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Presentation on theme: "WESTERN LITERATURE FEBRUARY 4, 2015 OEDIPUS THE KING DRAFT DAY."— Presentation transcript:


2 WARM UP FOR 2/4/2015 How do you eliminate 2 nd person from your writing? How do you eliminate 2 nd person from your writing? If you cannot explain why with a strategy, then write an example of how you revised “you” out of a claim.


4 HOW TO ELIMINATE THE 2 ND PERSON What is 2 nd person? Why is 2 nd person inappropriate for formal academic writing? How can you revise 2 nd person out of your writing? How can 2 nd person be revised out of formal academic writing? ;)

5 WHY YOU SHOULDN’T USE “YOU” When the writer uses 2 nd person, s/he makes assumptions about the reader. How do these examples make you feel as a reader? "You should always be careful when confronting teachers about their favorite sports teams’ losses, since you're bound to get punished if you are too hostile towards them.” “One week our class wrote a sonnet together. You were graded on your use of Iambic Pentameter and your rhyming couplet at the end.” Even though the writer means to say that s/he was the one being graded, what s/he is actually saying is that the READER was being graded, when in fact the reader was not. OR WHY “YOU” DOES NOT HAVE A PLACE IN FORMAL WRITING.

6 WHY YOU SHOULDN’T USE “YOU” The use of the "you" voice can cause the writer to lose credibility with the reader precisely because of the assumptions that are made through the writing. It can also offend the reader. OR WHY “YOU” DOES NOT HAVE A PLACE IN FORMAL WRITING.

7 HOW TO FIX IT CHANGING THE VOICE One way to instantly make an essay more acceptable is to change second person to third person with words like “reader,” “one,” or “they.” Example: Your interpretation of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet is based on whether you feel the two lovers should have been so foolish as to try to run away together. This becomes: The reader's interpretation of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet is based on whether he or she feels the two lovers should have been so foolish as to run away together. When you use the singular form of reader, you must stick to the singular form. You may not use “they” unless you say “readers’.” THIS SOLUTION OFTEN BECOMES REPETITIVE. THOUGH IT WORKS, IT IS NOT THE BEST WRITING.

8 PASSIVE VS. ACTIVE VOICE ACTIVE VOICE before the verb The subject of the sentence is present before the verb. The student read the book. PASSIVE VOICE The subject of the sentence is not usually present. If it is present than it appears as the object of the preposition after “by.” The book was read by the student.

9 HOW TO FIX IT USING PASSIVE VOICE Passive voice is an effective way to avoid 2 nd person. Though passive voice is typically not advised, it can be effective in academic writing because it changes the focus of the subject. Example: Your interpretation of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet is based on whether you feel the two lovers should have been so foolish as to try to run away together. This becomes: The interpretation of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet is based on whether the two lovers should have been so foolish as to try and run away together. The sentence is already using passive voice, so here it was only necessary to take out all references to the reader.

10 HOW TO FIX IT USING PASSIVE VOICE Passive voice can be effective in academic writing because it changes the focus of the subject. Example: When you read Hamlet, you should notice clear foreshadowing of events to transpire. This becomes: In reading Hamlet, events to come are clearly foreshadowed. Instead of putting action on the reader, the action has instead become passive, as evidenced by the "are foreshadowed.” The focus is not on YOU as the reader but instead the events.

11 HOW TO FIX IT USING THE INFINITIVE FORM Infinitives are verbs that are preceded by the word "to." So, "to visit," "to play," and "to weep" are all infinitives. Example: You have to realize that Ms. Brooks is not a fair-weather fan. This becomes: It is important to realize that Ms. Brooks is not a fair-weather fan. Example: You should always be careful when confronting teachers about their favorite sports teams’ losses, since you're bound to get punished if you are too hostile towards them. This becomes: To avoid punishment (i.e. detention) it is crucial to be careful when confronting teachers about their favorite sports teams’ losses.

12 HOW DO YOU FIX IT? It is impossible to change your path because fate knows what you will inevitably choose. HOW CAN THE USE OF “YOU” BE ELIMINATED?

13 HOW DO YOU FIX IT? You know that Oedipus has fulfilled the prophecy when he blames it on Creon which is dramatic irony. HOW CAN THE USE OF “YOU” BE ELIMINATED?

14 HOW DO YOU FIX IT? The shepherd’s decision to save Oedipus reveals that free will does not exist because you will always end up where your fate leads you. HOW CAN THE USE OF “YOU” BE ELIMINATED?

15 HOW DO YOU FIX IT? You know what is going on in the play because of the presence of the Greek chorus. HOW CAN THE USE OF “YOU” BE ELIMINATED?

16 HOW DO YOU FIX IT? Oedipus shows you how your pride can lead to your downfall. HOW CAN THE USE OF “YOU” BE ELIMINATED?

17 DRAFTING TIME During class today, you will write your rough draft of your essay. During class today, you will write your rough draft of your essay. Your rough draft is due on Friday so use your time wisely. You can only earn credit for rough drafts on the original due date. There will be no late rough drafts accepted for credit. Remember: Remember: You must use at least five direct quotes. You may not use 2 nd person. You must include an introduction and conclusion (but it okay to write these last!)

18 HOMEWORK Write your completed rough draft and bring it to class on Friday. Late rough drafts will not earn any credit.


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