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The Light of the World John 8:12-20 Review The Feast of Tabernacles ended the day before This day was also a holy day –All Israel was to assemble –Jesus.

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2 The Light of the World John 8:12-20

3 Review The Feast of Tabernacles ended the day before This day was also a holy day –All Israel was to assemble –Jesus was teaching in the temple Pharisees had attempted to trap Jesus by using an adulterous woman as a prop Jesus turned the tables on them by making them consider their sin in the matter

4 Introduction The Jews had developed some traditional practices added to the feast –One was the elaborate ceremony surrounding the drink offering each day –Another tradition was the lighting of a giant menorah in the temple courtyard Some believe there were a pair of such menorah The menorah was lit either each evening of the 8 days or only on the evening of the 8 th day Jn 8:12 –Jesus says He is the Light of the world –No more need to walk in darkness

5 The darkness of the world A figurative depiction of the sinful state of the world –Job 5:14 – used by Eliphaz –Job 12:24-25 – agreed with by Job –Ps 107:10-11 – a place of rebellion –John 3:19 –Rom 13:12-13 –Eph 5:11

6 The darkness of the world In the news (terrorism, war, oppression, sexual abuse, greed) In the media (pornography, filthy language) Experienced in life (adultery, physical and verbal abuse, false religions) As described in Eph 4:17-19 –Many walk in darkness... In the futility of their minds Darkened in their understanding Alienated from the life of God Ignorant because of the blindness of their heart Past feeling, given over to lewdness Working all uncleanness with greediness

7 Jesus is the Light of the world A claim made several times in John –Jn 1:4-9; 9:5; 12:35-36 He is THE light, not a light A prophecy of the Messiah – Isa 9:1-2 –Alluded to in Zacharias’ prophecy – Lk 1:76-79 –Fulfilled by Jesus – Matt 4:12-17 The light not just for Jews, but for all the world –As prophesied – Isa 42:6-7; 49:6; 60:1-3

8 For those who follow Him The existence of light is of no use for those who refuse to leave the darkness –Jn 3:19-21 –Ps 97:10-12 In order to follow Him, one must... –Believe and repent (Jn 12:46) –Abide in (obey) His word (Jn 8:31) –Be baptized (Mt 28:18-20)

9 The reaction Jn 8:13-20 –The Pharisees rejected the claim as self-witness –Jesus points out that prohibition against one witness was to prevent lying Jesus testimony was true because of Who He is –Heb 6:16-18 –Only possible because He is God –They had rejected Jesus based on appearances and preconceptions Jesus said He would not judge in that manner But He would judge truly, because of Who He is

10 Witnesses And even if they choose to reject Jesus’ witness of Who He is... –There was still the witness of the Father Jn 5:36-40 –Through the miracles –Directly through His voice from heaven –Through the Scriptures The Father’s witness is true and validates Jesus’ claim

11 The Father The Pharisees pretended not to know Whom Jesus meant by His Father –They had plainly understood His reference before (Jn 5:17-18) –Jesus agrees that they don’t know the Father, otherwise they would have accepted Jesus Hos 4:6 – such had long been true of Israel –One who believes and obeys Jesus knows the Father

12 Conclusion Are you lost in the darkness of the world? –Jesus is the Light Believe Him Obey Him Be baptized and be set free from sin Then you can be a light for the world, leading the lost to Jesus, the greater Light (Mt 5:14-16) 2Cor 4:1-6


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