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Whatever happened to… Commitment?. “Commitment” “an agreement or pledge to do something; being obligated, bound, or emotionally impelled” (Webster’s Collegiate.

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Presentation on theme: "Whatever happened to… Commitment?. “Commitment” “an agreement or pledge to do something; being obligated, bound, or emotionally impelled” (Webster’s Collegiate."— Presentation transcript:

1 Whatever happened to… Commitment?

2 “Commitment” “an agreement or pledge to do something; being obligated, bound, or emotionally impelled” (Webster’s Collegiate Dict.)

3 Whatever happened to commitment in … Marriage? ‐> 50% divorce rate ‐Most common living arrangement is unmarried couple with no children ‐Traditional family – both parents with children – make up 26% of households, down from 45% in 1972

4 Whatever happened to commitment in … Children? ‐Approx only 50% of children live with their original parents, down from 75% in 1972 ‐Texas teen birthrate >10%

5 Whatever happened to commitment in … Education? ‐Increasing dropout rate ‐28% of students report class disorder ‐ Teachers failing competency exams

6 Whatever happened to commitment in … Work? ‐ 57% young workers looking for new job Law? ‐Violent crimes, white collar crimes, incarceration on the increase

7 Whatever happened to commitment in … Christians? ‐ Home/Family ‐Education (spiritual) ‐Work (in local church) ‐Law (of God) What it looks like: 2 Cor 5:14-15

8 Obstacles To Commitment Luke 9:57-62 Difficulty – vv 57-58 ‐Getting to heaven is not easy! ‐Matt 7:13-14, Luke 13:23-24 Family – vv 59-62 ‐Priorities ‐Matt 10:34-39

9 Becoming Committed Prepare your mind ‐Believe what YOU do makes a difference! ‐Rom 12:1-2 ‐Determination comes from within and is only decided by YOU! ‐Josh 24:15, 1 Pet 1:13-14, Rom 6:16

10 Becoming Committed Perform the right actions ‐Just DO it! ‐Heb 11:23-29 ‐Your actions prove whose child you are. ‐1 John 3:9-10, Titus 1:15-16

11 Becoming Committed Be steady and consistent ‐“Never, never, never give up!” ‐Remember the reward! ‐Matt 10:22, Rev 2:10, 2 Tim 4:7-8

12 Becoming Committed


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