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T-76.4115 Final Demo Tikkaajat I2 Iteration 4.3.2008.

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Presentation on theme: "T-76.4115 Final Demo Tikkaajat I2 Iteration 4.3.2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 T-76.4115 Final Demo Tikkaajat I2 Iteration 4.3.2008

2 T-76.4115 Iteration demo 2 Agenda  Evaluation of the results (8min)  Goals  Quality  Challenges  Delivered documents  Metrics (4min)  Resources  QA metrics  Work practices and educational value (8min)  Used practices  Faced problems  Important lessons  Demo (20min)

3 T-76.4115 Iteration demo 3 Introduction to the project  jEhIntranet System  Informational logistic solution for Eduhouse Oy  coordinating system for customers, employees, and operations

4 T-76.4115 Iteration demo Evaluation of the results 4

5 T-76.4115 Iteration demo 5 Development level goals GoalStatus Database of the current system needs to be improved and implemented entirely OK Software engine has to be maintainable and expandable and some functionality from the current system has to be implemented OK Improved graphical user interface has to be implemented for the implemented engine parts OK The overall goal for the project was to reconstruct the current system into the Java based application using frameworks suggested by the customer. The following table describes major level goals in priority order.

6 T-76.4115 Iteration demo Project level goals  Project level goals  Mostly focused to the resources, schedules, responsibilities, learning of the unknown technologies and communication.  Responsibilities were shared  Communication practices was used widely between IRC -discussion to the weekly face to face meetings 6

7 T-76.4115 Iteration demo Quality goals The following table describes the status of project’s quality goals (in priority order) 7 GoalQualityAnalysis Safety  According to QA plan, all test cases should be passed in order to achieve this quality goal. However, there are some test cases which failed. These have not been fixed in implementation II. These bugs mostly resulted from bad form handling. Security Login and logout tests passed. No security issues have been found in any testing method. Usability  Some usability issues are still open. Code and document quality Code has been reviewed and customer has validated classes. Documents are up-to-date. Customer is satisfied of document quality (feedback has been positive). Quality: = quality is good  = some issues still open  = quality is bad

8 T-76.4115 Iteration demo 8 Quality dashboard Part of the systemQualityConfidenceComments Implemented database 3 Database has been tested by various methods. Customer has validated hibernate mapping files. There are no open bugs concerning database. Conversion 2 When the real data in transferred to the database, we can’t be sure that all data is converted correctly. Engine  3 Status is mostly based on open bugs. There are also some open issues that can be found from review logs (e.g. coding conventions not followed strictly). GUI  3 Status is based on open bugs. There are some usability issues and form handling errors. Legend Confidence: 3: Strong belief that the evaluated quality status is reliable 2: Not sure if the evaluated status is reliable 1: No idea about the true quality Quality: = quality is good  = some issues still open  = quality is bad

9 T-76.4115 Iteration demo Challenges  New technology  Team was required to work with various technologies  Training and prototyping was necessary  Finding the right persons for a task  Who can do and what?  Lack of documentation  There were many situations where  customer's experiences were needed  the project team misunderstood the current solution  International project team  Communication and documentation had to be in English  System’s user interface is Finnish  Hard for an exchange student to understand what the system does 9

10 T-76.4115 Iteration demo 10 Results of the project  Delivered documents  Project plan  Requirements documents  System architecture  QA report  Test case matrix and log  Code review logs  Test charters  Peer test session charters with exploration logs + summaries  User’s manual  Final report  Slides for the final demo  SEPA diaries  Demonstration  Demo scenario

11 T-76.4115 Iteration demo Metrics 11

12 T-76.4115 Iteration demo 12 Realization of the tasks TaskPlannedRealizedDifference Planning187194- 7 1. Iteration planning3228+ 4 2. QA and Testing1722,5- 5,5 3. Architecture design6587- 22 4. Others (PP, Training, guidelines, etc)7356,5+ 16,5 Development510,5640- 129,5 5. Database173264- 91 6. Functionality295,5321- 25,5 7. Others (GUI improvement, Bugs)4255- 13 QA and RE -activities125,5113,5+ 12 8. Requirement engineering48,544,5+ 4 9. Risk Management184,5+ 13,5 10. Quality Assurance1520,5- 5,5 11. Test Cases329+ 23 12. Others (Peer Testing, Code Reviews, etc)1235- 23 Management70121,5- 51,5 13. Project Tracking1921,5- 2,5 14. Arrangements1863- 45 15. Others (Reporting, etc)3337- 4 Unclassified tasks657572,5+ 84,5 16. Meetings216235,5- 19,5 17. Communication4025,5+ 14,5 18. Prototyping129135- 6 19. SEPA: Pair Programming8052+ 28 20. SEPA: Automated Unit Testing12088,5+ 31,5 21. Others (Adopting, install, etc)7236+ 36 Total:15501641,5- 91,5

13 T-76.4115 Iteration demo 13 Resource usage Original plan (in the beginning of the iteration) Realization and updated plan IterationTLTHSMVSSTVHTMTIYZSUM PP7173,556,5491967364233525 I17675,547,5756175826447603 I2434146667048724470603 Total190 150190150190 150 1550 IterationTLTHSMVSSTVHTMTIYZSUM PP7173,556,5491967364233447 I18192,547,59440,591,510074,550,5672 I263443771,51045760,525,560522,5 Total215210141214,5163,5215,5196,5142143,51641,5 More hours spent than estimated The project team decided together at the beginning of the last iteration, that all tasks will be finished, without thinking about overlapping of the personal hours.

