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Deconstruction (II) Ephesians 5:22-33. A Statement Reveals a Shift A new statement can indicate a shift in policy by a government or regime A new.

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1 Deconstruction (II) Ephesians 5:22-33



4 A Statement Reveals a Shift A new statement can indicate a shift in policy by a government or regime A new statement can indicate a shift in policy by a government or regime Governments pay close attention to the words of other governments to understand how they are viewing things Governments pay close attention to the words of other governments to understand how they are viewing things

5 A Statement Reveals a Shift “I thought it would be more fulfilling” “I thought it would be more fulfilling” Reveals a shift in how marriage is viewed Reveals a shift in how marriage is viewed People are not fulfilled often because they have the wrong view of the goal and purpose of marriage People are not fulfilled often because they have the wrong view of the goal and purpose of marriage

6 A Statement Reveals a Shift Historically in the western world—marriage was more about US than about ME Historically in the western world—marriage was more about US than about ME Meaning was found in accepting a cultural role in the family and living it out Meaning was found in accepting a cultural role in the family and living it out Catholics and Protestants saw it a bit differently; yet at the core the view was similar in effect Catholics and Protestants saw it a bit differently; yet at the core the view was similar in effect

7 A Statement Reveals a Shift This view began to change with the Enlightenment and the shift has been continuing ever since This view began to change with the Enlightenment and the shift has been continuing ever since The individual became the central focus The individual became the central focus Marriage was affected—marriage became more about ME than US Marriage was affected—marriage became more about ME than US

8 A Statement Reveals a Shift Marriage came to be seen as a contract between two parties for mutual fulfillment Marriage came to be seen as a contract between two parties for mutual fulfillment Marriage was privatized; “Me” was put at center Marriage was privatized; “Me” was put at center This worldview has come to shape even how many Christians view marriage (Rom. 12:1-2) This worldview has come to shape even how many Christians view marriage (Rom. 12:1-2)

9 Reclaiming Our Biblical Heritage Marriage at its core is a COVENANT Marriage at its core is a COVENANT It is to put on display the covenant of Christ with His church It is to put on display the covenant of Christ with His church “Staying married, therefore, is not mainly about staying in love. It is about keeping covenant.” “Staying married, therefore, is not mainly about staying in love. It is about keeping covenant.”

10 Reclaiming Our Biblical Heritage Marriage is built from two people having a shared vision rooted in the gospel Marriage is built from two people having a shared vision rooted in the gospel “Eros” love is two people looking at each other “Eros” love is two people looking at each other Biblical love is about two people, hand in hand, looking out together with a shared view Biblical love is about two people, hand in hand, looking out together with a shared view

11 Reclaiming Our Biblical Heritage Marriage is about sanctification Marriage is about sanctification – A temporary assignment to an institution with a greater purpose than me – The gospel is about change, and so we are given to help one another to become our “glory-selves” (Keller)

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