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T h e s e a r e t h e h o l i d a y s t h a t w e h a v e i n t h e U. S. Our Holidays! By: Claire B.

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1 T h e s e a r e t h e h o l i d a y s t h a t w e h a v e i n t h e U. S. Our Holidays! By: Claire B.

2 Independence Day!!! Independence day celebrates when the United States became free from the British. The Declaration of Independence was signed on July 4, 1776 making us a free country! On this day, there are usually parades and many American flags!

3 Columbus Day!!! Columbus day is usually arranged on the second Monday of October. This slightly forgotten holiday remembers when Christopher Columbus brought over three ships to America for the first time. He is one of the reasons that we are here and why there many cultures in the United States! He brought over many of them!

4 Native American Day!! This holiday is celebrated on the second Monday of October, just like Columbus day! Native Americans decided to have a day where they celebrated their culture and what they do. They usually dress up in costumed costumes and do religious dances!

5 Martin Luther King Jr. Day! Martin Luther King Jr. is celebrated on the third Monday of January. It celebrates what Martin Luther did as a Civil Rights leader. He lead marches and gave inspiring speeches. He changed the view of many Americans!

6 Veteran’s Day!!! Veteran’s day is usually hThis eld on November 11th. This is to honor all of the people who have served in the U.S. Armed Forces. They have to be alive to be honored on veterans day. I’ll talk about the ones that have fought and died in the army, in the next side.

7 Memorial Day!!! Memorial day was set on May 5, 1868 and that is when we celebrate it. Like I said before, on this day we honor all of the men and women that fought and died on the battlefield. This started long ago when they started to honor people in only one war. Soon after, this changed into Memorial and Veteran’s day!

8 Thanksgiving!!! Thanksgiving is celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November. The story of Thanksgiving is when the Pilgrims traveled all the way from England to explore the United States. Their lead explorer, Christopher Columbus, lead three ships to explore. When they got there, they met some Wompanong Indians. They taught them to farm and survive. After a year had passed, they only had half of them still alive,so they had a feast. This is how Thanksgiving came to be!

9 Thanks!!! Thank you for watching my power point on the holidays that we celebrate in America!

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