14 T-76.4115 Iteration demo Resource division

15 T-76.4115 Iteration demo 15 Defects and other quality metrics  No blocker or critical bugs open  Open bugs are mostly resulted from the personal details feature Ratio of passing test cases: 13/15 Ratio of closed and found defects: 50/61 BlockerCriticalMajorNormalMinorTrivial Enhancement TOTAL Found in implementation I 224825730 Found in implementation II 0131735230 Found total23725510961 Open001711010

16 T-76.4115 Iteration demo Source code metrics 16 Component (.java) LOC-PCLOCComment ratioTotal LOC Database16734933.4 2949 Controller5975041.2 1292 Converter12882864.5 1890 System1201640.7 342 Util4923911.3 1048 View6794941.4 1395 Unit tests16166072.7 2769 Training4391213.6 699 Total6 9043 0602.4 12 384 OtherTotal LOC HTML templates1353 JavaScript336 Setup and configuration files827 Database mappings (XML)1284 Database testing805 Total4 605 LOC- P = Physical Executable Lines of Code (Empty lines not included, comments not included) CLOC = Comment lines of code Comment ratio = LOC-P / CLOC Total LOC = includes every line in the file

17 T-76.4115 Iteration demo Work practices and educational value 17

18 T-76.4115 Iteration demo 18 Three most important work practices  Iterative development  Project was designed into the three iterations, which were divided into sprints  Development of every functional component was designed so, that the system was build against priority order  Waterfall -based process model couldn't be the selection in this kind of projects, where requirements are allowed to change  Iteration planning  Idea was to design the next iterations goals and estimate needed resources in advance  If problems occurs during the iteration, we could react rapidly. This means that the next sprint might be minored, because more important task is still in progress.  Allowed the management team to estimate the progress of the iteration quite soon  Requirements engineering  Helped us to understand the system to be built  Requirements document was useful in the first half of the project  Problems  Hard to get all requirements by just communicating with the customer  In implementation II, customer wrote specific requirements for certain features for developers to use.

19 T-76.4115 Iteration demo 19 Other work practices  Documenting  Risk management  Time tracking  Communication  Iteration demo  Defect tracking  Version control  Coding conventions  Process improvement  Change management  Design  Standards

20 T-76.4115 Iteration demo 20 Used QA practices  Test case based testing  Executed test cases: 15  Passed test cases: 13  All functional requirements that were reported as ready, were tested by test cases.  Exploratory testing  Testing was done by team members and by the peer group. Unfortunately, not all testing was documented. Most bugs that were reported were found during exploratory testing.  Code reviews  Source code review sessions were held in 5.12.2007 and 1.2.2008. During the code reviews, pairs reported their findings to the review log templates. Customer has access to these logs.  Unit testing  20 unit tests were written in implementation II. 13 of them test the converter.  Pair programming  Conversion was 100% pair programmed  Personal details and search components were 50% pair programmed

21 T-76.4115 Iteration demo Tools  Project management  MediaWiki  Bugzilla  Weekly Reporting Tool (by the manager)  MS Excel  MS Word  MS PowerPoint  LocMetrics  Development software  Apache Ant  Subversion  Eclipse  Environment  Java  Tomcat  MySQL  Hibernate  Velocity  ContextWaf  Joda Time 21

22 T-76.4115 Iteration demo Educational value (1/2) Faced problems  Misunderstood requirements  Almost impossible task to specify the system in advance in a low level.  management team had to specify the requirements again, and developers had to re- implement, or at least fix the functional component.  The project team didn't understood correctly what the customer really expected – it was actually very qualitative code, not the amount correct functionality, which was the second priority.  Unrealistic schedule  team noticed a huge need for extra efforts to reach the iterations goals.  management team with the customer didn't understood the complexity of the database to be converted  Lack of testing  It may be that, the testing was seen as a boring task and what most, documentation of the testing was slapped away  New validation process was designed to prove that the quality is met in developed components. 22

23 T-76.4115 Iteration demo Educational value (2/2) Important lessons  Agile software development methods in a real project  Many of the team members have studied methods of software engineering and agile development activities  Studies and the real-world was finally present at the same time.  Exploit experiences in the future  The project team had adopt new technology quickly and to learn how to use it  International project  Experiences will certain help the team members in the future.  Challenges in software development  There was a real problem domain in the project  Using the lessons learned from school courses  Team work is the key to advance  Communication language was English  good team spirit was present  Different people possess different skills. 23

24 T-76.4115 Iteration demo Comparision  Similarities to the previous projects  Resource usage estimation is a hard task and goes usually wrong  Different stakeholders feel quality in a different way  Lacks in the low level testing (testing was felt boring)  Huge amount of documentation  Requirements changed  Differences to the previous projects  Very active customer involvement  Agile development process  Requirements were to be changed  Good communication between different stakeholders  Weekly meetings as a practice  New technology (developers are usually familiar with the technology)  Large and international project team  The current system was to be re-implemented 24

25 T-76.4115 Iteration demo Demo 25

26 T-76.4115 Iteration demo 26 Demo  Database conversion  Shown features  Login  Viewing calendar  Search  Viewing trainer and customer information  Modifying trainer information  Logout

27 T-76.4115 Iteration demo Thank You! 27

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