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Allies vs. Axis Start. Why Does it Matter? Need to be able to grasp the geographical locations of both allied and axis powers. Help understand where the.

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Presentation on theme: "Allies vs. Axis Start. Why Does it Matter? Need to be able to grasp the geographical locations of both allied and axis powers. Help understand where the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Allies vs. Axis Start

2 Why Does it Matter? Need to be able to grasp the geographical locations of both allied and axis powers. Help understand where the war was fought. Learn what places were affected by the war.

3 Instructions Go to HOMEPAGE and click on either Europe, Asia, or N. America. Read about each country and their leaders. Watch any videos and answer any questions that may follow. At the end take the test.

4 Homepage EuropeAsiaNorth AmericaQuiz

5 Europe Axis Allied Review Germany Italy France Great Britain Poland Review

6 Europe Germany

7 Adolf Hitler Born-April 1889 Died-April 1945 Head of Nazi party in Germany. Starter of Holocaust in believe that Germans were the superior race. World War 1 veteran. Wanted Germany back on top. Europe

8 Why was Germany At War? Based on Hitler’s book Mein Kampf. Wanted to get back at France and Great Britain for Treaty of Versailles. Wanted to acquire vast territories. Started World War 2 with invasion of Poland. Europe

9 Important Dates 1939 – September 1, Invade Poland 1940 – April 9, Take Denmark and Norway - August 23, Air raids on London - June 22, France surrenders 1941 – December 11, Declare war on U.S 1945 – May 7, Germany Surrenders Europe

10 Italy Italy Benito Mussolini Europe

11 Benito Mussolini Born July 1883 Died April 1945 Leader of Italian Fascist Party Dictator of Italy 1922-1943 Wanted an Italian Empire Europe

12 Why side with Germany? Italy wanted to grab what they could. Shared same believes on government structure. Rode behind Germany’s success. Weaker army Europe

13 Great Britain England Winston Churchill Europe

14 Winston Churchill Born November 1874 Died January 1965 British Prime minister in World War 2 Had good war leadership Wanted to put an end to the fascist party. Europe

15 Why Declare War? Had a treaty with France and Poland that if any country were to be invaded the other countries would help. Germany kept taking and taking. Germany broke Treaty of Versailles. Europe

16 France France Edouard Daladier Europe

17 Edouard Daladier Born 1884 Died 1970 French Prime minister at start of World War 2. Outlawed French Communist Party. September 4, 1939 entered World War 2. March 1940 resigned as prime minister. Europe

18 Role of France Declared war on Germany day after they invaded Poland. Sat back and waited for Germans to attack. Got invaded May 1940 Lost Paris Europe

19 Poland Poland Wladyslaw Sirkorski Europe

20 Wladyslaw Sirkorski Born May 1881 Died July 1943 During World War 2 became Polish Prime Minister. Commander and chief of Polish forces Died in a plane crash Europe

21 Why was Poland Invaded? German land had been given to Poland as part of Treaty of Versailles. Britain and France were desperate to not start a war. Way to force France and Britain into war. Europe

22 Europe Review Adolf Hitler ran Nazi Germany. Italy joined Germany to start axis powers. Germany invades Poland. France, Britain, Poland, and Canada declare war on Germany and Italy. Paris falls to Germany. Europe Start

23 Review Question True of False: Hitler controlled Italy. 1)True 2)False True False

24 CORRECT It is FALSE. Benito Mussolini was the leader of Italy

25 Sorry Try Again

26 Asia Allied Axis Both Review ChinaJapanSoviet UnionReview

27 Asia China China Chiang Kai-Shek

28 Chiang Kai-shek Born October 1887 Died April 1975 1926 became nominal leader Fought against communist party in civil war. Allied with U.S. Invaded by Japan Asia

29 Soviet Union Soviet Union Joseph Stalin Asia

30 Joseph Stalin Born December 1878 Died March 1953 Premier of Soviet Union from May 6,1941 – March 1953 Rebuilt the Soviet into communist country after the war. Asia

31 As an Axis Power Helped Germany invade Poland Had a non aggression act with Germany. Suppose to split Europe with Germany. Asia

32 As an Allied Power Hitler broke no aggression treaty. Germany invaded and started attacking Soviets. Soviets fought back. Joined forces with the allies to help bring down Germany. Asia

