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100 Vocab. Statistics Family Dating & Marriage Family Problems Misc. 100 200 300 400 500 400 300 200 100 200 300 400 500.

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Presentation on theme: "100 Vocab. Statistics Family Dating & Marriage Family Problems Misc. 100 200 300 400 500 400 300 200 100 200 300 400 500."— Presentation transcript:

1 100 Vocab. Statistics Family Dating & Marriage Family Problems Misc. 100 200 300 400 500 400 300 200 100 200 300 400 500

2 Vocabulary 100 Define Infatuation Is a state of being completely carried away by unreasoning passion or attraction. Main Menu

3 Vocabulary 200 Define Sibling Rivalry Competition among sisters and brothers, often for the attention or affection of parents. Main Menu

4 Vocabulary 300 Define Day Care Is supervision, usually at a facility, for preschool children or older adults who must be supervised during daytime working hours. Main Menu

5 Vocabulary 400 Define Date To engage in social events designed to allow people to explore their compatibility and to get to know each other. Main Menu

6 Vocabulary 500 Define Thrill Seeker People who are especially likely to take chances in exchange for momentary excitement. Main Menu

7 Family 100 What is Family? A group of people who are related by adoption, blood, or marriage, and are committed to each other. Main Menu

8 Family 200 What do parents teach their children early on? Values Main Menu

9 Family 300 What is a nuclear family? Mom and dad and natural or adopted children. Main Menu

10 Family 400 Goals of the family: Aging couple Maintain satisfaction with their life. Main Menu

11 Family 500 Secret to communication Assertive Communication Main Menu

12 Dating & Marriage 100 Intimacy Being very close and familiar, as in relationships involving private and personal sharing. Main Menu

13 Dating & Marriage 200 Date Being very close and familiar, as in relationships involving private and personal sharing. Main Menu

14 Dating & Marriage 300 What are some internet dating sites? and Eharmony Main Menu

15 Dating and Marriage 400 Mature Love A strong affection for, and deep attachment to a person whose character the partner knows well. The person accepts and tolerates the partner’s negative qualities. Main Menu

16 Dating & Marriage 500 External Pressures Messages from society, peers, and others that pressure people to be sexually active. Main Menu

17 Family Problems 100 Limited income Money is short, frustration and conflict may grow. Main Menu

18 Family Problems 200 Grieve To feel keen emotional pain and suffering over a loss. Main Menu

19 Family Problems 300 Active Abuse Abuse involving one person’s aggression against another. Main Menu

20 Family Problems 400 Passive abuse Abuse involving not taking needed actions, such as neglecting to provide food or shelter to a dependent victim. Main Menu

21 Family Problems 500 Asking for help is? A courageous act. Main Menu

22 Statistics 100 How many steps in a healthy relationships 5 Main Menu

23 Statistics 200 Society has changed over the last how many years? 50 Main Menu

24 Statistics 300 What percentage of children live in a single parent home? ¼ Main Menu

25 Statistics 400 How many children die at the hands of their abuser each year? 1,500 Main Menu

26 Statistics 500 How many older adults are abused each year? 1-2 million Main Menu

27 Miscellaneous 100 What fast-food chain puts advice on packets? Taco Bell Main Menu

28 Daily Double

29 Miscellaneous Daily Double What do you look for in a partner? Looking for a zombie apocalypse survival partner Main Menu

30 Miscellaneous 300 Name different types of abuse Physical, emotional, psychological, mental, sexual Main Menu

31 Miscellaneous 400 What grows directly to a person’s honesty? Trust Main Menu

32 Miscellaneous 500 A child can get to a high level of emotional health after they have been abused if what to things happen? Rescued and Supported Main Menu

33 Final Jeopardy What does STOP stand for? Stop-Analyze-Other - Activities-Plan

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