints, descriptions) Rich operators and control structures (C#-like with access to commands & utilities) Functions (positional, named, typed, constrained params)
Scripting.NET Creating.Net objects MSH> $d=New-Object System.DateTime 2005,4,20 MSH> [DateTime]"4-20-2005" Will try Parse() method, Constructor, Converter Inspecting properties and methods MSH> [DateTime]"4-20-2005" | get-member MSH> [DateTime] | get-member -static Accessing properties-methods Instance MSH> $d.DayOfWeek MSH> $d.AddMonths(6) Static MSH> [DateTime]::Now MSH> [DateTime]::IsLeapYear(2005)
Typing Loose MSH> $d="4/20/2005“ MSH> Function foo() {$args[0]} “Strong” MSH> [datetime]$d=“4/20/2005” MSH> function foo([datetime]$date) {$date} MSH> [int] [char] “a” Extensible Can extend types via $MSHHOME\types.mshxml See.NET DateTime class – DateTime property MSH works on any.NET type - not a fixed set of “scripting types”
Typing Examples MSH> [char] “a” MSH> [int] [char] “a” MSH> [char] ([int][char]"a" - 32) MSH> $w = get-wmiobject win32_bios MSH> $w.Version MSH> (dir)[0].mshPath
Text Processing Model.NET String class is the foundation Contains(), EndsWith(), Equals(), IndexOf(), Insert(), Join(), LastIndexOf(), Length, PadLeft(), PadRight(), Remove(), Replace(), Split(), StartsWith(), Substring(), ToLower(), ToUpper(), Trim(), TrimEnd(), TrimStart() Native support for useful datatypes Regular expressions, XML, arrays, hash tables Rich string operators +, *, -replace, -match, -like, -eq, -ne, gt, -ge, -lt, -le Implicit/explicit casting and coercion Rich utilities match-string, foreach, group, select, sort, where
Leveraging.Net classes Script to rotate every image in a directory [System.Reflection.Assembly]:: LoadWithPartialName("System.Drawing") | out-null foreach ($f in resolve-path *) { trap [OutOfMemoryException] { write-host "Error processing" $f; continue } { $img = [System.Drawing.Image]::FromFile($f) $format = $img.RawFormat $img.RotateFlip("Rotate90FlipNone") $fi = get-childitem $f $newname = combine-path ($fi.DirectoryName) ("rot." + $fi.Name) $img.Save($newname,$format) }
Uniform Data Access Syntax Provides a common user interface to objects of different typesystems XML MSH> $x = [xml]" TEST " MSH> $x.a.b.c MSH> $wc = new-object System.Net.WebClient MSH> $rssdata = [xml]$wc.DownloadString ("") MSH> if ($rssdata.rss.version –eq "2.0") { echo $ }
COM Automation (Internet Explorer) Bind to Internet Explorer COM object MSH> $ie = new-object –com InternetExplorer.Application Reflect against properties/methods MSH> $ie | get-member Display properties MSH> $ie.Visible Invoke methods/set properties MSH> $ie.Navigate2("") MSH> $ie.Visible = $true MSH> $ie.StatusText = "Hello World"
COM Automation (Word) Bind to Word COM Object MSH> $word = new-object –com Word.Application Use in pipelines MSH> $word.RecentFiles | sort name | format-table name,index,path –auto Access document properties MSH> $doc = $word.Documents.Open("c:\foo.doc") MSH> $doc.characters.count MSH> $doc.sentences.count
COM Automation (WScript) Bind to WScript object MSH> $ws = new-object -com Wscript.Shell Display popup MSH> $ws.popup("This is a popup",100,"Title",64) Last parameter is a button/icon bit mask: 0 OK 1 OK and Cancel 2 Abort, Retry, and Ignore 3 Yes, No, and Cancel 4 Yes and No 5 Retry and Cancel Access other shell functionality MSH> $ws | get-member CreateShortcut(), LogEvent(), etc. 16 “Stop Mark” 32 “Question Mark” 48 “Exclamation Mark” 64 “Information Marl”
Writing Cmdlets.Net class, inherits from Cmdlet Declare parameters as class members Override methods BeginProcessing(), ProcessRecord(), EndProcessing() Monad provides Parameter parsing/binding Ubiquitous parameters -Confirm/-Whatif (if you call ShouldProcess()) Access to session state Invoke other cmdlets, providers, and host API
Cmdlet Example (C#) 1 [Cmdlet("stop", "ps", SupportsShouldProcess=true)] 2 public class StopPs: Cmdlet 3 { 4 [Parameter(Mandatory=true)] 5 public string Name; 6 protected override void ProcessRecord() { 7 Process [] ps = Process.GetProcessesByName(Name); 8 foreach (Process p in ps) { 9 if (ShouldProcess(p.ProcessName + "ID= " + p.Id)) 10 { 11 p.Kill(); 12 } 13 } 14 } 15 }
Get Monad! Monad Shell Beta 2 available from Microsoft Download Center Search for “Monad” Supported on x86 and x64 platforms Documentation Pack also available Requires.Net 2.0 Beta 2 (also available from Download Center)
Shameless Plug patterns & practices is hiring See me after the talk or e-mail Darrel Snow –
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