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Adulthood You will know you are really an ADULT when….

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Presentation on theme: "Adulthood You will know you are really an ADULT when…."— Presentation transcript:

1 Adulthood You will know you are really an ADULT when….

2 Life After High School What are you looking forward to after high school? What are you anxious about? Your life experiences will help develop your opinions, interests, hobbies, decisions, careers and future.  How does this apply to your life?

3 Life After High School… College - How will you choose your school? - Do you have an intended major? - Do you have friends going to the same school? - What are your fears? Work Military Taking Time Off

4 College Roommates Usually the #1 “fear” for kids attending college where they will have no friends present. Expectations (BFF or “Freak”) Talk Early and Often - Are you a morning or night person? - Can you sleep if music is playing or the lights are on? - Are you a neat freak or is the floor your laundry basket? - How do you feel about sharing food, clothes, or school supplies? - How do you feel about overnight guests of the same sex? Of the opposite sex? How long can they stay?

5 Developmental Tasks of Adulthood An individual needs to satisfy well-defined developmental tasks of adulthood in order to reach emotional maturity. These Developmental Tasks include: - Occupational Role - Individual Identity/Personal Independence - Intimate Relationships - Place in Society

6 Establishing an Occupational Role… Finding a career (Career vs. Job) How will you make this choice? How will you prepare? - Education, on the job training, internships, etc. Money or Happiness?

7 Establishing an Individual Identity & Personal Independence… What is Independence? When will you achieve this? How have your parents helped you to become independent?

8 Establishing an Individual Identity & Personal Independence… Self-Actualization: developing one’s capabilities to the fullest; striving to become the best that you can be. (Goals that motivate and inspire you) What are the first steps most young adults take to achieve self-actualization?

9 Establishing Intimate Relationships… Building close relationships with people, while still maintaining a sense of self. Emotional Intimacy: the ability to experience a caring, loving relationship with another person, sharing your innermost feelings. Marriage vs. Life-long partner vs. Single How is the ability to maintain an adult relationship established?

10 Establishing a Place in Society… Determining where and how a person fits into society. Examples: Political views Religious views Community Responsibility Volunteer work What can you do to give back??

11 Middle Adulthood What transitions will be taking place as you enter middle adulthood? Generativity: shifting attention away from yourself and focusing on future generations. How have your parents shown this in your lives?

12 Middle Adulthood What are some of the physical transitions individuals face during Middle Adulthood? What are some of the mental and emotional transitions individuals face during Middle Adulthood? - “Mid Life Crisis”

13 Late Adulthood Final Stage of Development Typically accompanied by retirement from the workforce (as early as age 50 or well into one’s eighties) Typically free from pressures and daily responsibilities

14 Emotional & Social Changes Integrity: a feeling of wholeness and contentment. Family and close social relationships, religion, and integrity allow older individuals to enjoy the life they have left and accept the approach of death.

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