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1 Psychology 320: Psychology of Gender and Sex Differences September 4 Lecture 1.

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1 1 Psychology 320: Psychology of Gender and Sex Differences September 4 Lecture 1

2 Your support team: Sunaina Assanand, Jacqueline-Marie Ferland, Pavel Kozik, Jonathan Blasberg, Natalie Kalb, Derek Zhenxinyu Zhang. 2 Please read the course syllabus thoroughly. Course syllabus

3 3 Course description: Gender and sex diversity. Research methods. Gender stereotypes. Gender development. Gender identity and dysphoria. Psychological and behavioural similarities and differences between females and males. Psychotherapy. Exploitation, oppression, and violence. Gender equality, equity, and social change.

4 4 Course objectives: “Gender-fair” perspective. Positive space.

5 5 Course website: Password: 320gender. Slides will be posted after class. “Extras for Your Interest” webpage.

6 6

7 7 Textbook: Brannon, L. (2011). Gender: Psychological Perspectives. Purchase the 6 th edition. In the event of discrepancies, rely upon class material.

8 8 Evaluation: Exams: 4 x 20% each. Multiple choice/open-ended extended response questions. Non-cumulative. Material presented in lecture and textbook. Midterms “split” over two classes. Paper: 20%. Option A: Gender-based analysis; self, family member, friend, public figure, fictional character. Option B: Literature review of a debate.

9 9 Is the wage gap between males and females justified? Does pornography reduce the incidence of rape? Is sexuality (e.g., bisexuality, heterosexuality, homosexuality, pansexuality, asexuality) biologically or socially determined? Are females or males more likely to perpetrate intimate partner violence? Is early genital surgery (i.e., genitoplasty) beneficial or harmful to children born with ambiguous genitalia? Is sex segregation in the labour force the product of biological or social factors? Is circumcision—among females or males—a justifiable practice? Are there sex differences in morality? Who benefits more from marriage—men or women? Should fetal sex selection be legally prohibited? Examples of debates:

10 10 In the event of illness, please notify me within 24 hours of an exam or the paper due date. After 24 hours, “0” on the exam and 10% penalty per 24-hour period on paper.

11 11 Community service learning (CSL): Up to 40 students. Volunteer service (30-50 hours) at a local organization. Complete several graded requirements related to CSL placement instead of Option A or Option B of paper. Discussion group attendance: 2% “Articulated learning” journal entries: 8% End-of-placement paper: 10% Total:20% Information session in class in mid-October. Applications due in late October. Placements in second term. Organizational meeting for participating students on January 13, 5:00-6:30, 2510, Kenny Building.

12 12 Peer mentor program: Optional tutorial sessions, led by peer mentors. Discuss questions in small and large groups. Submit questions of concern or interest ahead of time. Assess, explore, collaborate! Dates and times TBA.

13 13 Participation: Controversial topics, diverse opinions. Respectful, nonjudgmental. Refrain from dominating discussion. Positive and informative classroom environment. The “?” bag: Questions, suggestions, comments. Anonymous.

14 14 Missed classes and student contacts: Name? Year of study? Major? Hometown? Reasons for enrolling in Psychology 320? Interests and concerns related to this course?

15 15 Laptop use: If used for inappropriate activities in class (e.g., “surfing”), sit in back three rows of classroom. Requests for adjustment of grades and academic concession: Within 4 weeks of posting of grades. For medical, emotional, or personal problems, contact me before exam dates and paper due date. No accommodations after exams or paper submission. No changes in relative weight of course requirements or points added to increase final standing.

16 16 Psychology Department’s policy on distribution of grades: For 300-level courses, required mean=66-70%, SD=13%. Withdrawal dates: September 20 (no “W”), November 22 (with “W”).

17 17 Questions, concerns, comments? Looking forward to a great year ahead!

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