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IRONY  Irony involves surprising, interesting, or amusing contradictions. When a story uses irony, something unexpected happens.  Irony creates a difference.

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Presentation on theme: "IRONY  Irony involves surprising, interesting, or amusing contradictions. When a story uses irony, something unexpected happens.  Irony creates a difference."— Presentation transcript:

1 IRONY  Irony involves surprising, interesting, or amusing contradictions. When a story uses irony, something unexpected happens.  Irony creates a difference between what is expected and what happens

2 3 KINDS OF IRONY  Situational  Verbal  Dramatic

3 SITUATIONAL IRONY  When something happens that directly contradicts the expectations of the characters or the audience  The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. Dorothy travels to a wizard and fulfills his challenging demands to go home, before discovering she had the ability to go back home all the time. The Wonderful Wizard of Oz  Back luck: A malfunctioning car is being towed--- Situational Irony: A tow truck is being towed  Bad Luck: a building burns down—Situational Irony: The firehouse burns down  Bad Luck: A man falls in a swimming pool—Situational Irony: A man steps to the side to avoid falling in a puddle, but ends up falling in a swimming pool  Harry Potter #7—No Spoilers

4 VERBAL IRONY  Something contradictory is said   "Oh Great" after something rotten happens is verbal irony.  A boy steps in big puddle of water by mistake, and his friend smiles kindly, starts to help his friend up and remarks, "well now, don't you have all the luck!"  When a mother walks into a room and sees that her children, instead of doing their homework, are playing video games, she gives them a stern look and says, "Once you're done with your very important work there, let's take some time out for recreation in the form of some chemistry problems.”  Donkey: Can I stay with you? Please? Shrek: Of course. Donkey: Really? Shrek: NO.

5 DRAMATIC IRONY  The audience is aware of something that the character or speaker is not   In The Lion King, Simba goes throughout the film until near its end believing that he was responsible for his father, Mufasa's, death. However, the audience knows that it was actually Simba's uncle Scar who killed Mufasa.The Lion King

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