33 Japan Japan Hirohito Asia

34 Hirohito Born April 1901 Died January 1989 Emperor December 25,1926 – 1989 His belief that him and Japan were imperial. They were the best race. Asia

35 Why Attack Pearl Harbor? U.S banned all exports going to Japan. U.S opposed Japan expansion. Had to surrender or go to war with U.S. Believed they could beat the U.S. Home of Pacific Naval fleet. Asia

36 Review Asia China was allied force invaded by Japan. Soviet Union starts out as axis power but switch to Allied forces after Germany breaks non aggression treaty. Japan thinks they are superior. Japan bombs Pearl Harbor and U.S naval base. Asia Start

37 Review Question True or False: Japan invaded China 1)True 2)False True False

38 CORRECT True: Japan did invade China

39 Sorry Try Again Try Again

40 North America Allied Review Canada United States Review

41 Canada Canada William Lyon King North America

42 William King Born December 1874 Died July 1950 Prime Minister for Canada during World War 2 Was at war as soon as Britain joined. Could sense a war was coming so army was ready. North America

43 United States United States Franklin Roosevelt North America

44 Franklin Roosevelt Born January 1882 Died April 1945 President of the U.S from 1933-1945 (died in office) Had polio and beat it. Had plans for when America entered the war. Declared war on Japan. North America

45 U.S. Goes to War Pearl Harbor gets bombed destroying many ships and killing many people. Same day Germany and Italy declare war on the U.S. D-day storm beaches into France Drop A bomb on Japan to force them into surrender. North America

46 North America Review Canada first to enter war. Roosevelt defeats polio and is president of United States. After attack on Pearl Harbor U.S. declares war on Japan. Germany and Italy both declare war on U.S. North America Start

47 Review Question True of False: The United States didn’t declare war on anyone. 1)True 2)False

48 CORRECT False- The United States declared war on Japan after the bombing of Pearl Harbor.

49 Sorry Try Again Try Again

50 Review Nazi Germany ran by Adolf Hitler sides with Italy and Japan. Invades Poland September 1 st Takes Paris and 2/3 of France. Japan bombs Pearl Harbor. U.S. president Roosevelt declares war on Japan. Soviets change sides to allies after Germany breaks non aggression treaty.

51 Quiz Start

52 Question #1 Who was the leader of the Nazi Party? a)Adolf Hitler b)Benito Mussolini c)Joseph Stalin Joseph Stalin Benito Mussolini Adolf Hitler

53 Correct! Hitler was the leader of the Nazi Party Next Question

54 Sorry Try Again Think Germany Try Again

55 Question #2 What country invaded Poland? a)France b)Italy c)Germany France Italy Germany

56 Good Job! Germany did invade Poland on September 1 st. Next Question

57 Sorry Try Again Think Nazi’s Try Again

58 Question #3 What was bombed by the Japanese that lead America to war? a)Paris b)Pearl Harbor c)London Paris Pearl Harbor London

59 Excellent! The Japanese did attack Pearl Harbor leading the United States to declare war on Japan. Next Question

60 Sorry Try Again Think Hawaii Try Again

61 Question #4 What country switched from axis powers to allied powers during the war? a)Poland b)Italy c)Soviet Union Poland China Soviet Union

62 Correct! The Soviet Union did switch sides thanks to Germany breaking the non aggression treaty. Next Question

63 Sorry Try Again Think non aggression treaty. Try Again

64 Question #5 Germany invaded and took what famous city in France? a)Berlin b)Paris c)Moscow Berlin Paris Moscow

65 Good Job! Paris did fall to Germany. Next Question

66 Sorry Try Again Think Eifel Tower Try Again

67 Question #6 Which group contains the axis powers? a)Germany, Italy, China b)Germany, Italy, Japan c)Germany, Italy, Poland Germany, Italy, China Germany, Italy, Japan Germany, Italy, Poland

68 Excellent! Germany, Italy, and Japan were all axis powers. Next Question

69 Sorry Try Again Think who joined after Pearl Harbor. Try Again

70 Question #7 Who was the leader of the United States for the majority of World War 2? a)Franklin Roosevelt b)William King c)Winston Churchill Franklin Roosevelt William King Winston Churchill

71 Good Job! Franklin Roosevelt was their president during the majority of the war.

72 Sorry Try Again He had Polio. Try Again

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