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…a parish in transition Church of the Good Shepherd Parish Forum 21 June 2015 Hosted by Senior Warden: John Morris.

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Presentation on theme: "…a parish in transition Church of the Good Shepherd Parish Forum 21 June 2015 Hosted by Senior Warden: John Morris."— Presentation transcript:

1 …a parish in transition Church of the Good Shepherd Parish Forum 21 June 2015 Hosted by Senior Warden: John Morris

2 Prayer for Our Journey The Rev. Canon Kristi Philip Ever-present God, You call us on a journey to a place we do not know. We are not where we started. We have not reached our destination. We are not sure where we are or who we are. This is not a comfortable place. Be among us, we pray. Calm our fears, save us from discouragement, And help us stay the course. Open our hearts to your guidance so that our journey to this Unknown place continues as a journey of trust. Amen 6/21/20152

3 “…just put one foot in front of the other.” Husband of Jennifer Pharr Davis, A-T Hiker Now Good Shepherd steps forward on their journey As there has been planning prior to the beginning of our journey – now we begin looking to how we will plan to traverse this path 6/21/20153

4 We Must First Realize That… Calling a new Rector is not like hiring a new partner in the secular world Calling a new Rector is not like voting for a candidate in an election Calling a new Rector is not a popularity contest Calling a new Rector is more like entering into a covenant, such as marriage Thoughtful - Prayerful - and it’s God’s timetable! 6/21/20154

5 …and we’ll be guided by three questions We begin this journey looking forward, asking ourselves over and over again… 1.Who have we been? 2.Who are we now? 3.Who is God calling us to be in the future? Let’s look at what we can anticipate over the next 6 months, and then in general after that 6/21/20155

6 …but, before looking at the next 6 months.. A healthy transition begins with… A GOOD “GOODBYE” TO FR. LARRY AND MELISSA They will be departing with 18 years 11 months of faithful, dedicated service to this Parish Vestry will work at identifying how and when we can say these goodbyes appropriately 6/21/20156

7 So, over the next six months… Pray-for guidance and direction Stabilize personnel – Hire a new part-time Parish Administrator – Establish a relationship with a new supply clergy Develop a skeleton budget for 2016 considering the transition process Develop a stewardship message that calls us forward to meet our needs and challenges Work with Diocese Transition Office on candidates for Interim Rector 6/21/20157

8 What do we do in the interim… Hire an Interim Rector Called by the Vestry – will do this fall 2015 Essential quality: Trained in Transition Ministry Target date – Available 1 Feb 2016 Goal: Prepare the congregation for the arrival of the next rector Vestry and Interim Rector agree to work closely together and to support each other by prayer, work and example 6/21/20158

9 During the Interim search period… Vestry will put out the call for vestry candidates for its next election Going off Vestry: Morris, Godin, Libby, Lincoln Vestry elections early December These new vestry members will carry us through the search process 6/21/20159

10 …what’s going on in December & January? Finalize hiring an Interim Rector Completing Stewardship campaign Vestry Elections Final Good Goodbyes to Larry & Melissa Christmas season Address by The Rev. Mary Thorpe Search Committee formation Annual Meeting 31 January 2016 Interim Rector assumes role 6/21/201510

11 …did you finally say Search Committee? First, finalize the members of the 2016 Vestry Then, begin the process of constituting and commissioning a search committee Vestry to work with Transition Office to review “best practices” on selecting a committee Once formed, covenants to be developed and acknowledged among the Vestry, Committee, Parish and Diocese We shall respect each other’s territory 6/21/201511

12 …so, what does the Search Committee do? Pray!....and, pray some more! Bond – Meet with Rev. Thorpe – Retreat - Reflect Period of Self-Study – Committee and Parish Profile development – Profile provided to Bishop for review/approval – Complete Parish portfolio and publish Candidate evaluation – Initial interviews/visits/reference checks/background checks/selecting finalists 6/21/201512

13 …and, when is it over? Final Candidates/Vestry Involvement – Final interviews/candidate presented to Vestry/ Vestry issues Call/ Letter of Agreement/ Announcement to congregation! Process is methodical – developing a covenant of marriage Will take many months – the timeline is God’s Refer back to slide #4 6/21/201513

14 6/21/201514

15 …and, where can I keep up to date? 6/21/201515 COGS IN TRANSITION New website for use by the Vestry and Search Committee To keep the Parish more informed

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