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Theunis Dey Elementary School

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Presentation on theme: "Theunis Dey Elementary School"— Presentation transcript:

1 Theunis Dey Elementary School
“Theunis Dey Students Stand Up, We Don’t Stand By” Ms. Necole Jadick, Principal Mrs. Josephine Ramirez, Elementary School Counselor

2 Theunis Dey Vision Statement
To create a climate & culture that remains mindful that students are always first by encouraging open and ongoing communication, cooperation, and collaboration. Our school community is committed to working together to meet students’ social, emotional, and academic needs in order to empower all students to feel Capable, Connected, and Contributing.

3 (Formerly Character Education Partnership – CEP)
National advocate and leader for the character education movement. Schools of Character Program Not a competition - opportunity to go through a rigorous process of feedback and coaching recognition for growth and excellence in the area of character development through's 11 Principles of Effective Character Education framework.   Over 300 schools so far are National Schools of Character.   schools and 3 districts

4 Theunis Dey Elementary School
National School of Character State School of Character

5 What Does It Mean? Mrs. Ramirez and Mrs. Hoogstrate presented at NJ Alliance for Social Emotional and Character Development (NJASECD) We will be honored at the 22nd Forum on Character Education in Atlanta, GA October 15th-18th, 2015 Mentor other schools seeking National School of Character status We continue doing what we do!

6 Timeline Under the leadership of Dr. Laura Russomano and the guidance of Mrs. Heather Bobrowsky, TD applied for national title in 2013 Named State School of Character Given feedback on how to improve and reapply Reduce 10 Core Values to 5 Used 2014 as a year for implementation of feedback Applied December 2014 Received word on State School of Character Award – March 2015 site visit – April 14th, 2015 Wanted to provide an authentic “Day at Theunis” experience Notified of National Status – May 12, 2015

7 Our School Pledge: We are important We are respectful We are prepared
We are responsible for our own actions We are positive with ourselves and others

8 5 Core Values: Teamwork Respect Responsibility Individuality
TRRIC 5 Core Values: Teamwork Respect Responsibility Individuality Citizenship

9 Core Values Everywhere

10 The Green Team Overlap in “Respecting our Environment”
SECD Committee and Green Committee merged

11 Suggestion Box

12 Building Community T-Shirts, Planners, & Folders
National Walk to School Day New Recess Equipment to Foster Teamwork and Cooperation Cultural Arts Program Integration Community Garden Outdoor Classrooms Service Learning Citizenship – 9/11 Ceremony, Veterans’ Day, GI Go Fund, Various Collections Alumni “Giving Back” Visiting Nurse Service Party for the Planet

13 T-Shirts, Planners, & Folders
Design Contest to integrate our Core Values into a: T-shirt Design (for sale) Folder Design (K-5) Planner Design (2-5)

14 National Walk to School Day!

15 Thank You, PTO! PTO Purchased Recess Equipment
Cultural Arts Programs: “The Power of One”

16 The Dr. Laura Russomano H.E.R.O. Garden A Place For ALL
Thank You, Dr. Russomano The Dr. Laura Russomano H.E.R.O. Garden A Place For ALL

17 Community Garden and Compost Pile

18 Outdoor Classrooms

19 Service Learning Thanksgiving Cards & Crafts- Gr. 3
A Visit From Our Friends Thanksgiving Cards & Crafts- Gr. 3 Holiday Cards & Crafts- Gr. 2 Valentine’s Cards & Crafts- Gr. 1 Spring Cards & Crafts- Pre-K & K Spring Band Concert- Gr. 5 Spring Vocal Concert- Gr. 4 & 5

20 Meeting Our Friends from Preakness Healthcare Center

21 Citizenship 9-11 Memorial Assembly Veteran’s Day GI Go Fund
Valentine’s for Veterans Bag a Lunch, Help a Bunch Turkey Trot: Thanksgiving meals for our friends The Giving Tree

22 9-11 Assembly

23 Veterans’ Day



26 Helping Our Friends Soldier Darrin Turkey Trot

27 Bag a Lunch, Help a Bunch

28 GI Go Fund

29 Valentine’s for Veterans

30 Fun & Fitness

31 Our Alumni Care Back on Your Feet Right to Write
Local teenager Nicole Loffredo was one of three inductees into the American Association of University Women (AAUW) Girls Hall of Fame recently during a ceremony held at the Wayne Public Library.

32 Our Community Makes a Difference: Visiting Nurse Associates

33 Party for the Planet Thursday, May 28th 5:30-7:30pm

34 And Our Work Continues…

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