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Mission and Focus To inspire our students with a passion for learning, empowered to pursue their dreams confidently and creatively, while contributing.

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2 Mission and Focus To inspire our students with a passion for learning, empowered to pursue their dreams confidently and creatively, while contributing to our community, nation, and world. Focus  Improving Math Achievement  Improving Literacy for All ( Reading/Writing/Thinking)  Building Relationships

3 The Achievement Formula Problem Solving + Standard Formative (P.I. + R.t.I.) Assessments Informs strategies & Informs/Guides instruction to Interventions to increase increase test scores(FOCUS……) grades and promote students --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- = Achievement

4 RtI School-Wide The basis of RtI is good instruction for all (tier 1 interventions for all) Asking kids Why? How?*Referring kids back to text* Use of rubrics Think out loudsParaphrasing*Daily Planner Teacher/Student ConferencesCooperative LearningE.Q.—level 2,3,4 D.O.K. Random Questioning/Think timeContent Area WritingUpdated teacher webpage Small Group Instr./DifferentiationInteractive NotebooksGrades updated on FOCUS Before/After School tutoringAchievement Contract/Goals Teacher calls/e-mails/conferences

5 Curriculum &Instruction Written (Core Curriculum) Intended (What you teach) Learned (What students learn) Continued use of standardized formative assessment to inform our instruction (FOCUS, FAIR, SRI, used as well) Assessment is only formative if it is used to drive instruction!!!!! SLOW DOWN – Mastery

6 Systems and Structures to Support Achievement PBS – Consistent and deliberate Buffalo Buck use Hawks Support (goal setting, relationships, character) Achievement Contracts – included in agenda Master Schedule (teaming) Discipline follow through(from Admin.)

7 Achievement is a total Team effort!

8 Question: Are you chilling out?

9 Or are your oars in the water – ready to win the achievement race!!! BCMS – A Crew Teamwork

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