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Effective Note-Taking Skills How to be Successful in Honors Elements of Literature.

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Presentation on theme: "Effective Note-Taking Skills How to be Successful in Honors Elements of Literature."— Presentation transcript:

1 Effective Note-Taking Skills How to be Successful in Honors Elements of Literature

2 Your Notebook Requirements:  You need a 3-ring notebook for this class. (no spiral or bound books)  5 sections Journal Notes Homework Classwork Miscellaneous You need dividers between these sections

3 Taking good notes can determine how well you do in a class  Always come to class prepared. No notebook = TARDY 3-ring binders allow easy insert or removal of documents. Highlight and underline key concepts/ideas stressed by teacher. Read assigned material and note material you do not understand:  Vocabulary  Concepts

4 Bring your listening ears!  When you walk through the door to any classroom, prepare yourself to listen attentively and with a positive attitude!  Pay attention to emphasis: “This is an important concept…” “You need to understand this…”

5 Develop a Note-Taking System that Works for YOU.  Always date each page. Sequence of material is important.  Leave space.  Keep your notes as brief as possible.  Note difficult vocabulary and concepts so that you can follow up.  Always try to put content in your own words. Your notes will make more sense to you this way.

6 Pay Attention to Content  Knowing what and how much to write is difficult; Keep these tips in mind: Details, facts, or explanations that expand or explain the main points that are mentioned.  Do not forget examples. Definitions, word for word. Lists of things that are discussed. Material written on the board or on a transparency, including drawings or charts. Information that is repeated or spelled out.

7 Review and Edit Notes  Review notes within 24 hours.  Edit or write out words that are unclear.  Compare to textbook.  Consider rewriting or typing notes.  Note anything you do not understand. Highlight

8 Note-Taking Methods:  The Cornell Method The Cornell method provides a systematic format for condensing and organizing notes without laborious recopying. After writing the notes in the main space, use the left-hand space to label each idea and detail with a key word or "cue."  The Outlining Method Irony:  Contrast between expectation and reality.  Difference between what is said and what is really meant. Verbal Irony  “The Cask of Amontillado” Situational  A firehouse catching on fire. Dramatic  “Romeo and Juliet”

9 Note-Taking Methods con’t: IRONY: The contrast between expectation and reality. Situational Irony A firehouse setting on fire. Verbal Irony: “The Cask of Amontillado” Narrator Dramatic Irony: “Romeo and Juliet” Mapping Method:

10 Works Cited Dietsche, Vivinette K. “Top 5 Tips for Effective Note-Taking.” Dennis G. Jerz Teaching Website. 13 Dec. 2000. Seton Hall University. 27 Sept. 2008.

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