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Wednesday, November 30, 2011. 1. Name the network 2. Literacy Frame 3. Bliink2 Draft Smart Goal 4. Curriculum Embedded Critical Thinking  Deconstructing.

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Presentation on theme: "Wednesday, November 30, 2011. 1. Name the network 2. Literacy Frame 3. Bliink2 Draft Smart Goal 4. Curriculum Embedded Critical Thinking  Deconstructing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Wednesday, November 30, 2011

2 1. Name the network 2. Literacy Frame 3. Bliink2 Draft Smart Goal 4. Curriculum Embedded Critical Thinking  Deconstructing the curriculum – Gallery Walk  Break  Learning Goals and Success Criteria  Critical Challenge  Reflection


4 Draft Smart Goal: Through effective, engaging instruction across the multi-literacies each student will demonstrate an improvement in their ability to think critically by June 2012


6  We are learning to deconstruct and understand the curriculum through the lens of critical thinking by means of the multiliteracies.  We are learning to build a community of thinkers


8 1.8 – Grade 4 – Language Curriculum Responding to and Evaluating Texts - express opinions about ideas and information in texts and cite evidence from the text to support their opinions

9  Deconstruct the curriculum expectation 1.8 for your grade.  Highlight nouns, verbs and adjectives.  What does this mean in our literacy program?

10  Post your deconstructed expectation  Walk and Talk  What do you notice across the grades?

11  Record your thinking using a graffiti.


13 1.8 – Grade 4 – Learning Goal We are learning to respond to text by expressing opinions and making reasonable judgements using evidence.

14  Used the title of the curriculum expectation: Responding to and Evaluating Text  Used student-friendly language  Focussed on an overarching learning goal  Embedded key messages from curriculum expectation

15  I can express my opinion using ideas and information from different kinds of texts  I use ideas and information from different kinds of texts to make judgements  I can show that my judgements are reasonable by using evidence from the text

16  Student-friendly language  Qualititative vs. quantitative: use of the achievement chart 1)variety of text 2)Evaluating (making judgements) 3)Expressing opinion 4)Support information making connections to ideas and information in the text

17 Read through Making Thinking Visible  p.58 What is Visible Thinking? and;  p. 59 Thinking Routines: Tools for Making Thinking Visible


19  Think about the language curriculum expectation 1.8  What are the links to critical thinking?

20 Referred to document Asking Effective Questions, LNS Made links to Learning Goal Anticipated student responses and thinking (media literacy, inferring, purpose and audience, environment) Focused on an open-ended question Thought through Gini-Newman’s type 3 questions

21 Form an opinion and make a judgement about this clip. As you are watching keep in mind the following questions: What is the purpose of this clip? Who is the audience? What is the message?


23 Does this video have a significant impact on your thinking around the environment? Global warming Recycling Urban development

24 Does this video have a significant impact on your thinking around the environment? Global Warming Urban development Recycling

25  This video is a commercial! Now does this video have a significant impact on your thinking around the environment? Urban development Recycling Global warming

26  This video is a commercial! Now does this video have a significant impact on your thinking around the environment? Urban development Recycling Global warming

27 Commercial for what product? Has your thinking changed?

28 Now, does this video have a significant impact on your thinking around the environment? Urban development Recycling

29  Deconstruct and understand the curriculum through the lens of critical thinking by means of the multiliteracies.

30  In groups of three, determine the three most important messages that you will take with you today.

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