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2/3/2014-2/7/2014. English 10, 2 nd -3 rd periods 2/3/2014  Complete the warm-up for Monday on page 27 of your language books.  Reminders: 2 nd AR goal.

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Presentation on theme: "2/3/2014-2/7/2014. English 10, 2 nd -3 rd periods 2/3/2014  Complete the warm-up for Monday on page 27 of your language books.  Reminders: 2 nd AR goal."— Presentation transcript:

1 2/3/2014-2/7/2014

2 English 10, 2 nd -3 rd periods 2/3/2014  Complete the warm-up for Monday on page 27 of your language books.  Reminders: 2 nd AR goal is due Friday, February 7 th. If you have at least 30 points by Friday, you will be invited to the cookie cake and ice cream social on Valentine’s Day.

3 English 10, 2 nd -3 rd periods 2/3/2014  After reading “Eleven” complete the following:  Write one sentence telling what you think the story is about.  Write an informal, one-page response to the story.  Your response should be questions you have about the text, thoughts about its worth, memories or associations it brings to mind, or speculations about the author or author’s purpose.  Write three questions you have about the short story.

4 Drama: Chapter 4 Vocab. 1. Cue 11. emotional or 2. Down or downstage subjective acting 3. Up or upstage 12. technical or 4. Cover objective acting 5. Stage business 13. Konstain 6. Feeding Stanislaviski 7. C 14. “magic if” 8. Ad-lib 15. leading roles 9. Scene-stealing16. supporting 10. 10. tempo roles

5 English 10, 2 nd -3 rd periods 2/4/2014  Complete the warm-up for Tuesday on page 27 of your language books.  Huckleberry Finn Quote Project is due Wednesday, February 5 th.  Reminders: 2 nd AR goal is due Friday, February 7 th. If you have at least 30 points by Friday, you will be invited to the cookie cake and ice cream social.

6 English 10, 4th period 2/4/2014  Collection 1 Test is Wednesday, February 5 th.  Reminders: 2 nd AR goal is due Friday, February 7 th. If you have at least 30 points by Friday, you will be invited to the cookie cake and ice cream social .

7 English 10, 2 nd -3 rd periods 2/5/2014  Complete the warm-up for Wednesday on page 27 of your language books.  Huckleberry Finn Quote Project is due TODAY. If not turned in at the beginning of the period, 10 points off…turned in tomorrow, 15 points off, Friday, 20 points off and so on and so forth.  Reminders: 2 nd AR goal is due Friday, February 7 th. If you have at least 30 points by Friday, you will be invited to the cookie cake and ice cream social.

8 Chapter 4, Test II 1. Bit part: a very small role with few lines 2. Pause: a lull in the dialogue or action that helps sustain the scene’s emotion 3. Versatility: the ability to change character or style easily. 4. Character sketch: a brief biography an actor may write of his or her character. 5. Scoring a script: making things such as pauses, pitch levels, and speed of delivery on a script.

9 Chapter 4, Test II 6. +: the script-scoring symbol that indicates a slight pause 7. √: the script-scoring symbol that indicates a rising inflection 8. characterization: the process of creating and projecting the personality of a fully developed character. 9. Primary source: a person whom an actor observes firsthand to prepare for a role 10. Secondary source: a book or tape used to help an actor prepare for a role.

10 Chapter 4, Test II 11. concentration: the ability to direct your thoughts, energies, and skills into what you are doing at any given moment 12. projecting: reaching out with your character to all members of the audience. 13. Body language: another term for nonverbal communication. 14. Playing the object: the way in which an actor uses props onstage to project character.

11 Chapter 4, Test II 15. Playing the conditions: the way in which an actor uses elements such as time, place, and whether to meet his or her objective 16. cross: a movement from one location onstage to any other, usually in a gentle S- shaped pattern. 17. countercross: a movement in the opposite direction of a cross, used to preserve balance on the stage 18. Master gesture: a repeated action that is a clue to a character's personality.

12 Chapter 4, Test II 19. Leading center: the part of the actor’s body that emphasizes the character’s major personality trait. 20. knap: a sliding or slapping sound used in stage combat. 21. motivation: the why of characterization; a character’s inner force. 22. “cheating out”: the stage technique in which an actor turns at the waist with his or her face toward the audience

13 Chapter 4, Test II 23. “giving the scene”: the stage technique in which an actor crosses downstage, then turns partially upstage toward another actor. 24. “taking yourself out of a scene”: the stage technique in which an actor turns away from the audience, diverting attention from himself or herself. 25. “sharing a scene”: the stage technique in which two actors sit or stand parallel to one another.

14 English 10, 2 nd -4 th periods 2/7/2014  Complete the warm-up for Friday on page 27 of your language books.  Reminders: 2 nd AR goal is due today, February 7 th. If you have at least 30 points by today, you will be invited to the cookie cake and ice cream social.

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